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Thread: Questions For Redietz on PFA Radio

  1. #101
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Anyway - back to the thread subject.

    Redietz, so is it official you will not be going on the Dan Druff show?

    Just be a man and say you have no interest. No weaseling required. Just say you won't. Otherwise you're going to keep being hounded and deservedly so.
    Account, in your heart of hearts, what do YOU think? LOL.

    And today is, I believe, for the record, February 29.

    Red speaks....
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  2. #102
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Anyway - back to the thread subject.

    Redietz, so is it official you will not be going on the Dan Druff show?

    Just be a man and say you have no interest. No weaseling required. Just say you won't. Otherwise you're going to keep being hounded and deservedly so.
    Account, in your heart of hearts, what do YOU think? LOL.

    And today is, I believe, for the record, February 29.
    Not sure what my heart of hearts feels but rational side of me would set the odds at under 5%.

    If you gave a date previously then my apologies. Feb 29th .. good fact to know?

    I'd quit asking etc if you're just tapping out but if you don't then we need to repeatedly bring it up to motivate you.


  3. #103
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You think Stanford Wong was a postman?
    I think the ditz meant that the bishop was a postman.
    Here is the statement ditz made in post 84 of this thread:

    "P.S. Who in his right mind takes sports betting advice from a retired postman? Who in his right mind takes sports betting advice from a retired postman who recruited blackjack players to check his math?"

    While writing "Sharp Sports Betting" Stanford Wong put each chapter up on BJ21 for the members to proof read for mistakes in strategy and math. These are the "blackjack players" redietz is referring to. The Bishop never wrote about sports betting. Redietz was referring to Stanford Wong as a "postman."

    Ditz has no clue who the bishop was. The bishop was a postman. He also published ground breaking blackjack strategies in his day. Who would take advice from this "postman?" The sharpest gamblers in the world took advice from him....then put him in the blackjack hall of fame.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #104

  5. #105
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I asked my bank that the other day about my credit scores.

    They required specific billing statements rather than printouts, even though they could actually call to verify them.
    Credit karma had me at 800 on Transunion and 819 on equifax do I win a prize ?
    It tells me that you're now owned by the man...

    Welcome to the club... My highest is 780, prob 740 now because I didn't pay my balance off like normal, however, I have never bought anything on credit, no car loan, house payments... nothing(all cash period). They love to see a loan and on-time payments of some kind for A1 credit.

    I don’t really owe anything I have less then 8k in balances and it’s one of those Arb plays. The zero percent interest rate for 18 month deals that I take whenever they send or have time to look for something to do With it.

    I don’t own anything under my name.

    As far as credit goes one can build credit just by purchasing gas and grocery’s on a credit card and paying off the balance every month. Getting into the 700s is pretty easy doing that. No idea how I got into the 800s I certainly didn’t set out to try.

  6. #106
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post

    Credit karma had me at 800 on Transunion and 819 on equifax do I win a prize ?
    It tells me that you're now owned by the man...

    Welcome to the club... My highest is 780, prob 740 now because I didn't pay my balance off like normal, however, I have never bought anything on credit, no car loan, house payments... nothing(all cash period). They love to see a loan and on-time payments of some kind for A1 credit.

    I don’t really owe anything I have less then 8k in balances and it’s one of those Arb plays. The zero percent interest rate for 18 month deals that I take whenever they send or have time to look for something to do With it.

    I don’t own anything under my name.

    As far as credit goes one can build credit just by purchasing gas and grocery’s on a credit card and paying off the balance every month. Getting into the 700s is pretty easy doing that. No idea how I got into the 800s I certainly didn’t set out to try.
    I know some people with really good credit but they have no money, whatever they make goes to their bills and their maxed-out cards. One paycheck away from being in serious doo-doo, however, they have kids, and the "American Dream" They will be fine eventually I believe.

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    It tells me that you're now owned by the man...

    Welcome to the club... My highest is 780, prob 740 now because I didn't pay my balance off like normal, however, I have never bought anything on credit, no car loan, house payments... nothing(all cash period). They love to see a loan and on-time payments of some kind for A1 credit.

    I don’t really owe anything I have less then 8k in balances and it’s one of those Arb plays. The zero percent interest rate for 18 month deals that I take whenever they send or have time to look for something to do With it.

    I don’t own anything under my name.

    As far as credit goes one can build credit just by purchasing gas and grocery’s on a credit card and paying off the balance every month. Getting into the 700s is pretty easy doing that. No idea how I got into the 800s I certainly didn’t set out to try.
    I know some people with really good credit but they have no money, whatever they make goes to their bills and their maxed-out cards. One paycheck away from being in serious doo-doo, however, they have kids, and the "American Dream" They will be fine eventually I believe.
    A point I made earlier that credit means nothing. For example Every real estate deal I have done required no credit check. Deals are out there to be made If you understand finance. Sadly our school systems don’t teach these things by design.

    Why red brought up such a meaningless thing to prove someone’s worth idk. Credit scores can be gamed easier then casino win loss statements.

