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Thread: Mickey, what were you doing?

  1. #1
    For those of you who don't read PFA I saw this over there. If you don't know, guess the author !

    Had weird dream 2 nights ago, featuring mickeycrimm
    I tend to have a lot of dreams regarding hiking/visiting (fictional) places out in nature. While this sounds pleasant/relaxing, I often run into frustrating or disturbing situations which turn it into a bothersome dream or a nightmare. For example, sometimes it abruptly gets dark, sometimes I get lost, sometimes I lose the other people I'm with (this is probably the most common), sometimes I find myself super far away from where I parked my car, and sometimes there's an artificial barrier like a wall which is blocking me from getting back. Occasionally these are even worse, where some kind of violence occurs, or someone is attempting to kill/hurt me.

    Would be great if I could just have nice, relaxing hiking dreams, especially because the places themselves are often beautiful and sometimes otherworldly. But my brain won't just let it be easy.

    In this case, I was with a big group of poker players, and we were hiking in some kind of beautiful rocky canyon looking area, similar to what one might find in Arizona or Utah. Everything was normal until we got to some kind of concrete rest house, which I think was supposed to be at the trailhead. Most of the poker players in the group were fictional. One of the guys was tall, around 30, and overweight, and while he was supposed to be a fellow poker pro, he doesn't exist in real life. He announced, "I really need to piss", and then whipped it out and just started spraying piss into the crowded room. I was closest to him, and tried to get away, and everyone else jumped back. The piss shot really far, and ended up hitting both me and another dude. Both of us were really grossed out and angry, especially because we kept yelling at him to stop, and he didn't.

    When the pissing stopped, the other victim of the urination ran up and tried to fight the guy, but he got pulled away. Right then, I felt like a pussy for sitting there with piss on me, and not doing anything about it like the other guy tried to do. So I then ran up to the dude also and tried to hit him for this, but was separated by someone trying to get in between us.

    As hard as I tried, I couldn't get to him. I temporarily let it go, but I saw the guy again in some weird tunnel thing we were walking through, so I tried to hit him again, and once again someone got in between and stopped it. Instead, I settled for just insulting him, and saying as mean of things as I could. (I don't remember exactly what I said.)

    Eventually I found myself outside again, but it was dark, and implied to be hours (or even a day) later. I was in front of a chasm where people were allowed to go down via steep steps. I heard some commotion coming from there, and I could swear I was hearing my name and unflattering things being said.

    I approached closer, and I saw mickeycrimm in the chasm, speaking to a group of people, who were also in there. They had on some kind of yellow lantern illuminating it. I watched Mickey give his speech, and it turned out the entire bass of it was telling everyone what a horrible person I was, and how I can't control my temper.

    Angry at Mickey, but not wanting to start a confrontation with him in front of his entire group, I walked away. However, some random approached me and told me I should be ashamed of myself. I asked why, and the person was shocked I didn't know.

    "He killed himself. You're telling me you don't know that?", the person said.

    "Who killed himself?", I asked.

    "The guy you tried to fight with, and whom you said all of those awful things. It really got to him. He took his own life yesterday, and he wrote in the suicide note that it was because of you", the person condescendingly explained.

    The rest of the dream was people glaring at me like I was a terrible guy, and I realized that everyone in poker blamed me for this dude's suicide. I guess I didn't have the right to insult him after he literally pissed on me (and another guy) for no reason.

    I also felt immense guilt that my words caused the dude to kill himself. So I had this really depressing feeling of both guilt and dread. I thought I would forever be branded an asshole who caused a guy to commit suicide.

    I called my girlfriend and explained the situation to her.

    "I messed up. I was too mean," I told her. "Now he's dead, and between the guilt and knowing how everyone is going to see me forever, I don't know how I'll ever get over this."

    Then I woke up.

    Thanks, Mickey.

  2. #2
    I wasn't in the place he said I was and I have an air tight alibi.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  3. #3
    I think the dream probably happened in Red Rock canyon or maybe the Spring Mountains since they’re near Las Vegas, and this is a Las Vegas subforum.

  4. #4
    Non-starter thread. No way that I'm reading all or any of that. And, the stuff by V is becoming way too morbid to want to think about it. Ha.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  5. #5
    Once the finer points of a golden shower are realized, peace, not violence, will become automatic.

    Ask Negraneau.

  6. #6
    Speaking of V, you have to take it out for the anagram solutions to become respectable. Ha.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Once the finer points of a golden shower are realized, peace, not Xiolence, will become automatic.
    ---> Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Portland in Oregon.

