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Thread: Would You Believe?

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Usenet didn't exist 20 years ago you liar.
    Careful who you label "liar," esp. when you are completely and demonstrably incorrect.

    Usenet was formed around 1980 and was still around albeit in decline in 2008.


    The time frame I referred to was a year or two after Y2K; i was on an alt.rec.vacation or alt.rec.gambling forum IIRC, and the litigants I mentioned were on a similar forum dedicated to cruising.

    You can apologize for being such an "ass harp," curtsy or bow to me in atonement...the choice is yours.

    "Liar" in-fucking-deed.

    I troll, I stir, but I DO NOT LIE on these forums.
    V, your being someone who inexplicably supports the biggest proven serial liar on the forums, doest exactly inspire confidence in or lend much credibility to your own claim of NOT LYING.

  2. #42
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Be that as it may Robert, I challenge you to show where I have lied about something.

    In particular I challenge you to show where I ever lied about my casino play, or other salient aspects of my life.

    Which is not to say that I'm "a nice guy,"

    As for KJ, sure I have questions, and some reservations about some of his claims as he has admitted to lying on more than one occason.

    But the difference between you, dawg and KJ is that he has explained why he lied and admitted doing so; you and the hound have been shameless at times in presenting your falsehoods.

    Which is fine... that's the kind of stuff that keeps these forums going: "iIt is what it is, and we are what we are."

    Carry on.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #43
    V you're a bigger fool and more gullible than anyone takes you for if you accept UNKewlJ's "I did it to protect myself" rationale for his repeated lies.

    I doubt even no matter how much you smoke you could even elucidate exactly what his "I did it to protect myself" argument even is.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I sometimes find myself in a position, that I have to resort to coming up with a deflect or lie to protect myself from something more damaging.

    If I find myself in a position where I need to lie or make up a story to protect myself, my anonymity, and my career, by telling a little white lie on an internet forum, you better believe I am going to.
    Just so that we may have another good guffaw at your expense UNKewlJ, could you please think long and hard the way you have been each night regularly, to come up with some new lie of the day as to how all the lying you've been laying on us for weeks now over this latest whopper, somehow protected you, your anonymity, or your nonexistent "career." Versus just keeping your mouth shut, I mean. You fucking goat clown.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I think kewlJ doesn't understand why so many people here dislike him.

    It's not just that he lies. We've had lots of liars on this forum.

    It's the seriousness with which kewlJ tells these lies, and then lashes out at those who doubt them. There's a certain arrogance to those posts, in the tone, "Of course this is fucking true, and you're a complete idiot for even doubting this.

    Then, when the forum userbase turns out to be smarter than he expected and disproves some of them, we get the mea culpa that he wasn't telling the truth all along. Fessing up only gets you credit if you do it before people take apart the lie and prove otherwise. You get even less credit if you were arrogant/combative/condescending during the questioning of the story's veracity.

    In fact, even this story doesn't make sense. He's insisting the backrooming really happened, but just the lawsuit part of it was fake. He said he told that lie in order to protect his privacy. Huh?? How does adding a fake postscript to the story protect your privacy?

    It still sounds like he's trying to save face. He's now only admitting to the part which was proven to be false -- and sticking to the part of the story which nobody can possibly disprove.

    Let's say I told a story about being in Denver, meeting an arrogant guy who claimed he was a great poker player, and then we went to go play heads up, and I won a million dollars from him. Then I took a redeye flight back to LA, leaving at 2am and arriving at 4am. Let's say someone looked up the flight schedule that day from Denver, and noticed that no such flight existed in the middle of the night. Upon that being posted, I first argue that they're wrong, and then finally concede, "Okay, I didn't really fly back from Denver that same night. I just told that part of the story to protect the privacy of the person I played."

