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Thread: backoffs, baring and play restrictions

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I don't believe anyone should be required, nor ask anyone to prove anything, because no one is on trial and that includes Mdog.
    Another FraudJ lie.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    In the past UNKewlJ has pushed RobSinger to provide proof to the Dandruff man,
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Now in answer to DanDruff's request for that same info, Rob is just going with a "No, I don't want to do that".

    It just is not credible that Rob just had to tell someone, so badly, but yet refuses to provide any supporting documentation that would support his extraordinary claim.
    and stated that failure to do so, failure to be willing to provide proof to someone like Dan Druff AFTER talking about whatever online, represents lack of credibility.

    And as V pointed out,
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, enough.

    It is YOU who is putting yourself out there and making the claim
    so, just like what UNKewlJ said about RobSinger, that because he "had to tell someone," he should be willing to back up what he said, so should the UNKewl one follow his own demand and prove up what he has said.

    Before that occasion when he kept pushing RobSinger to provide proof to DanDruff (and made a big deal out of that he didn't meet up with him / didn't provide any proof), UNKewlJ kept pushing for MDawg to play at a table in front of DanDruff or to at least meet him in Vegas, including for example here,
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    So MDawg posts this fantasy stuff on numerous forum and now both Wizard and Dan Druff have requested to meet him and observe his play. He refused wizard and will refuse Druff as well.

    But it is very appropriate for these forum owners who provide the platform for this "adventure" to say " me".
    to prove that he's for real, which was before I'd played in front of Wizard in the DarkOz Challenge.
    UNKewlJ also loves to quote the DanDruff man with conviction, stating that Druff speaks with authority,
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Dan Druff simply shares his expert opinion of what the truth is. he has been on these forums for a very long time and knows how to read people.
    Basically, this hypocrite whatever he accuses others of, you may be assured that he's done himself first, and worse. In the end, he can't come up with any reason for his not wanting to prove up his backrooming lawsuit story, other than that no proof exists. We are, after all, talking about a guy who, as AccountInQuestion has put it, is in a Neverending quest for street creds on the internet.
    , so it makes no sense that someone so desperate to be believed would not put up, since obviously he's not ever going to shut up. If he wanted no one to know, he would not have put the story out there in the first place.
    Part of his mental illness is that he spend days writing about how so and so has been doing this while he has not (in this case the nonsense about claiming that he's never asked anyone to provide proof) when all the while, that's exactly what he has done in the past, demand proof of others.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Basically, this hypocrite whatever he accuses others of, you may be assured that he's done himself first, and worse.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  2. #42
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    It just is not credible that Rob just had to tell someone, so badly, but yet refuses to provide any supporting documentation that would support his extraordinary claim.
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post

    The nineteen most major UNKewl lies I can think of concern (1) his lie about Moses showing up at a condo he claimed he lived at, (2) a condo it turned out that he has no ownership in and does not even live in, (3) his faking his own death, (4) lying about ever having been robbed, (5) the nonsense about MGM execs showing up at his apartment on Halloween to give him player records on someone who isn't even MDawg, (6) the backrooming lawsuit, (7) the lie about being doxxed, or ever having his name placed in any casino database, (8) the rigged shuffler, (9) $50. free play for $100K win on a slot progressive, (10) $50K multi hand VP hit, (11) winning a car, (12) the lie about never asking anyone else to prove anything, (13) the lie about knowing attorney Nersesian well or at all, and having him on "speed dial," (14) lies that made it clear that he has never filed taxes as a professional gambler, (15) fabricated sports bets, (16) lies about that he has calculated his exact "expected win" over a decade and a half period, (17) lies about the "oily" surfboard, (18) lied about whether or not he was gay, (19) the lie about even having a dead "soul mate" which he recanted.

    That rigged shuffler story, besides not making any sense, reaffirmed in my mind that this guy really doesn't play much table games, because I'd expect such nonsense from a recreational player, not a card counter.