    Name:  St._Mary's_Cathedral_-_Portland_02.jpg
Views: 286
Size:  15.0 KB

    Architectural style Romanesque Revival
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  7. #7
    I'll take Negreanu being peed on in Red Rock Canyon as the answer. Thanks dudes. That's why I post here and not elsewhere.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I wasn't in the place he said I was and I have an air tight alibi.
    Mr. Crime, you have a wonderful sense of humor about this weird dream anecdote involving you .
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I wasn't in the place he said I was and I have an air tight alibi.
    Mr. Crime, you have a wonderful sense of humor about this weird dream anecdote involving you .
    Tasha, would you ever date a professional slot-player?

  10. #10
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Tasha, would you ever date a professional slot-player?
    What do you mean by "date?"

    Guess your age?

    Remember, the minx is "asexual" blow job for you after buying her a Big Mac and fries.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    "He killed himself. You're telling me you don't know that?", the person said.

    "Who killed himself?", I asked.

    "The guy you tried to fight with, and whom you said all of those awful things. It really got to him. He took his own life yesterday, and he wrote in the suicide note that it was because of you", the person condescendingly explained.
    Are you sure the dream was about MCrimm because you do occasionally feel guilt over that whenever UNKewlJ is absent from these forums it means he offed himself. For real this time, not the usual faked death.

    You needn't worry about UNKewlJ though - while at the end of each day he tries to comfort himself in that tunnel that someone, somewhere believes him, and obviously doesn't enjoy the fact that no one believes him, compulsive liars like him are sociopathic enough to be beyond feeling any guilt or remorse, and would therefore not be expected to commit suicide over this sort of thing.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #12
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    No doubt KJ is still reading the forum from his LV condo, having played blackjack earlier, chuckling at how he STILL rents space in your head.

    You claim to be a man who never forgets, so I guess he'll be haunting you til the end.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    You needn't worry about UNKewlJ though - while at the end of each day he tries to comfort himself in that tunnel that someone, somewhere believes him, and obviously doesn't enjoy the fact that no one believes him, compulsive liars like him are sociopathic enough to be beyond feeling any guilt or remorse, and would therefore not be expected to commit suicide over this sort of thing.
    Finally, someone around here who can handle a long sentence. Nice. Ha.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  14. #14
    Thanks Garnabby.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    No doubt KJ is still reading the forum
    Of course he reads every word. That's the point.

    I don't - in fact, I just noticed yesterday that thread you made about the murder of Dennis and Ashley Price by Joseph Houston II. I had been reading about that in the ReviewJournal. That was some Bad Craziness.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Thanks Garnabby.
    You're welcome. Ha.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  17. #17
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    The cabal here made it a point to "drive" KJ off the board.

    OK, you got your wish.

    What was your "end game?"

    Did you think his absence would IMPROVE the quality and quantity of discussion here?

    Maybe it was just petty bullying with no "end game" other than infusing a false feeling of superiority?

    He seems to be gone, so the forum is "yours:" let's see what you do with it.
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    you do occasionally feel guilt over that whenever UNKewlJ is absent from these forums it means he offed himself.
    Now that's an interesting interpretation because I feel that kewl pisses on us and tells us it's raining.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    The cabal here made it a point to "drive" KJ off the board.

    OK, you got your wish.

    What was your "end game?"

    Did you think his absence would IMPROVE the quality and quantity of discussion here?

    Maybe it was just petty bullying with no "end game" other than infusing a false feeling of superiority?

    He seems to be gone, so the forum is "yours:" let's see what you do with it.
    Kew wasn't "driven" off the forum; he was ORDERED off.

    Here's what happened: the lying little twit at one point in high school gym class, got his shorts pulled down and was shoved, kicking and screaming, into to the girls locker room by the cool guys. While the half-dressed prissy honeys frantically covered up as the yelled bloody murder!, the naked hot girls were laughing their pretty asses off.

    The, predictably, it was the wussified kew who got called into the Vice Principal's office, whereupon he received a verbal lashing along with an indefinite suspension. No one else was reprimanded--instead they were ALL praised for a job well done.

    A picture of kew's 3-inch hardened penis now hangs on the wall of the girl's locker room.

    Tell me V....would YOU return after experiencing something like that?

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    you do occasionally feel guilt over that whenever UNKewlJ is absent from these forums it means he offed himself.
    Now that's an interesting interpretation because I feel that kewl pisses on us and tells us it's raining.
    The nature of sociopaths like UNKewlJ is to be manipulative,
    Originally Posted by Tater/Moses
    Poor poor KJ. Always the victim.
    but the reality is, that he brings it all upon himself.

    It doesn't work with most of us at all, and it doesn't work with AccountInQuestion most of the time, but sometimes AInQuest feels so sorry for UNKewlJ that he starts wondering if he was too harsh with him.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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