    That wouldn't make any sense, right? The flight would be totally independent of everything else that happened before. Same thing with the lawsuit. It's not like us believing the lawsuit existed would somehow prevent us from uncovering where this all happened.
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    In fact, even this story doesn't make sense. He's insisting the backrooming really happened, but just the lawsuit part of it was fake. He said he told that lie in order to protect his privacy. Huh?? How does adding a fake postscript to the story protect your privacy?
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    How did it protect your privacy to lie there UNKewlJ, how?
    I am not going to tell you about the very concerns I didn't want going public to begin with
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post

    Ah, well, saying nothing is better than this crap you tried a few minutes ago:

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I made up that timeline and lawsuit portion because details of the settlement were about to become known.
    Oh so, on a matter where you're worried that the details are about to come out, which you don't even explain why that would matter (including because your latest story is that all this happened a long time ago anyway), you suddenly come to the forums and tell a gaggle of online people about this matter yourself and then make up that there was a lawsuit behind it. But finally tell us that EVERYTHING HAPPENED EXACTLY THE WAY I CLAIMED other than the lawsuit.

    And HOW does that prevent the details coming out? Or change anything? How does lying to a group of a dozen people change in any way what was about to become known? When you disclosed it all yourself anyway?

    Which, in the end, the reason nothing became known (other than the lies you posted) is because nothing ever happened.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    You can't get to the truth with a fraud.
    Originally Posted by mdawg
    1) UNKewlJ story, version #1
    "I do live at Panorama Towers / The Martin"

    2) UNKewlJ story, version #2
    "I don't live at Panorama Towers / The Martin"

    3) UNKewlJ story, version #3
    "I do live at Panorama Towers / The Martin"

    Not much different from his "I am gay" / "I am not gay" flip flop he keeps giving us.

    Or the "I am white" / "I made all that up about what I look like" flip flop.

    Oh of course, at the back of all this is his occasional whine about "I do this to protect myself" - but if so, then why keep coming back to insisting that you are what you claim?

    Originally Posted by mdawg
    On the other hand, IF you really were a blackjack player interested in staying anonymous, and what actual blackjack player would not be interested in being anonymous, you would just ride with what he said. More proof that you are not who or what you claim is how hard you are fighting this supposed "misidentification."
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I don't believe any part of your backroom story and I'm skeptical about 75% of everything else.
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    It never ends with this guy.
    He posts one thing today and a week later tells everyone he was lying.
    And does it how many times now?
    GTFOH... Spiderman!
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #44
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    I don't think he tells the truth all the time.

    I simply think he is more truthful about his gambling claims than are you or Robert.

    We all have baggage: the trick is to carry it without stumbling over it.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Be that as it may Robert, I challenge you to show where I have lied about something.

    In particular I challenge you to show where I ever lied about my casino play, or other salient aspects of my life.
    This is you in a nutshell: how is anyone to know if you're lying about yourself--you present plenty of details but never any pics or proof. Kinda like fraudj. And just like him, you become mortified if someone says they don't believe you.

    I'll use the same explanation as you do about myself and mdawg: you draw conclusions based on perception. Here, we have YOU claiming to support the internet's biggest and worst liar in history. And THAT, MrV, erodes YOUR claimed credibility.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    kewlJ, why the gratuitous racism on here?

    I know you and MDawg hate one another, but as far as I've seen, he isn't even one of the people hurling gay-related insults at you.

    If he really did send info to a casino about you, I definitely don't approve of that. However, I really don't want to see racism just thrown around here. I've tried to keep this place mostly free speech, but this really has to stop.
    Dan Druff, you have allowed these homophobic assholes, Singer, Maxpen, Seedvalue and Mdawg and others, but they are the worst offenders to hurl homophobic attacks and slurs at me for years now. But I dare say anything about their race and I am over the line. FUCK you Witteles!

    The late Kevin Keen was banned from this forum for threatening to find me and distribute information to the casinos. Mdawg actually did that. Either to casinos or the database directly. And I can prove it. It probably cost me 40-50 thousand dollars as I had to lay low for most of one year while it blew over. And you don't approve of it. Big fucking deal. I am sure that hurts him.

    I start out trying to be respectful to everyone. If I challenge or question someone's claims, I try to do so respectfully. For example, with Mdawg, my first comments were "as he is telling it, it doesn't add up or make sense". I answer people's challenges and questions about me as respectful as I can. It is never me who goes to the gutter first. And I usually don't respond in that manor until I have been attack like that for some time.