    And as usual, as he gets hemmed in, he is changing the story on some of these. Even renounced the existence of his "soul mate" claims he lied about him and his gay marriage too!
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You have fake deaths, marriages and deaths, evil doxxers, backroom arm-breakers, and after-the-fact-"misdirection" that would have been unnecessary if you simply don't make public the narrative.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #43
    Mdawg reminds me of Amir Nasseri from the first season of High Stakes Poker. They said he was a gynecologist. No way a gynecologist makes that kind of money.

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, the fixation which the dawg and Robert have upon you is beyond creepy: it edges into the realm of sadism with a tinge of homoerotica just for shits and giggles.

    Wicked world, eh?
    What I find Creepy is the database of quotes he has from users, from this site as well as others. The amount of time he must have spent searching out these quotes has to be astronomical. Some of these are years old. We are talking hundreds, possibly even thousands of hours. He must have all these quotes in a searchable database since he can bring them up instantaneous for a reply. Many are even his own quotes lol.

    I wouldn't be completely surprised if he had a paralegal that worked for him search out these quotes under the disguise of it being research for a client.

    I have no idea the value of his legal work, but let's say worst case he did low end personal Injury type representation instead of searching for potential KJ contradictions at $200 per hour. Assuming 1,000 hours of research, he "cost" himself $200,000. Even a paralegal doing the work at $30/Hr is $30,000.

    Im sure the paralegal has it figured out by now, that there is no "client".

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Material things don't and never will impress me. Most of it is just overpriced junk anyway.
    True. I know of APs that count all that garbage as their profit. They lose 2 grand doing whatever gambling, but the casino comps them a room, a couple meals, and some trinkets like a sweatshirt on gift day and they think they have won.

    For many years, my partner and I ate at least 1 meal, sometimes 2, every day (even days we weren't playing) at a casino, courtesy of the casino. I never included those over-priced meals as "winnings". It was just a perk. And the value to me, wasn't whatever over-inflated price the casino put on it. The value was what we would have spent had we paid cash to grab a sandwich for lunch somewhere.

    The funny thing was watching how the casinos rang up comps. Lunch buffet cost $8.99. Paying with points, the cashier would ring up 15.00 comped (each). Only 8.99 would be deducted from comp points, but for their bookkeeping, you received a value of $30.00.

    Back in the day, I have also seen/read card counters tone down their spread, so they could get in 4 hours of play to get a room comp. Ok, their normal spread was worth $80/hr, they toned it down to where they were making $40 for those 4 hours, meaning the cost of that comped room was $160 to them. Had they just paid for the room back then on a weekday it was $39.

    Now I used to network with a guy, who counted cards at a high level using a very small bet spread. A break even type bet spread of like 1-3 maybe betting $300 - $900 (and this was 10 years ago that he told me, maybe longer that he actually practiced this). So he would basically break even long-term. There was no heat at a spread like that. And then the casino would shower him with gifts, including gift cards (think visa) and shopping sprees in their higher end gift shop (think jewelry). He would then take everything he received including tickets to shows, and sell it on ebay. That was were his profit came from, not from the 1-3 spread counting cards. I always thought this was creative but man, a lot of work. But again, a $2000 shopping spree at the high end gift shop was really only worth a couple hundred dollars that you could sell that crap for.

    So the price the casino put on things is just funny. It is basically a Donald Trump Grift.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I know of APs
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    There is a clear trend that has developed now. All of KewlJ's implied associates are turning out to be other invented characters in his years of lies. ...RIP
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    What I find Creepy is the database of quotes he has from users, from this site as well as others. The amount of time he must have spent searching out these quotes has to be astronomical. Some of these are years old. We are talking hundreds, possibly even thousands of hours. He must have all these quotes in a searchable database since he can bring them up instantaneous for a reply. Many are even his own quotes lol.

    I wouldn't be completely surprised if he had a paralegal that worked for him search out these quotes under the disguise of it being research for a client.

    I have no idea the value of his legal work, but let's say worst case he did low end personal Injury type representation instead of searching for potential KJ contradictions at $200 per hour. Assuming 1,000 hours of research, he "cost" himself $200,000. Even a paralegal doing the work at $30/Hr is $30,000.

