This weed sure gives me the munchies.
Hmmmm...what's in the pantry...
Ah ha!
This weed sure gives me the munchies.
Hmmmm...what's in the pantry...
Ah ha!
What, Me Worry?
It's pretty clear to me that you don't understand gambling math. Everyone else understood what I wrote. But some amazingly simple math is going over your head.
You are asking what happens on the games where you don't hit the two-spot. Obviously, you lose one unit per everyone of those games. The payoff is 8.3333 units for hitting the 2-spot. The probability of hitting the 2-spot is 16.63158 games.
To determine the payback percentage you divide 8.3333 units (the payoff) by 16.63158 units (the probability).
8.3333/16.63158 = 50.1%
The games you miss the 2-spot are accounted for in the equation.
The 50.1% is just one component of the play. You left out the other two components, the Hit Five Meter and the Hit Four Meter. They are an integral part of the play and the advantage is created in the Hit Five Meter by ploppie action. When they run the meter up to $222 or higher then walk....I come along, find it, then sit down and play it off.
Last edited by mickeycrimm; 01-25-2024 at 02:31 PM.
Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
So in reading the discussion here with Mission, did SV contact mission recruiting him? Thats what it looks like. That doesn't appear to be against any forum rules. Just wondering?
Is that what SV's time here was about? Recruiting some people that he can help turn into millionaires?We all know that these "teams" need people. Need new people as they cycle and use up members.
I really don't care. Just an observation. Mission is certainly smart enough to make his own decision on something like that.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
These details will probably Dox me but at this stage of my life and current health it really doesn’t matter. You continue to question my intelligence, and motivation because I joke around on a non serious dusty message Board. One I only participate in because of my respect for Dans integrity.
I may not have been the prodigy you were as a kid. However I did reasonable well all things considered. I earned a Associates degree from a junior college in History before transferring to UMD where I completed a BA in finance. I earned my master in applied mathematics at a school in the north east. I started playing online poker during this time. I hardly finished my masters, and only did so because I promised my late step father I would. I made enough money playing online that I felt I didn’t really need to stay in school. I assure you I understand all the math needed to gamble. I just don’t feel the need to flex online or teach anyone anything. This was not how I was brought up in the advantage gambling world. I don’t teach anyone that I did not bring in from the beginning
My first encounter with Dan was playing high stakes limit holdem online, before I switched to all NL. Dan and guys like bicycleKick were clearly better players then me. I was always the one who jumped into the new games being offered for the first mover advantage. I did very well in the early days of online. By the time I switched to advantage gambling online was much harder and it was more of a job. Advantage gambling was fun new and exciting. I already had a large enough bankroll and good mentors who I will not name but are now in their mid 60s. Some have passed away, but I greatly appreciate everything they taught me. I eventually branched out and set out to build my own team. Originally everyone I recruited was from the poker world. Eventually I stopped recruiting people with gambling backgrounds because they often came with baggage.
I still run with 4 of the original guys from my first team but mostly recruit a certain type of person. Plus we all have families, and second generation members now participate. Yes we all have been databased thrown out, raided, arrested and everything in between over the last 20 some years by casinos. We have utilized Multiple name changes, ID, mask everything to continue to stay in the game. That’s just part of advantage gambling. Keep in mind we are not going after small scores or looking to play BJ earning 70k a year in Vegas like Kew. So guys like him don’t understand the level of complexity involved. I’m not about to explain anything in detail but guys like Axel , and Dan are aware of the different levels in this world. It’s not for everyone that’s a fact.
Anyway brother you keep on posting these Zodiac Ciphers online. I’m
Sure there’s some hidden meaning in all those number and code. If that brings you joy keep it up. Laugher is the best medicine and probably the only reason I participated here over the last few years. Funny shit
Lastly I don’t care or what or need anyone to believe my story. I will die mostly anonymous to the gambling world. A fake IP or profile perhaps someone has crossed my path in real life from here. Chances are it was nice middle aged black man minding his own business, or Asian depending on what part of the country I was in. In any event no one here matters in my real life , although guys like Mickey, Axel, Mission, and Dan I greatly respect.
Incorrect sir
Read my last post
There was no recruiting my team had left his area of the country to pursue another opportunity. The play was over and there was some ok money left to get. I offered it to him and told him if he was interested when he was done we would settle up in person because I don’t do online money transactions. He eventually declined was not a big deal to me because the money was not going to be collected by us. Not because we were 86ed as I’ve been back to this place since. His reputation is the only reason I offered. You miss understand buddy, once again you have no experience working with legit professional stand up guys with integrity. This is clear because you have a bad opinion of teams. I don’t disagree with your opinion on most teams as we definitely are the exception. My word and integrity in gambling has always meant more then money. That’s how I roll.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
Let's get to the important stuff.
This bragging about gambling winnings is getting old.
That is it. You just give up? Resign yourself to what the doctors say?
If a tenth of what you have claimed is true at even 1% of what you claim to have earned, you should fight until your last breath to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
While I am grateful for advances in modern medicine and am probably alive today because of a medical device and technique unavailable not long ago, If I found myself in the postion you are indicating you are in, I would immediately begin to explore some possibilities outside of the accepted "modern medicine".