    Mdawg is a fucking sand nigger. Singer is a dago-WOP-nigger, with nigger African blood running through his greasy veins. If you don't like it Witteles, you better ban me, because as long as I am here, I will respond to their homophobic slurs attacks with these racist slurs and attacks. That is what this forum is. That is what YOU have allowed it to be. And don't give me your free speech shit. Free speech does not mean you can just make up lies and whatever you want about people. Just ask Trump.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 02-22-2024 at 01:01 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #47
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    This is you in a nutshell: how is anyone to know if you're lying about yourself--you present plenty of details but never any pics or proof.
    Ah...but as the Asian woman in the massage parlor said: "There's the rub."

    What exactly would you like me to post, Robert, given the fact that I make no brags of casino conquest or unusual personal accomplishments?

    What, you want a picture of my '82 Volvo Turbo?

    Perhaps a pic of the stereo in my listening room?

    As I make few if any claims worth challenging I question the need to adduce proof, but hey, I'm willing to listen.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #48
    I offered V the chance to disprove a thing or two about MDawg. He declined.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The problem is, UNKewlJ has no pots to piss in. Whereas I have all sorts and sizes and different shapes to piss in. So engaging with that irritant for a wager is apparently a waste of time. I tried to propose a simple bet where the only thing at stake was self banning from these forums, and he couldn't even pick that up.

    So, let's say I bet...something more substantial, with someone who evidently at least has some pots to piss in. With MisterV. V, I can come up with any figure we agree on, against, that:

    any entire year you pick of my session results will be corroborated within shall we say 10% of what the casinos have reported. Obviously for a bet like that my providing WIN statements will not be enough, we'd have to go to Vegas together and ask for them together directly from the casinos. And obviously we are not going to do that for a mere pittance.

    And I will add, to make it airtight, that if you determine that I have played at any casino other than the ones I have provided access to for WIN statements, that forfeits the entire bet in your favor. If you recall, I once bet AxelWolf six figures that he could not find a single casino at which I had played other than the ones reported in my WIN statements.

    I'd want an NDA signed with a liquidated damages clause as to protecting my identity (and yours too, if you like), but obviously you will be free to post the results publicly, after you pay me for the wager.

    But keep in mind before you decide on how much you're willing to lose that the WIN statements I posted were not pieces of paper, they were actual live video of me logged into my player accounts, navigating pages.

    I'll leave this offer, like the UNKewl one he declined, on the table for 24 hours too. Let me know.

    This is a serious wager for what appears to be a serious person.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  9. #49
    First off, various APs have observed UNKewlJ playing low level blackjack as cover for sugar daddy search. That is fact.

    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    You had red chips in front of you. I ignored it and even defended it to others. Especially since it was Eastside Cannery. Not the wrong guy. Sorry.

    At least you didn't deny the black hair. Since you're so sure I'm wrong. What do you think about me posting as close an image as I can find of what you look like?

    Then I can post an image that corresponds to your partner and people can judge the Sugar Daddy situation for themselves....LOL

    Let me know.
    SeedValue has witnesses lined up willing to attest to all this.

    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I have eye witnesses willing to go on the record and under oath if need be. That’s the difference between you and I. Loyalty from the ones you brought up. Rat fakes like you wouldn’t understand
    And in any case, referring to UNKewlJ as a male prostitute is not a homophobic slur, it is a statement of plain fact as to what he is and what his occupation is. When was the last time I use the f-- , f----- or any other homophobic slur against him? Even the nickname I use for him UNKewlJ has nothing to do with his being gay.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The reason UNKewlJ loses at everything and is a loser in general is because he's a bad, unnatural person. And that has nothing to do with his being gay.

    Originally Posted by MickeyCrimm
    KJ, why don’t you just stop with all the bitter angry crap.
    On the other hand, when UNKewlJ tosses out the n word, he is using it gratuitously, not to add to his intended meaning, but simply as a racial slur. It stems from his lack of education and homelessness (both also documented, admitted even by UNKewlJ himself, again - facts) and inability to express himself.