  8. #108
    When I started in gambling I had zero credit. I got a $500 prepaid credit card that reported to the credit agencies. That is key. You have to have a card that reports to the credit agencies. You can find them online.

    It was no problem to max the card out every month with just regular expenses. I paid the entire balance off every month. Everyone says the credit companies don't like that. But what are you going to do, pay it off $35 a month on $500 balance? You can't build credit like that. It would take forever.

    I think it was about 7 months later Discover sent me an unsolicited offer for a $2500 limit credit card. I could run a bigger balance on that card and pay it off every month.

    By about a year later I was getting multiple offers every month. I got two more cards. They all kept raising their limits without my asking.

    IIRC, it took about two years for my credit score to creep up to the high 700's. It's sat around 780 to 790 ever since.

    It won't go higher because I won't make installment payments. You get the higher scores because they get to soak you for massive interest. I use the cards to make life easier but never get soaked for interest.

    While driving I sometimes listen to Dave Ramsey, the personal investment adviser with a nationally syndicated radio show. Dave's first advice to every client is to destroy your credit cards and use debit cards. He doesn't like the interest the credit companies charge. And he says that even if you pay the balance off every month that sooner or later you will mess up and sink yourself into debt. He thinks credit scores are for suckers.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 03-01-2024 at 07:34 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  9. #109
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    When I started in gambling I had zero credit. I got a $500 prepaid credit card that reported to the credit agencies. That is key. You have to have a card that reports to the credit agencies. You can find them online.

    It was no problem to max the card out every month with just regular expenses. I paid the entire balance off every month. Everyone says the credit companies don't like that. But what are you going to do, pay it off $35 a month on $500 balance? You can't build credit like that. It would take forever.

    I think it was about 7 months later Discover sent me an unsolicited offer for a $2500 limit credit card. I could run a bigger balance on that card and pay it off every month.

    By about a year later I was getting multiple offers every month. I got two more cards. They all kept raising their limits without my asking.

    IIRC, it took about two years for my credit score to creep up to the high 700's. It's sat around 780 to 790 ever since.

    It won't go higher because I won't make installment payments. You get the higher scores because they get to soak you for massive interest. I use the cards to make life easier but never get soaked for interest.

    I sometimes listen to Dave Ramsey, the personal investment adviser with a syndicated radio show, while driving. Dave's first advice to every client is to destroy your credit cards and use debit cards. He doesn't like the interest the credit companies charge. And he says that even if you pay the balance off every month that sooner or later you will mess up and sink yourself into debt. He thinks credit ratings are for suckers.
    I've never bought a vehicle on credit, so I was told my rating cap was probably the 810 from last month. But it went up a couple points this month, so that was (slightly) incorrect.

    The point of Todd having a copy on file isn't to prove an upside, but to neutralize some of the braggadocio when a person has a demonstrably lousy rating and hasn't paid bills over a comprehensive length of time, which is what credit ratings are.

    I introduced this topic because several of the brilliant posters here, like MaxPen for example, took shots at me for not paying tax bills until November the following year. So I thought that if MaxPen is going to use a tax bill as evidence of something, why not go all the way and cut to the chase and use a comprehensive rating? Payment of ALL the bills, for years, now that might mean something.

    Of course, if I recall correctly, MaxPen didn't volunteer any credit rating. Hmmmmmmm.

    Credit ratings are ubiquitous. You can't evade being evaluated via your credit rating. Even if you claim to have used bankruptcy as a wealth tool while living in RVs and parking on your kids' properties to avoid hook-up fees. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Dave's first advice to every client is to destroy your credit cards and use debit cards. He doesn't like the interest the credit companies charge. And he says that even if you pay the balance off every month that sooner or later you will mess up and sink yourself into debt.
    I'm sure that's good advice for the retards, but afaik you need credit cards to get the good cash back and incentives.

    Maybe I missed something.

  11. #111
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    While driving I sometimes listen to Dave Ramsey, the personal investment adviser with a nationally syndicated radio show. Dave's first advice to every client is to destroy your credit cards and use debit cards. He doesn't like the interest the credit companies charge. And he says that even if you pay the balance off every month that sooner or later you will mess up and sink yourself into debt. He thinks credit scores are for suckers.
    This makes sense if you are a degenerate. In general debit cards do not give the same protection for fraud as credit cards. Until you start going in debt it is more sense to use credit cards.

    My credit score as useful when I financed my car. I got it at a 2% loan. You can now get 5% on a savings account. I've literally paid very little attention to it but knew it was in 800s. I have no intention on using it. I don't intend on financing another car soon. (interest rates too high now even if I had a need)

    My biggest gripe in this area is that Square won't take prepaid debit cards. So anyone who uses a point of sale utilizing square won't take the prepay card. They get a lot less of my business.

  12. #112
    Looks like Redietz is ducking the most simple of questions.

    He won't be going on Dan's show.

    He just wants to sit around and make up bullshit stories about gangsters and have some nerds ask questions in wonderment. Dan's show wouldn't be that so no-go.

