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Thread: It's not Singer's $1.2 million, but it will have to suffice

  1. #221
    Can you tell the difference between platinum and 18K white gold even from a distance?

    It's not hard at all for those in the know.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #222
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Somehow, some way, the truth always has a way of coming out on VCT.
    If exposing lies reveals the truth, then what of the stuff on VCT? I guess, not even lies. Ha.

  3. #223
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    his Co-Host Brandon constantly interrupted with his wack theories on why the casino staff should get tipped.
    I do tip sometimes, but the chance of the money being spent wisely is about the same as if I give it to a hobo on the pedestrian bridge.

    One small suggestion for Dan. It sounds like he slow rolled the employee before handing over the $400. They don't like standing around looking like they're waiting for a tip. Decisiveness is important to avoid embarrassing anyone.

  4. #224
    I really feel almost the same as Druff does on tipping. Unlike for him, I don't feel stressed at all when the moment comes to tip on a significant win. I absolutely hate when people feel entitled to a large tip. On the other hand if I know someone will be grateful of a large tip on a significant jackpot - I have no problem giving it to them.

    One way you can generally tell if a person is going to be appreciative of a tip, is simply ask them, almost in a joking tone, "What is a good tip?", there is no right or wrong answer - However, the way they respond will tell you a lot.

    Fortunately for me, with what I do, I don't get many W2G's, so it isn't an issue. I know for most AP's, especially table game players, tipping can greatly affect your hourly EV.

    Slot Lady and her Significant other Victor, who have the YouTube channel, "All Casino Action" - just about the only thing they do right is tell the dealer, "I will tip you at the end of our session." This way the dealer doesn't expect a tip after 2 wins in a row.

    One thing that irritates me that dealers say if a player lost is, "that is their shuffle" (referring to the dealer prior that shuffled the cards). Then after their shuffle ,saying, "Ok, now this one is mine" lol. If the player loses again, they reach deeper into their "bag of sayings", and find, "Cant win em' all". Rinse and repeat.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 11-29-2023 at 09:50 AM.

  5. #225
    Not sure why anyone tips for being inconvenienced waiting and having to submit to paperwork in order to get your money. That's the definition of retarded....RIP

  6. #226
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    I really feel almost the same as Druff does on tipping. Unlike for him, I don't feel stressed at all when the moment comes to tip on a significant win. I absolutely hate when people feel entitled to a large tip. On the other hand if I know someone will be grateful of a large tip on a significant jackpot - I have no problem giving it to them.

    One way you can generally tell if a person is going to be appreciative of a tip, is simple ask them, almost in a joking tone, "What is a good tip?", and by the way they respond will tell you a lot.

    Fortunately for me, with what I do, I don't get many W2G's, so it isn't an issue. I know for most AP's, especially table game players, tipping can greatly affect your hourly EV.
    True AP's don't tip on handpays just because they won a significant or even larger amount---ever. Foolishly handing over a portion of your win to casino employees simply because you claim to "feel sorry" for the small wage they earn is as pathetic excuse as there is. And there is no such thing as tipping because you're known and are a regular player at a casino. That's even worse. Not only does it cut into your expected value--it shows weakness and a low intimidation tolerance. Not the best traits for claiming to be an AP/professional gambler.

    The only "tip" I've left in the last 23-3/4 years on jackpot handpays--and there's been a shit ton--was when I was dealt the $1.5m hand. I gave $20k to the person who set up the play as close to my request as possible, and who also alerted me to the fact that they could change the game from 5-play to 10-play if I wanted that after losing $100k. To me, THOSE are the only type of valid reasons for sharing a portion of a big win with any employee.

  7. #227
    Rob, You did NOT win $1.5 Million and you certainly did not tip $20k. In the words of MaxPen... RIP

    As far as tipping, there is no such thing as "true AP's" doing it a certain way.

    I wouldnt expect an AP to tip. Most don't do it because they CAN'T AFFORD to do it. Which is understandable.

    Real AP's have high enough of an hourly rate where it wouldn't kill you.

    If the choose to bless someone else that is up to them.

    It is completely a case by case basis. For me, I tip due to an enjoyable service the dealer provided. Definitely not because I am "weak".