    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Why continue to fight a losing battle and lower yourself to such things?
    As far as bums like UNKewlJ,

    Name:  47b8bea8-0a98-4257-a8fc-20391ff6630f_text.gif
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    He declared (yet again) yesterday that he was departing the forum, so what is he doing here now anyway?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    kewlJ, why the gratuitous racism on here?

    I know you and MDawg hate one another, but as far as I've seen, he isn't even one of the people hurling gay-related insults at you.

    If he really did send info to a casino about you, I definitely don't approve of that. However, I really don't want to see racism just thrown around here. I've tried to keep this place mostly free speech, but this really has to stop.
    Dan Druff, you have allowed these homophobic assholes, Singer, Maxpen, Seedvalue and Mdawg and others, but they are the worst offenders to hurl homophobic attacks and slurs at me for years now. But I dare say anything about their race and I am over the line. FUCK you Witteles!

    The late Kevin Keen was banned from this forum for threatening to find me and distribute information to the casinos. Mdawg actually did that. Either to casinos or the database directly. And I can prove it. It probably cost me 40-50 thousand dollars as I had to lay low for most of one year while it blew over. And you don't approve of it. Big fucking deal. I am sure that hurts him.

    I start out trying to be respectful to everyone. If I challenge or question someone's claims, I try to do so respectfully. For example, with Mdawg, my first comments were "as he is telling it, it doesn't add up or make sense". I answer people's challenges and questions about me as respectful as I can. It is never me who goes to the gutter first. And I usually don't respond in that manor until I have been attack like that for some time.

    Mdawg is a fucking sand nigger. Singer is a dago-WOP-nigger, with nigger African blood running through his greasy veins. If you don't like it Witteles, you better ban me, because as long as I am here, I will respond to their homophobic slurs attacks with these racist slurs and attacks. That is what this forum is. That is what YOU have allowed it to be. And don't give me your free speech shit. Free speech does not mean you can just make up lies and whatever you want about people. Just ask Trump.
    Typical LGBTQxhgbdsn always the victim bullshit. That shit doesn't fly here. Get GONE.

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    kewlJ, why the gratuitous racism on here?

    I know you and MDawg hate one another, but as far as I've seen, he isn't even one of the people hurling gay-related insults at you.

    If he really did send info to a casino about you, I definitely don't approve of that. However, I really don't want to see racism just thrown around here. I've tried to keep this place mostly free speech, but this really has to stop.
    Dan Druff, you have allowed these homophobic assholes, Singer, Maxpen, Seedvalue and Mdawg and others, but they are the worst offenders to hurl homophobic attacks and slurs at me for years now. But I dare say anything about their race and I am over the line. FUCK you Witteles!

    The late Kevin Keen was banned from this forum for threatening to find me and distribute information to the casinos. Mdawg actually did that. Either to casinos or the database directly. And I can prove it. It probably cost me 40-50 thousand dollars as I had to lay low for most of one year while it blew over. And you don't approve of it. Big fucking deal. I am sure that hurts him.

    I start out trying to be respectful to everyone. If I challenge or question someone's claims, I try to do so respectfully. For example, with Mdawg, my first comments were "as he is telling it, it doesn't add up or make sense". I answer people's challenges and questions about me as respectful as I can. It is never me who goes to the gutter first. And I usually don't respond in that manor until I have been attack like that for some time.

    Mdawg is a fucking sand nigger. Singer is a dago-WOP-nigger, with nigger African blood running through his greasy veins. If you don't like it Witteles, you better ban me, because as long as I am here, I will respond to their homophobic slurs attacks with these racist slurs and attacks. That is what this forum is. That is what YOU have allowed it to be. And don't give me your free speech shit. Free speech does not mean you can just make up lies and whatever you want about people. Just ask Trump.
    Typical LGBTQxhgbdsn always the victim bullshit. That shit doesn't fly here. Get GONE.
    I agree, as do all NORMAL people.

    But I just enjoy riding my greasy pizzaboard under his thin skin!

  12. #52

    WTF!!!!! Dude repeatedly said the “n” word and doxxed Moses in the same post!!!! Not cool!!!!

    AP-phobia and anti-gay talk is NO excuse for doxxing and repeated racial slurs.

