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Thread: medicare advantage plans

  1. #1
    Since this forum is made up of many older guys who presumably are on Medicare, maybe someone can explain this to me.

    I am in the process of picking a Medicare advantage plan for my mother. I have all but settled on a plan with United healthcare that covers 100% of doctor visits, specialist visits, emergency room visits, hospital stay, tests, operations, ect. Basically 100% of her medical needs. In addition, there is dental and eyecare coverage. And an over the counter allowance of $105 every 3 months to by health related things at the drugstore, like CVS or you can buy it online and have it delivered.

    Sounds amazing and is far different than the original medicare my partner had, which required a supplemental plan to cover the 20% expenses that medicare did not cover.

    So my question is am I missing something here? How can these plans cover so much more? Is there some downside that I am not seeing? Frankly I am just concerned these plans look too good to be true. Mom is very healthy right now, but I certainly want her to be covered for anything that comes down the road.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #2
    Sounds like your mom is destitute. That's how healthcare works in this country. It's based on your ability to pay. Since your Sugar Daddy had resources he paid.

  3. #3
    Medicare is not a welfare program for the destitute. It is a government medial program for people that worked and paid in to it.

    I am sure you are aware of this, you just couldn't help yourself from bullying and trolling. It is who you are now.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  4. #4
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I believe the key difference between a medicare advantage plan and a medicare supplement plan is that locally an advantage plan locks you into certain providers, whereas with a supplwement plan you can see any doc who accepts new medicare patients.

    FWIW we opted for an advantage plan, as the provider is a large clinic which we'd been going to anyway over the years.

    Google the issue...kind of complicated but worth drilling down on.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    I believe the key difference between a medicare advantage plan and a medicare supplement plan is that locally an advantage plan locks you into certain providers, whereas with a supplwement plan you can see any doc who accepts new medicare patients.

    FWIW we opted for an advantage plan, as the provider is a large clinic which we'd been going to anyway over the years.

    Google the issue...kind of complicated but worth drilling down on.
    Parts B and D are income based. Parts A and C are not.

  6. #6
    If I wanted advice on my mother's health insurance, rather than to convince people that I were a normal person with real responsibilities, I would definitely seek it on a low-traffic gambling forum.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Since this forum is made up of many older guys who presumably are on Medicare, maybe someone can explain this to me.

    I am in the process of picking a Medicare advantage plan for my mother. I have all but settled on a plan with United healthcare that covers 100% of doctor visits, specialist visits, emergency room visits, hospital stay, tests, operations, ect. Basically 100% of her medical needs. In addition, there is dental and eyecare coverage. And an over the counter allowance of $105 every 3 months to by health related things at the drugstore, like CVS or you can buy it online and have it delivered.

    Sounds amazing and is far different than the original medicare my partner had, which required a supplemental plan to cover the 20% expenses that medicare did not cover.

    So my question is am I missing something here? How can these plans cover so much more? Is there some downside that I am not seeing? Frankly I am just concerned these plans look too good to be true. Mom is very healthy right now, but I certainly want her to be covered for anything that comes down the road.

    This site above explains options and lets you compare pricing and coverages

  8. #8
    Sorry for reviving this thread. Has anyone here got the Advantage plans recently?

  9. #9
    We have a senior here that could use your help. But it’s best to PM her, she is shy but will appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

    She posts under “Tasha”

  10. #10
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Yes, Tasha is in dire need of information about medicare advantage plans, especially those which offer "special coverage" for "special disorders."

    Tasha is afflicted with OCD: not only must she gamble but when she isn't gamblng she's posting online and when neither of those addictions are enough she drops her panties and shits on the floor.

    Would the advantage plan pay for the adult sized "cat box with litter" she so desperately needs?

    Would it pay for a psychiatrist and the necessary lobotomy?

    What about aftercare, if she's left a drooling vegetable?

    Thanks for're a real peach, I can tell.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #11
    Let's not forget about the Medicare frauds, so be careful when you get one. Read here that there are a lot of them.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by will287 View Post
    Let's not forget about the Medicare frauds, so be careful when you get one. Read here that there are a lot of them.
    Think this one passed through the cracks

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