    Im sure the paralegal has it figured out by now, that there is no "client".
    What I find super low life about these quotes is how most are taken out of context. At times the person that made the quote would even say they were taken out of contest and ask him to stop quoting. Mdawg just doubles down.

    I post a lot on whatever forum I happen to be on. This has been my primary forum for about 7 years. When you post a lot, you will have disagreements, especially on forums with trolls that seek that kind of shit. Sometimes they can grow heated and someone says something (including me) that can be taken out of context. That is what Mdawg mostly does. It is just part of his manipulation of people.

    I get a kick out of both Mdawg and Rob (and I see a lot of similarities...two guys that make ridiculous claims and get very nasty when someone says they don't believe them). So both these guys claim similar about me, that I spend all this time trying to convince people of what I do. If it was really important to me to convince anyone of anything (it isn't), I could post some pictures that prove some things I say or claim. Not everything, but some. I have never done that because it isn't important to me.

    I say what I say. If there is anything that I may not have been clear about, or the trolls want to pretend I am not clear about, I will try to clarify exactly what I said or meant. And yes, sometimes those "clarifications" can get long...that is a fault of mine. I am not good with brevity.

    But in the end, I don't care if someone believes me, doesn't believe me, or believes in the tooth fairy or Jack and his bean stalk. Changes nothing for me in real life.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Im sure the paralegal has it figured out by now
    You've conjured up an absurd scenario, completely from your own imagination, then proceeded to present your silly fantasies as something that you're sure of.

    Pussytive're looney.

    Enough of your claims are demonstrably garbage, such that your entire posting history should be considered garbage.

    Are you even an adult? It sure doesn't seem like it.

  9. #49
    My, a lot of gas lighting on this forum.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #50
    I am not the one that brought Singer down. I like to think that these guys really expose themselves, but they get some help. With Singer it was Maxpen that really brought him down exposing that the picture Singer took in the RV was at a dealership showroom. While that seems like only a barely related thing to his gambling claims, THAT is what he claims he spent his winnings on, a 1.6 million dollar RV (and lately houses for his kids). So no RV means, no winnings from whatever ridiculous story he was telling at the time. That was basically the end of Singer.

    He tried to continue on and came up with this 1.2 million dollar video jackpot last year, that PostiveVariance took it apart. So why is Singer so angry and nasty with me, when I am not the one that brought him down? Well I won't let him forget it. I won't let him sweep it aside and try to continue his BS claims without reminding people.

    Now Mdawg, I am the one that brought him down. I asked a friend in the industry, kind of casually "see what you can find out about this asshole that claims he has won half a million while being comped high end suites for hundreds of days". I didn't really expect that he would or even know if he could. But at that level of play I guess it wasn't hard. So once I had that information, I didn't even need to post it, which would have been very problematic for my friend. I just said "ahh, I have your actual win-loss totals" and Mdawg crumbled like a house of cards, posting "additionally Wizard and I went over my records and I am about even". Epic crumble on his part!!

    So you can see why Mdawg is so damn pissed at me. Whatever the purpose of this "adventure story" and his claiming to be "Pope of Las Vegas", I ended that.

    I am sorry (not really). There has to be a point that the math matter! There has to be a point that the way things really work matters!
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Im sure the paralegal has it figured out by now
    You've conjured up an absurd scenario, completely from your own imagination, then proceeded to present your silly fantasies as something that you're sure of.

    Pussytive're looney.

    Enough of your claims are demonstrably garbage, such that your entire posting history should be considered garbage.

    Are you even an adult? It sure doesn't seem like it.
    Coach Belly called someone "Pussytive Vaginance" and 2 lines latter asks if he is even an adult.

    You just can't make this fucking shit up.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    "Pussytive Vaginance"
    Oh no? What are you babbling about? I did make it up.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Im sure the paralegal has it figured out by now
    You've conjured up an absurd scenario, completely from your own imagination, then proceeded to present your silly fantasies as something that you're sure of.

    Pussytive're looney.

    Enough of your claims are demonstrably garbage, such that your entire posting history should be considered garbage.