  13. #53
    Not the first time either. He's been doxxing the poor guy since he died. Next you'll hear the pathological liar claiming that Moses gave him permission. From beyond the grave.

    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    The late Kevin Keen (Moses) lied about me for years and then apologized on this deathbed.
    Let's address this first.

    The minute Moses died, UNKewLyingJ was all over both forums but especially this one, going on and on first of all DOXXING him but also going on and on about how yes Moses had showed up at his condo in 2019. So much for UNKewLyingJ's hypocrisy about leaving the dead to RIP.

    Moses never retracted his statement that he had never showed up at any condo at which UNKewLyingJ lived. Moses stated repeatedly that he had never even been to Vegas as of the year UNKewLyingJ claimed he had visited him. All Moses did towards the end of his life was express remorse in general over having duked it out with UNKewLyingJ at the forums: Kj is not my right to just your life. I'm a very sorry. I hope you will forgive me. I didn't mean those nasty I said to you. I hope you will forgive me and maybe keep me in your prayers. That would be great. I don't want to fight anymore.. These sort of classy last words are more than UNKewLyingJ ever managed about either AlanMendelson or Moses, before or after they died.

    UNKewLyingJ made up the nonsense about Moses showing up at a condo in 2019, and then rolled it into two further lies when, over two years later in 2021, he claimed that someone had researched the records at the Panorama Towers / The Martin on Dean Martin Dr. in Vegas and found a record of a condo owned by two brothers, and then used that info to doxx him in 2021 (no one ever saw this doxxing post). The second lie came more recently when he claimed that he had changed the title on this condo right after Moses supposedly showed up at this condo, to an LLC or Trust, which would mean that no one could have researched any condo “under the name of two brothers” because UNKewLyingJ claimed that over two years prior he had changed the title to an LLC or Trust.
    All three of these statements conflicted with each other, which is typical for UNKewLyingJ's not well thought out lies.
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The only verifiable doxxing that happened here was done by UNKewlJ.

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    I can't imagine you doxxing MDawg helped; might have made Max wonder if you'd do the same to him should he ever get on your bad side
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #54
    Let me be clear mr dog, just because I call out the V and the J doesn’t mean I believe you. I don’t. I’m an equal opportunity hater.

  15. #55
    Wouldn't have it any other way!
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    kewlJ, why the gratuitous racism on here?

    I know you and MDawg hate one another, but as far as I've seen, he isn't even one of the people hurling gay-related insults at you.

    If he really did send info to a casino about you, I definitely don't approve of that. However, I really don't want to see racism just thrown around here. I've tried to keep this place mostly free speech, but this really has to stop.
    Dan Druff, you have allowed these homophobic assholes, Singer, Maxpen, Seedvalue and Mdawg and others, but they are the worst offenders to hurl homophobic attacks and slurs at me for years now. But I dare say anything about their race and I am over the line. FUCK you Witteles!

    The late Kevin Keen was banned from this forum for threatening to find me and distribute information to the casinos. Mdawg actually did that. Either to casinos or the database directly. And I can prove it. It probably cost me 40-50 thousand dollars as I had to lay low for most of one year while it blew over. And you don't approve of it. Big fucking deal. I am sure that hurts him.

    I start out trying to be respectful to everyone. If I challenge or question someone's claims, I try to do so respectfully. For example, with Mdawg, my first comments were "as he is telling it, it doesn't add up or make sense". I answer people's challenges and questions about me as respectful as I can. It is never me who goes to the gutter first. And I usually don't respond in that manor until I have been attack like that for some time.

    Mdawg is a fucking sand nigger. Singer is a dago-WOP-nigger, with nigger African blood running through his greasy veins. If you don't like it Witteles, you better ban me, because as long as I am here, I will respond to their homophobic slurs attacks with these racist slurs and attacks. That is what this forum is. That is what YOU have allowed it to be. And don't give me your free speech shit. Free speech does not mean you can just make up lies and whatever you want about people. Just ask Trump.
    I found you had you followed photographed and confirmed because I felt you were a threat, and involved with Jeff toll.

    I never doxed you but why do you care if people call
    You gay homo fag queer or whatever?

