Since this forum is made up of many older guys who presumably are on Medicare, maybe someone can explain this to me.
I am in the process of picking a Medicare advantage plan for my mother. I have all but settled on a plan with United healthcare that covers 100% of doctor visits, specialist visits, emergency room visits, hospital stay, tests, operations, ect. Basically 100% of her medical needs. In addition, there is dental and eyecare coverage. And an over the counter allowance of $105 every 3 months to by health related things at the drugstore, like CVS or you can buy it online and have it delivered.
Sounds amazing and is far different than the original medicare my partner had, which required a supplemental plan to cover the 20% expenses that medicare did not cover.
So my question is am I missing something here? How can these plans cover so much more? Is there some downside that I am not seeing? Frankly I am just concerned these plans look too good to be true. Mom is very healthy right now, but I certainly want her to be covered for anything that comes down the road.