Here is my explanation for every WOV Account I have ever had.![]()
Kentry(my very first WOV Account. During Kentry, I posted about my adventures in gambling and misadventures.As Kentry, I mostly played one penny a spin. I was banned from WOV as Kentry shortly after admitting I lost $250 on a bad Casino run(On this trip, I wasn't playing a penny a spin, I was playing like $2 a spin. )
Dean(This was such an unnecessary and unneeded Account, especially since my Kentry Account wasn't even banned yet. Dean criticized Kentry(I wanted to throw off any suspicion that Dean was a Kentry Sock)The device I signed up as Dean ended up breaking and I didn't remember the Account information. Dean was banned when I as Kentry on another Website confessed to having a Dean Sock on WOV.
Nelvin(I made this Account like the very next day after Kentry was banned. I thought I was posting under a VPN, but I didn't do it correctly, and Nelvin lasted exactly one post before being banned as a Kentry Sock)
Nathan(My first major Account after being banned as Kentry. My only one that is active today on WOV.)
Fremble( A filler Account)
Brian(A filler Account)
Alexander( lasted about just one post, a Political one when Politics were still allowed)
Lumes( a filler Account)
Moonsovermyhammy(A filler Account)
Wishuponacomet(A filler Account)
Starburger(This Account, I paid $10 a Session to use. I posted VERY sparingly under this account, considering I PAID to use this Account. I eventually found a way to post under Starburger for free, but I still posted sparingly. I had went four months between posting, made about 3 posts and planned to come back in a couple of months , but Starburger was banned later that day. I had made the mistake of posting under Starburger like the very next day after I had posted about wanting to be an active WOV member again. My instincts told me to wait until the next month to post as Starburger again but I overrode my instincts by reasoning it had been four months since I last posted as Starburger).
Luscioussweet2(I was beginning to feel REALLY weird at WOV, like I didn't belong at WOV. I planned to possibly on my own stop posting as Nathan, but wanted a secondary Account so I could still post frequently. I created Luscioussweet2, a blonde , White 25 year old Craps Player who worked in the Court System(I based my Luscioussweet2 Account off of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde movies! LMAO!
I was doing well as Luscioussweet2 until I let the "Is Luscioussweet2 really Nathan?" Accusations get to me. I even went as far as to post proof that Kentry and Nathan were the same person to throw suspicion off of Luscioussweet2. That's right. I threw two of my own Socks under the bus to try to save the Luscioussweet2 Account. It didn't work and Luscioussweet2 was soon banned as one of my Socks.
Posters said something like,"If Luscioussweet2 had just ignored the accusations, she might still have been an Active WOV Member. I actually thought Luscioussweet2 was a Craps player who wasn't Nathan. Nathan had me completely fooled with the Luscioussweet2 Account." I myself acknowledged that my Luscioussweet2 Account should have just ignored the accusations. )
Nathanisback(Wanted to make it clear it was me, similar to Nathan 2021)
Nathan2021(A Poster suggested I make a new Account and not hide that it was me. )
Blackjackpro(Claimed to be a Blackjack Professional, but was shocked when he had a 20 and lost to the Dealer's 21. Blackjackpro was first suspended when I sent Poker Grinder an unsolicited PM asking for help. Poker Grinder read the PM and didn't even respond, and instead, just reported the PM to Admins and Blackjackpro originally got a three day suspension for sending multiple people unsolicited PMs. I didn't sent multiple unsolicited PNs, I only sent one, one that was ignored and reported. My Suspension grew and grew until I got banned without ever being reinstated. I REALLY shouldn't have sent that unsolicited PMs to Poker Grinder. )
Chone Wilson(I was Chone Wilson and Karice on another Website, and Chone Wilson was a jerk, but Karice was nice and sweet. I was caught being both Karice and Chone Wilson when I as Chone Wilson accidentally answered a question asked for Karice without logging out as Chone Wilson,,LMAO!decided to bring back the Chone Wilson account for WOV.
Was a filler Account for WOV.)
Karice(Karice is an Account I have on multiple Websites.Was a filler Account for WOV. )
Cqldbakc(I first created Cqldbakc on the old IMDb Messageboards. Cqldbakc is actually from Coldwell Banker, just rearranged, added, and
)removed some letters.brought back Cqldbakc for WOV.
Riverjordan(I claimed I had gotten a $300 Restaurant Comp and had used it at a Restaurant with some Acquaintances and an argument broke out when no one else wanted to pay the tax and tip, assuming that since these were my Restaurant Comps, I needed to pay for EVERYTHING. Multiple well known Gamblers have had similar Restaurant Comp based arguments and I assumed I would look legit by claiming that happened to me too. River Jordan was caught and banned like the next day. )
Krazychick(I posted that I accidentally left my Player's Club Card in a machine and when I came back, someone was playing on it. I remembered Darkoz getting a LOT of free play, points, comps, when he accidentally left his Player's Club Card in a machine and when he came back, some random gambler was inadvertently playing on his Player's Club Card. In my case, I assumed the guy was going to give me a LOT of free play, points, and comps, and I was stunned when I only got ONE dollar in points. A Poster responded something like,"The guy most likely realized he was inadvertently playing on someone else's Player's Club Card and took it out and continued playing and when he was done playing, put it back in the machine and left. Krazychick was banned the same day.
Krazychicka(I had accidentally deleted the activation Email, so I was never able to register.
These are all of my WOV Accounts/Socks.![]()