    Life’s to short to worry about these things, they are words that mean nothing unless you give meaning to it.

    People spend their time worrying about the stupidest shit. Even money essentially means nothing. Your time is the most value asset. Memories with family and friends, your impact on them how they feel when you pass is life.

    Not spending 1000s of hours posting online about Mdawg and shit that doesn’t matter.

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I found you had you followed photographed and confirmed because I felt you were a threat, and involved with Jeff toll.
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    I have eye witnesses willing to go on the record and under oath if need be. That’s the difference between you and I. Loyalty from the ones you brought up. Rat fakes like you wouldn’t understand
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    And I know for a fact you have committed crimes and use sexual exploitation. I have the testimony and Witnesses waiting for you Mother fucker. Fake loser fuck
    I’m not lier fuck loser.
    Point being, that referring to UNKewlJ as a male prostitute is reported fact by seedvalue (and others) as to his profession and what he does, not any kind of slur.

    Originally Posted by Seedvalue
    you are a very good fictional storyteller lol KJ is a fictional Author masquerading on gambling boards as a sophisticated multi table blackjack savant. :

    You don’t make a living playing blackjack tho. That the problem I have with you. Instead of just coming clean and saying you have sugar daddies some that like you others you have extorted you keep up the charade.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #58
    RE: Kewl

    I just hope those are black chip blowjobs and not red chippers.
    Last edited by accountinquestion; 02-23-2024 at 07:49 AM.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    kewlJ, why the gratuitous racism on here?

    I know you and MDawg hate one another, but as far as I've seen, he isn't even one of the people hurling gay-related insults at you.

    If he really did send info to a casino about you, I definitely don't approve of that. However, I really don't want to see racism just thrown around here. I've tried to keep this place mostly free speech, but this really has to stop.
    Dan Druff, you have allowed these homophobic assholes, Singer, Maxpen, Seedvalue and Mdawg and others, but they are the worst offenders to hurl homophobic attacks and slurs at me for years now. But I dare say anything about their race and I am over the line. FUCK you Witteles!

    The late Kevin Keen was banned from this forum for threatening to find me and distribute information to the casinos. Mdawg actually did that. Either to casinos or the database directly. And I can prove it. It probably cost me 40-50 thousand dollars as I had to lay low for most of one year while it blew over. And you don't approve of it. Big fucking deal. I am sure that hurts him.

    I start out trying to be respectful to everyone. If I challenge or question someone's claims, I try to do so respectfully. For example, with Mdawg, my first comments were "as he is telling it, it doesn't add up or make sense". I answer people's challenges and questions about me as respectful as I can. It is never me who goes to the gutter first. And I usually don't respond in that manor until I have been attack like that for some time.

    Mdawg is a fucking sand nigger. Singer is a dago-WOP-nigger, with nigger African blood running through his greasy veins. If you don't like it Witteles, you better ban me, because as long as I am here, I will respond to their homophobic slurs attacks with these racist slurs and attacks. That is what this forum is. That is what YOU have allowed it to be. And don't give me your free speech shit. Free speech does not mean you can just make up lies and whatever you want about people. Just ask Trump.
    I found you had you followed photographed and confirmed because I felt you were a threat, and involved with Jeff toll.

    I never doxed you but why do you care if people call
    You gay homo fag queer or whatever?

    Life’s to short to worry about these things, they are words that mean nothing unless you give meaning to it.

    People spend their time worrying about the stupidest shit. Even money essentially means nothing. Your time is the most value asset. Memories with family and friends, your impact on them how they feel when you pass is life.

    Not spending 1000s of hours posting online about Mdawg and shit that doesn’t matter.
    Looking back at how you spent your life do you think that being obsessed with your dick is something you'd recommend to these newer generations?

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post

    Point being, that referring to UNKewlJ as a male prostitute is reported fact by seedvalue (and others) as to his profession and what he does, not any kind of slur.
    In what universe is a person throwing out a wild accusation, stated as "fact"? What kind of an attorney are you if you think that? You should work for a former president. You would be wilder than most of his wildest so-called lawyers.....some of which are now ex-lawyers.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

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