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Thread: Ilani: Trip report

  1. #1
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Went to that den of iniquity Ilani last night, to the "Land That Hope Forgot."

    The traffic on the freeways was much heavier than usual, but then it's a holiday weekend.

    The casino parking lots had more cars than usual: while not packed the shithole was busier than usual.

    I didn't stay too long.

    Walked past the baccarat pit, got free coffee then angled off to the one dollar non-Mega Meltdown bank of machines i often start my play at.

    Ouch...down about fifty: no respins, no decent hits at all, and fuck me but "No joy."


    Chastened, I slithered off to the bank of five dollar non-Mega Meltdown slots located just outside of the High Limit room.

    Only played a couple minutes; up, down, then *bam*...oh my... I hit three triple bars on a fifteen dollar bet.


    Cashed out, wandered over into the high limit room to see what's new, and there is something interesting: a bank of I believe four three-reel Wheel of Fortune $25 machines: Intriguing, but I stiffened my backbone and exited that abattoir and sashayed to the food court where I redeemed my food comp for two nice sized chopped salads at Italia.

    I'll eat one for lunch today.

    +$680.00 for the day.

    "Luck happens" as they say at Spirit Mtn.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #2
    Is anyone else seeing the pictures?

    I'm not getting any of them.

  3. #3
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Sorry, I forgot: here ya go.

    Name:  YeGon_millions.jpg
Views: 3050
Size:  51.0 KB

    After I won I went to the baccarat pit and got them to give me "no limit."

    Following the methods of the dawg I had numerous winning sessions in a row.

    Those silly savages, they wound up giving me all their wampum as well as a deed to their casino.

    Then I went home and chilled with my buddies:

    Name:  renoir.jpg
Views: 905
Size:  103.9 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #4

    I need that oil painting filter for my phone camera!

  5. #5
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I love French Imprssionist paintings; I have two Renoirs (copies, alas) in the bedroom and one Seurat.

    The one I posted above is Luncheon of the Boating Party; my favorite, which happens to be at the Boston Art Museum, is Dance at Bougival.

    The Seurat is A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    The Seurat is A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.
    I've never gotten into art. Seems like it could be an expensive hobby.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sorry, I forgot: here ya go.

    Name:  YeGon_millions.jpg
Views: 3050
Size:  51.0 KB

    After I won I went to the baccarat pit and got them to give me "no limit."

    Following the methods of the dawg I had numerous winning sessions in a row.

    Those silly savages, they wound up giving me all their wampum as well as a deed to their casino.

    Then I went home and chilled with my buddies:

    Name:  renoir.jpg
Views: 905
Size:  103.9 KB
    Hey nice job! The money in your picture is actually green!

  8. #8
    Ilani is Class II
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #9
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Indeed it is.

    But from what I've read the RTP at tribal joints in Wa and Or is similar, although the way their slots work differs.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sorry, I forgot: here ya go.

    Name:  YeGon_millions.jpg
Views: 3050
Size:  51.0 KB

    After I won I went to the baccarat pit and got them to give me "no limit."

    Following the methods of the dawg I had numerous winning sessions in a row.

    Those silly savages, they wound up giving me all their wampum as well as a deed to their casino.

    Then I went home and chilled with my buddies:

    Name:  renoir.jpg
Views: 905
Size:  103.9 KB
    Hey nice job! The money in your picture is actually green!
    Yeah....except for the stacks of NEW bills in the front.

    Teachable moment.

  11. #11
    Permit me to add: Lets hear about "prop cash" again? I love it when you idiots make bigger fools out of yourselves when you inadvertently and consistently prove I was right all along.

    Nice stumble dben

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Permit me to add: Lets hear about "prop cash" again? I love it when you idiots make bigger fools out of yourselves when you inadvertently and consistently prove I was right all along.

    Nice stumble dben
    There is a big difference between new bills and fake "prop money". The picture is low resolution, but there is no reason to believe any of this money is fake. Yes, the 100's in the front of the mountain of bills looks much lighter compared to the pre 2013 bills behind them.

    Since there is such a large amount of the older hundreds (pre 2013), this picture was most likely taken in 2013 or 2014 and the bills hadn't been in circulation long enough to get very beat up. This would also explain the ratio of pre 2013's to post 2013 bills. If you look down the center of the stacks you can see a darker section which indicates usage. Even if the bills were brand new, straight from the mint, in numerical order, that doesn't mean they are fake.