    There are good cases to be made for and against casino tipping.

  8. #228
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    This was a discussion of the psychology of the typical table game player, and the difference between the psychological makeup of the typical table game player and typical machine player. Again, the typical slots player just likes to hit those buttons and zone out. The typical table game player thrives off the up and down action of the tension as the hand is played out.
    I find both to be true as to my slot play.

    If by "zone out" you mean forget your self, your daily troubles, and surrender to the game ... yes, to a point: it can be quite escapist.

    But I am constantly "nervous" when gambling, knowing and hoping that the next hit could be something wonderful: this keeps me attentive as opposed to inattentive to the game.

    As for the psychology involved, I've concluded I play in large part because with every bet, be it at a machine or a craps table, I have money at risk and I experience simultaneous jolts of contradictory feelings: greed / hope on the one hand, fear on the other.

    A stimulating cocktail.
    A slot parlor owner in Montana told me that one of his expenses was replacing chairs that women pissed in. They get so zoned in they won't even get up and go to the restroom.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #229
    A few things.

    1)Years ago, the rule of thumb with the vpFREE crowd as a $10 tip on a 1K royal and a $20 tip on a 4K royal. I think Dancer tipped $20 on a 20K royal. Per that speed Druff should have tipped about $50.

    2)I've been in spots where those that tipped got to keep their seats on advantage plays while those that didn't tip got the boot. I've seen people get the boot off plays because they wouldn't tip the cocktail waitress or change cart person. You don't want to piss anybody off including the underlings. Losing a $100 an hour play because you wouldn't tip a few bucks is cutting your nose off to spite your face.

    3) Why would I blow a 10K bundle of hundreds on a watch when my $50 Timex keeps perfect time and I don't have something on my wrist that makes me a target for a robbery? When I carry large sums of money in and out of casinos I don't want shit hanging on me that makes me look rich.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #230
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    A few things.

    1)Years ago, the rule of thumb with the vpFREE crowd as a $10 tip on a 1K royal and a $20 tip on a 4K royal. I think Dancer tipped $20 on a 20K royal. Per that speed Druff should have tipped about $50.

    2)I've been in spots where those that tipped got to keep their seats on advantage plays while those that didn't tip got the boot. I've seen people get the boot off plays because they wouldn't tip the cocktail waitress or change cart person. You don't want to piss anybody off including the underlings. Losing a $100 an hour play because you wouldn't tip a few bucks is cutting your nose off to spite your face.

    3) Why would I blow a 10K bundle of hundreds on a watch when my $50 Timex keeps perfect time and I don't have something on my wrist that makes me a target for a robbery? When I carry large sums of money in and out of casinos I don't want shit hanging on me that makes me look rich.
    The debate over tipping on HP’s is valid with reasons both ways. But anyone AP or not, not tipping a cocktail server isn’t going to get another drink quickly and is truly a cheap bastard.

  11. #231
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    A few things.

    1)Years ago, the rule of thumb with the vpFREE crowd as a $10 tip on a 1K royal and a $20 tip on a 4K royal. I think Dancer tipped $20 on a 20K royal. Per that speed Druff should have tipped about $50.

    2)I've been in spots where those that tipped got to keep their seats on advantage plays while those that didn't tip got the boot. I've seen people get the boot off plays because they wouldn't tip the cocktail waitress or change cart person. You don't want to piss anybody off including the underlings. Losing a $100 an hour play because you wouldn't tip a few bucks is cutting your nose off to spite your face.

    3) Why would I blow a 10K bundle of hundreds on a watch when my $50 Timex keeps perfect time and I don't have something on my wrist that makes me a target for a robbery? When I carry large sums of money in and out of casinos I don't want shit hanging on me that makes me look rich.
    The debate over tipping on HP’s is valid with reasons both ways. But anyone AP or not, not tipping a cocktail server isn’t going to get another drink quickly and is truly a cheap bastard.
    A drink server is a requested service. A handpay is a forced inconvenience.

    Now here's my opinion on tipping for drinks at a red light green light bar. Once you implement that practice in your establishment you are now telling me that I am owed a drink when I get a green light. Therefore I am no longer making a request and owe no one anything as you are just fulfilling an obligation of the establishment.