I would start with a natural type plant based diet. Meat is poison. And all the chemicals in processing of most foods and meats are poison. And the greatest poison of all is sugar. It isn't just that sugar makes people fat. It is literally poison. And the Government knows it and has known it for decades. As our dependence on sugar has grown over the last 70 years, so has disease and occurrences of cancer. Inflammation is the cause of most disease and illness, including making conditions right for the abnormal growth of cells that becomes cancer. And sugar causes inflammation.
There are some amazing documentary type programs (not selling a damn thing) on people that were given no chance of survival that have gone on a strict no sugar plant-based diet and had amazing turn-arounds. Cancer tumors shrunk, went into remission and even completely disappeared. Their doctors have thrown their hands up and call it "unexplainable". I don't believe these cases are so unexplainable. You deprive the fuel (poisons like sugar) necessary for these diseases to grow.
umm...what do you have to lose?
Last edited by kewlJ; 01-25-2024 at 05:21 PM.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
Wow you are educated on the subject
Been on a new diet since last February.
Not plant based as meat fish and poultry nutrition is more nuanced then just all meat is bad type of thing.
Sugar is the problem most certainly
But I’m not resigned to anything I’m at peace with What I can’t control going forward. I definitely will leave it all on then field that’s a guarantee. But some things are out of our control. Life eventually ends you know.
I’m Still doing everything as i would normally not sitting around worrying about shit I can’t control. I really have no regrets is what I mean by peace. I’m good
Yes, I do have an interest in health. In MY health.And I try to educate myself and that includes considering and learning about things outside of "mainstream medicine". Mainstream medicine and doctors are now completely tied to the pharmaceutical industry. And that industry is about making money....period.
I have been on a plant based diet since September 1st. I consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, including starting every day with a smoothie containing several fruits (apples, grapes, bananas, different variety of berries) and several vegetables, usually, broccoli, carrots, spinach. I also like to make a big pot of my own soup or stew with fresh (not frozen) vegetables for some lunches.
And I eat some plant based meats (burgers and meatballs) for dinner. I am not completely sold on just how great plant based meats are because there is obviously the same processing involved. I do eat chicken twice a week and red meat twice a month, so I am not completely off meat.
Now sugar....everything has sugar in it. Including natural sugars in fruits. What I am mostly concerned about and have tried to eliminate or minimize is ADDED sugars. That is just added poison.
Unfortunately reducing or minimizing added sugars means not only all the obvious things like ice cream (huge for me) and cookies and things, but all breads.And I am NOT there 100% yet. I occasionally eat sugar free ice cream or cookies. But are they really sugar free? They have some sort of added sweetener, that may be just as bad as sugar. And I occasionally buy and eat some whole grain, bread that supposedly has less sugar (according to the label), but again does it?
I am not where I want to be yet, but I am getting there. It is a process. Every step, every bad thing you cut out that you know is a step towards better health and longevity. By now people should know that I am all about longevity.But not just longevity. You want it to be a healthy existence kind of longevity.
And I still wish that for you. I don't beleive it is ever to late to start. I am glad to hear that you got started last year.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
I feel your humor Don. Kale is a great veggie. Many nutrients and antioxidants, including a decent source of Iron which can be hard to replace if you cut out or down on meat.
My problem is no matter how much I am committed, I just can't eat a good amount of Kale, or spinach, or broccoli on it's own. But in a smoothie with some fruits, which will dominate the flavor, I can get my Kale.
What I haven't found a way to include is fish. I have not found any fish or anything from the sea that I can stomach the taste of. I haven't tried blending some cooked fish into my smoothie. And I don't think I ever will.![]()
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
Look up the Joe Tippens protocol.
Casino foods are the worst of the worst. I ditched the comp train a few years ago. When I go on the road I only eat at grocery stores. Nothing I eat comes in a box. Fruits, vegetables, meat (mostly wild caught fish at home and non processed white chicken or turkey meat on the road). The one thing I really like about California is the grocery stores fresh juice centers.
I ate a plant based diet for a year. Then reincorporated meat back into it. I may eat about 4 oz on average per day. Only fish and white bird meats. I buy super high quality meats only. On the road I will eat some rotisserie chicken though...RIP
The only grains I eat are steel cut oats and barley every now and then in soup. Once maybe 3x a year I will go eat some Chinese noodles.
I recommend the Forks Over Knives documentary to anyone looking to make a change in their eating habits. They're all plant based but not constantly pumping vegan bullshit.
Really everything boils down to gut health. If you can get that right then everything else falls into place. I recommend a company called Viome. They take samples and custom make prebiotics and probiotics specifically for the individual along with providing individual food recommendations. They retest and adjust everything every 6 months.
Last edited by MaxPen; 01-25-2024 at 06:40 PM.
MaxPen, your comment "Casino foods are the worst of the worst" made me smile. And not a good "happy" smile.
For 10 years I ate at the casinos every day, sometimes twice a day, and the very worst of it...the buffets at places like Stations and Boyd, Fiesta, Rampart, Silverton South Point....all the locals type places that I played. East Cannery...loved East Cannerys and Sam's towns buffets. All the places that were the unhealtiest of the unhealthy options. One of the few good things to come out of covid is that all those buffets didn't reopen.
The way I play also changed and I am no longer out every day, especially weekdays and rely on the casinos for a meal (almost as part of my income). So that was a good change for me. My brother still plays almost every weekday and eats at casinos. Even though the buffets are gone, I am certain there is nothing healthy about his casino meals.![]()
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
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