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Thread: The 4th of July in the USA....and the 4th in LV.

  1. #1
    We're over & out for the rest of the day here. Remembering those who serve, BBQ's, whiffle ball games, and of course fireworks along the beach at dusk, and it's pretty much the same all over the country today--with one exception of course: LV. The "AP's" there are in a frenzy over all the multiple point rope 'em in promotions all around town, and those people couldn't care less about what the holiday is really all about and how normal people celebrate it.

    God Bless America!

  2. #2
    Great post! And ain't it funny that most of the promos I get that are really worth something would be mine if I just would skip church on Sunday a.m. and head to their "church".

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