  13. #113
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    When I started in gambling I had zero credit. I got a $500 prepaid credit card that reported to the credit agencies. That is key. You have to have a card that reports to the credit agencies. You can find them online.

    It was no problem to max the card out every month with just regular expenses. I paid the entire balance off every month. Everyone says the credit companies don't like that. But what are you going to do, pay it off $35 a month on $500 balance? You can't build credit like that. It would take forever.

    I think it was about 7 months later Discover sent me an unsolicited offer for a $2500 limit credit card. I could run a bigger balance on that card and pay it off every month.

    By about a year later I was getting multiple offers every month. I got two more cards. They all kept raising their limits without my asking.

    IIRC, it took about two years for my credit score to creep up to the high 700's. It's sat around 780 to 790 ever since.

    It won't go higher because I won't make installment payments. You get the higher scores because they get to soak you for massive interest. I use the cards to make life easier but never get soaked for interest.

    I sometimes listen to Dave Ramsey, the personal investment adviser with a syndicated radio show, while driving. Dave's first advice to every client is to destroy your credit cards and use debit cards. He doesn't like the interest the credit companies charge. And he says that even if you pay the balance off every month that sooner or later you will mess up and sink yourself into debt. He thinks credit ratings are for suckers.
    I've never bought a vehicle on credit, so I was told my rating cap was probably the 810 from last month. But it went up a couple points this month, so that was (slightly) incorrect.

    The point of Todd having a copy on file isn't to prove an upside, but to neutralize some of the braggadocio when a person has a demonstrably lousy rating and hasn't paid bills over a comprehensive length of time, which is what credit ratings are.

    I introduced this topic because several of the brilliant posters here, like MaxPen for example, took shots at me for not paying tax bills until November the following year. So I thought that if MaxPen is going to use a tax bill as evidence of something, why not go all the way and cut to the chase and use a comprehensive rating? Payment of ALL the bills, for years, now that might mean something.

    Of course, if I recall correctly, MaxPen didn't volunteer any credit rating. Hmmmmmmm.

    Credit ratings are ubiquitous. You can't evade being evaluated via your credit rating. Even if you claim to have used bankruptcy as a wealth tool while living in RVs and parking on your kids' properties to avoid hook-up fees. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    You talk about other people's

    I most certainly posted my scores. We still haven't seen yours though.

    Pops probably rolls over in that hand dug grave you did in the backyard every year when you borrow against his social security check to gamble and don't pay the property tax.......RIP

  14. #114
    Here's how easy it is to do. Go to some places like credit karma or your bank or credit card site and take a screenshot then post the pic. No need to send to Todd.

    Name:  Screenshot_20240301-111303.png
Views: 427
Size:  122.7 KB

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Looks like Redietz is ducking the most simple of questions.

    He won't be going on Dan's show.

    He just wants to sit around and make up bullshit stories about gangsters and have some nerds ask questions in wonderment. Dan's show wouldn't be that so no-go.
    Two days ago redietz said he would be sending his credit score to Todd as soon as he gets an email address from Todd to send it to. That tells me something....

    It was about two months ago redietz said he would do the radio show. In that two month period redietz made no attempt to get Todd's email address so they could negotiate when he would be on the radio show. That's how much interest redietz had in doing the radio show.

    So you are right, redietz is a no go for the radio show. He's just stringing everyone along.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Looks like Redietz is ducking the most simple of questions.

    He won't be going on Dan's show.

    He just wants to sit around and make up bullshit stories about gangsters and have some nerds ask questions in wonderment. Dan's show wouldn't be that so no-go.
    I have a great idea. Somebody should start a poll regarding, "Is Bob Dietz willing to go on PFA?"

    Account already made a declarative statement above, so he should take first crack at the poll.

    The poll could drum up some interest. You know, make it an event. A real event, like real people doing real things and all that.

  17. #117
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Looks like Redietz is ducking the most simple of questions.

    He won't be going on Dan's show.

    He just wants to sit around and make up bullshit stories about gangsters and have some nerds ask questions in wonderment. Dan's show wouldn't be that so no-go.
    I have a great idea. Somebody should start a poll regarding, "Is Bob Dietz willing to go on PFA?"

    Account already made a declarative statement above, so he should take first crack at the poll.

    The poll could drum up some interest. You know, make it an event. A real event, like real people doing real things and all that.
    If you want a poll, bozo, then start it yourself.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #118
    Here is the webpage for PFA Radio. You can check this link anytime to see when Druff is on the air. He's on the air as I write this. There is a live call in number:


    And you can text Druff anytime at 775-372-8355

    There is also scheduling information in the link:

    So, redietz, all you have to do is call in. You can text Druff beforehand to let him know you will be calling.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by Don Perignom View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Dave's first advice to every client is to destroy your credit cards and use debit cards. He doesn't like the interest the credit companies charge. And he says that even if you pay the balance off every month that sooner or later you will mess up and sink yourself into debt.
    I'm sure that's good advice for the retards, but afaik you need credit cards to get the good cash back and incentives.

    Maybe I missed something.
    Record credit card debt.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  20. #120
    Who the hell is Todd?

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