    For the record I don't drink anything in public unless it's a bottled water. But if I was a bar patron that is how I would respond. Tell me how that is wrong.

  12. #232
    They hold us hostage in strip casinos when it comes to getting something, anything, to drink, at least as of the last time I visited years ago.

    No serve yourself drink stations: I had to order water, whatever, from a CW when and if I saw one.

    Why aren't there water fountains as in most other buildings open to the public?
    Last edited by MisterV; 11-29-2023 at 01:06 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #233
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    They hold us hostage in strip casinos when it comes to getting something, anything, to drink, at least as of the last time I visited years ago.

    No serve yourself drink stations: I had to order water, whatever, from a CW when and if I saw one.

    Why aren't there water fountains as in most other buildings open to the public?

    Shitheads want you to drink and more tips for wait staff.

  14. #234
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    They hold us hostage in strip casinos when it comes to getting something, anything, to drink, at least as of the last time I visited years ago.

    No serve yourself drink stations: I had to order water, whatever, from a CW when and if I saw one.

    Why aren't there water fountains as in most other buildings open to the public?

    There is one on the strip, but it's well hidden.

  15. #235
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Gold bars? C'mon now you're sounding even more out there if you're trying to compare a highly polished uncirculated bar to a gold plated bar, versus a solid gold versus plated watch. Just someday if you do ever end up owning a solid precious metal watch like a 18K or platinum Rolex Day Date, and then someday see its fake counterpart, you will laugh at how dissimilar they look. It's perhaps only because you don't know what the real precious metal one should look like that you think the fake plated watch would look the same.

    And consider too that my precious metal watches have been worn, some of them for years, so they would look ridiculous by now if they were plated.

    Actually, in the video I made of some of my watches (AxelWolf has seen it), first I weighed one of these Eagles after using a special tester

    to show that it is reference solid gold, and as a reference to show that the digital scale was accurate because the weight for the Eagle came up correctly as expected , and then one by one weighed some of my watches. All watches were of the appropriate weight to indicate solid precious metal, all 18K gold or 950 platinum.

    You have now changed your point twice. This is kewl level shit.

    First off people can tell from a distance. Nonsense. Then you change it to how plating doesn't handle details. Ok. Maybe.

    Then you tell me I wouldn't know because I've seen little gold. I simply point out I have a decent amount of gold so yes i have seen it. Then you change it to me not having a gold watch. Lol. Goalposts changing twice on one page.

    You're right about me in regards to not having a I'm not into trinkets worn by douchebags. So we can agree on that.

    Anyway clearly you have a need to deny people can't readily tell them apart. Youtube videos seem to suggest otherwise when dealing with super fakes.

    If you don't have the tester use calipers to measure density. Weight alone is not a good test for coins. You need density.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 11-29-2023 at 01:21 PM.

  16. #236
    Those videos A.Wolf posted are just stainless watches. The gold plated ones look ridiculously fake even from a distance.

    For example - I posted a picture of a watch worth about a quarter million dollars on the counter of the bar at a wraparound suite at Cosmopolitan. You couldn't recognize the watch or even the room, does that mean anything?

    It just comes down to relative experience. You and Wolf know nothing about timepieces. You also aren't familiar with suites in Vegas. And apparently you're saying that you'd be fooled by a gold plated bar unless you examined it carefully.

    The value of the timepieces I have acquired have gone up over time far more than gold, so if you'd spent your money on a few vintage Daytonas (assuming you weren't fooled into buying fakes, which it sounds like you are easily fooled), you'd have MDawg level money now instead of just a tiny increase in gold.

    One thing is true - you have to go out and about to enjoy wearing watches. And there are few safer places to wear them than inside a Vegas casino.

    I will tell you again - if you'd bought the correct timepieces as investments, all readily available, instead of gold, you'd have far far more today. For example a Daytona bought in the 1980s for $1000. could be worth as much $150,000. today. One bought in the 2000s for $10,000. could be worth as much as $150,000. today too.

    And then there are some Daytonas, that have gone into the millions in value.

