Another off one I watched recently, The Lighthouse (2019) with Willem Dafoe. Somehow I felt like Dafoe was miscast but Robert Pattinson surprisingly (never considered him a serious actor before) did a good job as the other lighthouse keeper. Set in the 1890s, filmed in 35mm black and white film, and injected with a couple of Greek myths (Proteus - an ever changing sea god, and Prometheus - who defies the Greek gods by stealing fire from them, and is punished eternally by having Zeus in the form of an eagle keep eating his liver (that grows back every night) while bound to a rock). Also the myth any sailor knows of that it's bad luck to kill a seabird. Yes all that bizarreness and more, in this one, including no circle jerk but some jerking off too, presented fairly grotesquely.
One of those movies where it's unclear what happened and what didn't by the end. A sort of a Hateful Eight (2015) meets Once Upon a Time in the West
(1968) with Mulholland Drive (2001) as the backdrop.
It does get its point across, whatever that point might be, by the end though in a twisted Gothic revisionist horror movie sort of way.