    Are you even an adult? It sure doesn't seem like it.
    More Useless Unrestrained Babble...


  14. #54
    Still believe KJ should admit he’s a gay hooker and detail his “fictional” details of his experiences with high rollers. Obviously including the strange insecure guy who likes items from high end hotels shoved up his ass while crying about how no one believes him.

    Obviously complete with pictures of cash and chips the guy showed him, along with tales of how the casinos allow him to win hundreds of thousands while comping him long stays. And daily winning reports as well, with the occasional losing day thrown in for attention.

    Copy and paste isn’t hard and this would be internet gambling forum gold.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    More Useless Unrestrained Babble...
    That's obviously your specialty around here.

    I had a paralegal compile a database of quotes from users.

    Their timesheet came in well below the astronomical hundreds or thousands of hours that you estimated earlier.

    Here's a list called "Delusional Posts from Generation Z"

    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    he (Spike) claims he has a method that can identify numbers or pockets of numbers, that hit at a higher rate than should randomly occur.
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    You (Singer) bought 3 houses for CASH with $700k
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Im sure the (MDawg's) paralegal has it figured out by now, that there is no "client".
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    I "Player Bank".
    Looks like you're on pace to quickly catch up to tewlj's tally of lies.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    That's obviously your specialty around here.

    I'm having a paralegal compile a database of quotes from users.

    Their timesheet came in well below the astronomical hundreds or thousands of hours that you estimated earlier.

    Here's a list called "Delusional Posts from Generation Z"

    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    You (Singer) bought 3 houses for CASH with $700k
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Im sure the (MDawg's) paralegal has it figured out by now, that there is no "client".
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    I "Player Bank".
    Looks like you're on pace to quickly catch up to tewlj's tally of lies.
    What are you babbling on about? This doesn't even make sense. Why do you think he doesn't player bank? Did Singer not claim to buy multiple houses with cash?

    Kewl's lies are about himself. Conjecture about others is far from the same and everyone knows better. Well except you, apparently.

  17. #57
    I don't see where PostiveVariance has gotten much wrong. He is spot on with most of his comments and thoughts. He did misunderstand Singers recent comments about buying houses for buckets of cash for each of his kids, thinking that claim was from the recent phantom Jackpot claim last year when that originated from the double up bug claim several years ago. That is just a case of PositiveVaraince not being around long enough to know which claims came from which fake gambling win.

    But I want to go back to the double up bug claim now that Rob is feeding us this bullshit about buying houses again. Rob claims he found and played the double up bug for 5.5 years prior to Nestor and Kane getting busted. Rob claims he won 2.9 million over that 5.5 years. he also claims that he bought and RV for 1.6 million from that money and now 3 houses paid in cash for each child. Assuming 400k per house, + the RV, that accounts for the full amount of Rob's claimed 5 year win.

    So Rob is basically admitting he paid no taxes. I guess he thinks he is in the clear because there is a 3 year statute of limitations on tax fraud, doubled to 6 years in instances where the fraud accounts for 75% of a person's earning, which would cover a case like this. But, it looks to me like there is NO statute of limitations on civil action the IRS could take, while not resulting in jail time would have the IRS seizing houses and RV's and whatnot. Of course, none of it is real so Rob is in no danger.

    The other funny part of this is 3 houses paid with buckets of cash. Like IRS and Govt agencies wouldn't be all over 3 siblings that purchased houses with cash, while the father purchased a 1.6 million dollar RV? Just cracks me up almost.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  18. #58
    Also, the odds of 2 different people independently discovering the process for the Double Up Bug would be astronomical. At least if he said he was told about the DU bug by someone else, the odds would still be outrageous, but not astronomical.

    But no, he claims he discovered it on his own.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    But no, he claims he discovered it on his own.
    Well, he didn't discover it on his own. He read about it. Right here on this very forum, 3 years after the fact.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post

    But no, he claims he discovered it on his own.
    Well, he didn't discover it on his own. He read about it. Right here on this very forum, 3 years after the fact.

    Just for a good laugh, I may go back and read some of his older post around that time.

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