    I've invested in many Daytonas, and similar investment pieces. For example that watch I have worth $250,000. today I paid about fifty grand for. I have many watches like that that have gone up 5X in value.

    It's not just for show. Timepieces are solid investments if purchased selectively and at the right time and price.

    You could even go into Rolex today (if you have the right connections) and get a watch at full retail that you could sell immediately for up to 50% more.

    I have a lot of gold and platinum bullion too, but no way it's gone up as much as my watches and artwork.
    Last edited by MDawg; 11-29-2023 at 01:36 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  17. #237
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Those videos A.Wolf posted are just stainless watches. The gold plated ones look ridiculously fake even from a distance.

    For example - I posted a picture of a watch worth about a quarter million dollars on the counter of the bar at a wraparound suite at Cosmopolitan. You couldn't recognize the watch or even the room, does that mean anything?

    It just comes down to relative experience. You and Wolf know nothing about timepieces. You also aren't familiar with suites in Vegas. And apparently you're saying that you'd be fooled by a gold plated bar unless you examined it carefully.

    The value of the timepieces I have acquired have gone up over time far more than gold, so if you'd spent your money on a few vintage Daytonas (assuming you weren't fooled into buying fakes, which it sounds like you are easily fooled), you'd have MDawg level money now instead of just a tiny increase in gold.
    Dude you're an idiot if you think gold plating looks different at a distance. If it is scratched but otherwise it looks like gold because it is gold. That's why there are machines to test. Otherwise they have to damage the item to pierce the plating.

  18. #238
    You're insisting that YOU can't recognize the difference.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  19. #239
    To the TRAINED eye:
    pure gold has a more rich yellow color. Gold plated items might have a different shade, often a bit paler or slightly different in hue. Also, solid gold tends to have a more uniform shine and luster compared to plated items, which could fade or appear dull in certain areas.

    Especially when you're talking about something like a watch, especially one that has been owned and worn for a while (like mine), plated would look pretty bad compared to solid.

    In the same way that a trained eye may tell by just looking the composition of the gold, for example 14K, 18K, and what sort of alloys might be in there, or the difference between platinum and 18K white gold, so the trained eye may detect plated, especially on something like a watch.

    Yes, to be certain you'd test, but doesn't mean that visually those bogus gold tone fake watches wouldn't give themselves right away.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  20. #240
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    A few things.

    1)Years ago, the rule of thumb with the vpFREE crowd as a $10 tip on a 1K royal and a $20 tip on a 4K royal. I think Dancer tipped $20 on a 20K royal. Per that speed Druff should have tipped about $50.

    2)I've been in spots where those that tipped got to keep their seats on advantage plays while those that didn't tip got the boot. I've seen people get the boot off plays because they wouldn't tip the cocktail waitress or change cart person. You don't want to piss anybody off including the underlings. Losing a $100 an hour play because you wouldn't tip a few bucks is cutting your nose off to spite your face.

    3) Why would I blow a 10K bundle of hundreds on a watch when my $50 Timex keeps perfect time and I don't have something on my wrist that makes me a target for a robbery? When I carry large sums of money in and out of casinos I don't want shit hanging on me that makes me look rich.
    The debate over tipping on HP’s is valid with reasons both ways. But anyone AP or not, not tipping a cocktail server isn’t going to get another drink quickly and is truly a cheap bastard.
    A drink server is a requested service. A handpay is a forced inconvenience.

    Now here's my opinion on tipping for drinks at a red light green light bar. Once you implement that practice in your establishment you are now telling me that I am owed a drink when I get a green light. Therefore I am no longer making a request and owe no one anything as you are just fulfilling an obligation of the establishment.

    For the record I don't drink anything in public unless it's a bottled water. But if I was a bar patron that is how I would respond. Tell me how that is wrong.
    I would argue you aren’t “owed” a drink, but are eligible for one. Even before the system was put into place most bartenders wouldn’t continue to comp drinks if you were slow playing and not tipping. I don’t see anything that changed in regards to tipping the bartenders while playing VP, I still believe in it and the amount varies based on service.

    And in my experience with the light system even playing .25 VP the tickets come out faster than I can keep up. And I can drink quickly.��

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