  13. #13
    Wasn't that stash of cash found after a drug raid in a different country?

  14. #14
    What are you guys looking at? I see Mexican peso notes in the front.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    What are you guys looking at? I see Mexican peso notes in the front.
    Yes, you are right.

    I originally viewed the picture on a cell phone, the photo being very small and low resolution, they appeared to be the newer "blue line" hundreds. Looking at them closer now, after your comment - They aren't even American currency!

    Like you say, likely Pesos...

    That also likely means that this picture is much older than 2013. I remember seeing this picture along time ago. It wouldnt surprise me if it was 15+ years or more ago.
    Last edited by PositiveVariance; 12-01-2023 at 12:12 PM.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    What are you guys looking at? I see Mexican peso notes in the front.
    Yes, you are right.

    I originally viewed the picture on a cell phone, the photo being very small and low resolution, they appeared to be the newer "blue line" hundreds. Looking at them closer now, after your comment - They aren't even American currency!

    Like you say, likely Pesos...

    That also likely means that this picture is much older than 2013. I remember seeing this picture along time ago. It wouldnt surprise me if it was 15+ years or more ago.
    That's a picture from the Pablo Escobar hoard. He was killed in 93.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Permit me to add: Lets hear about "prop cash" again? I love it when you idiots make bigger fools out of yourselves when you inadvertently and consistently prove I was right all along.

    Nice stumble dben
    There is a big difference between new bills and fake "prop money". The picture is low resolution, but there is no reason to believe any of this money is fake. Yes, the 100's in the front of the mountain of bills looks much lighter compared to the pre 2013 bills behind them.

    Since there is such a large amount of the older hundreds (pre 2013), this picture was most likely taken in 2013 or 2014 and the bills hadn't been in circulation long enough to get very beat up. This would also explain the ratio of pre 2013's to post 2013 bills. If you look down the center of the stacks you can see a darker section which indicates usage. Even if the bills were brand new, straight from the mint, in numerical order, that doesn't mean they are fake.
    I didn't say they were fake. And the fact that you did your usual theoretical dance trying hard to allege this and that about the bills that are the same color and hue as the stacks of REAL bills in my safe, tells me you're the mouthpiece for the trolls on this.

    The white stacks in the front are clearly hundreds.

    Much appreciation!

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by PositiveVariance View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Permit me to add: Lets hear about "prop cash" again? I love it when you idiots make bigger fools out of yourselves when you inadvertently and consistently prove I was right all along.

    Nice stumble dben
    There is a big difference between new bills and fake "prop money". The picture is low resolution, but there is no reason to believe any of this money is fake. Yes, the 100's in the front of the mountain of bills looks much lighter compared to the pre 2013 bills behind them.

    Since there is such a large amount of the older hundreds (pre 2013), this picture was most likely taken in 2013 or 2014 and the bills hadn't been in circulation long enough to get very beat up. This would also explain the ratio of pre 2013's to post 2013 bills. If you look down the center of the stacks you can see a darker section which indicates usage. Even if the bills were brand new, straight from the mint, in numerical order, that doesn't mean they are fake.
    I didn't say they were fake. And the fact that you did your usual theoretical dance trying hard to allege this and that about the bills that are the same color and hue as the stacks of REAL bills in my safe, tells me you're the mouthpiece for the trolls on this.

    The white stacks in the front are clearly hundreds.

    Much appreciation!
    You would think an ex spook would know

  19. #19
    Rob, the money in your safe was laughably fake. It wasn't even fair quality. The same as the Video Poker Jackpot picture and the actual claim itself.

    It gives me a good laugh to know that you ordered this prop money online thinking that you were clever and that you were going to get away with something. Anticipating its arrival, and then carefully planted the play money stacks in your safe thinking it would actually
    fool someone.

    It's like taking candy from a baby...

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sorry, I forgot: here ya go.

    Name:  YeGon_millions.jpg
Views: 3050
Size:  51.0 KB

    After I won I went to the baccarat pit and got them to give me "no limit."

    Following the methods of the dawg I had numerous winning sessions in a row.

    Those silly savages, they wound up giving me all their wampum as well as a deed to their casino.

    Then I went home and chilled with my buddies:

    Name:  renoir.jpg
Views: 905
Size:  103.9 KB
    Hey nice job! The money in your picture is actually green!
    Yeah....except for the stacks of NEW bills in the front.

    Teachable moment.
    I stand corrected. I guess new bills are white with a large purple head on the front.

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