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Thread: Quick Note for Todd

  1. #281
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    It's inevitable.
    I guess that the idea is that if the person didn't have the bad habits, then he/she would have lived longer, and better.

    Rob.Singer Rob.Singer is online now
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    11,096 ------> 11096 = (1096 + 10000) ---> 1961
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

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  2. #282
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I see this thread was hijacked into oblivion. Pointless to post here.

    I'm back from LV. Made one medium-sized future wager. Checked all futures numbers everywhere. Will post a pic of myself and Dr. Beck to cap the thread at some point.

    If Todd wants to conduct an interview, he can email me at the address. Our paths did not cross for my five days in Las Vegas. I have a couple of other interviews in the pipeline. Like Wyatt Earp, I appear to be popular in my retirement. One in particular might be interesting. I'm a sucker for a Philly audience. KewlJ, you'll know if it happens.
    Red, did it ever occur to you that the Dr. Beck's in your life tolerate your thus name dropping because they don't want their next sandwich to be laced with a poison?
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + TheGrimReaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Survived by MHF.

    Blog at

  3. #283
    If he was worth all that his mouth purports he is in his world of sports betting, he'd never have the continuous desire to talk about his oddball associations with all these characters. It's clear he has this obsessive need to build up whatever he thinks his brand is, and he thinks these are the people who can help do that--and on this pathetic forum of all places. But all I've ever seen with him is someone who tries to get other people's money to overcome his short-comings in what he's involved in.

  4. #284
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Has he actually ever asked forum members for money or tried to induce them to hire him to make sports picks?

    I cannot recall him doing so.

    Could be he just likes to dwell on himself and what he's done; you know, reflecting before the final dirtnap.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #285
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Has he actually ever asked forum members for money or tried to induce them to hire him to make sports picks?

    I cannot recall him doing so.

    Could be he just likes to dwell on himself and what he's done; you know, reflecting before the final dirtnap.
    Yes V, he had a couple of his "associates" contact me twice asking me to buy his "can't lose" picks. He of course claims it wasn't him who directed the contact. We will never know for sure, but it's become more and more likely that he was behind this effort over time, with his bizarre attempts at declawing other more astute gamers here.

    Here's a character he can name-drop in his next post. "Dr. Rob Singer" advises him to pack it up and leave whatever show he believes he's putting on at VCT. It'll be a reputation saver.

  6. #286
    Never happened.

    Rob gets away with this because the word "associates" has no definition. Somebody I said hello to at the Golden Nugget coffee counter could be defined as an "associate."

    Singer is tricky like this. He does all kinds of writing shenanigans for effect, when it's all bullshit. You're a lawyer, V, you're used to this stuff. You tell me how wide a net the word "associate" casts, and why someone would repeatedly use THAT word while consistently avoiding details of the interaction.

    No language from the actual alleged conversation. Now that would be helpful, eh? No names? Even more -- LOL -- helpful. Yeah, lack of actual names is a bitch.

    Originally Rob claimed there were text messages, which he of course lost. That requires Rob to have had me dead to rights on "selling picks" through my "associates," but he lost the texts. Just moron claims like that.

    It's really not even a good effort by Singer. What he should have done is have a friend or family member text me and try to get some return text that has me trying to sell something. Oh wait -- LOL -- he did try that. Pretty funny. No, he didn't get a sales pitch. And it was Rob, anonymously, asking me shit via text. I'd like to say he had me fooled, but it took me about 10 seconds to figure out who it was.

    V, do me a favor. Use some lawyering perspectives to ask Rob all the appropriate questions regarding this subject. You'll do a better job than me debunking every aspect of this crap.

    By the way, I have an "associate" who worked for Joe Biden. And an "associate" who Trump tried to borrow money from. True dat.

  7. #287
    That's an interesting defense - zeroing in on the ambiguity of "associates" rather than simply stating that the story is entirely made up.

  8. #288
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    That's an interesting defense - zeroing in on the ambiguity of "associates" rather than simply stating that the story is entirely made up.
    Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

  9. #289
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Redietz, while I appreciate your confidence in my seeming "legal" abilities I decline the challenge.

    Going down this sort of "rabbit hole" is Robert's end game, and I for one would rather not give him the satisfaction.

    Look, those who are long time gambling forum posters are quite familiar with Robert by now and have formed their own opinion as to his veracity; many have seemingly debunked his more controversial claims, and yet...he refuses to pack his bags and go away.

    Not that he should.

    Some, perhaps most, folks come to these boards seeking information primarily, whereas others like Robert use them as an opportunity to flame and insult others while trying to make themselves look "good" in the eyes of strangers.

    I and others have challenged Robert on some of his claims to no effect, so what is the point continuing to do so, given the fact a response is just what he is seeking?
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #290
    Look, it is this simple. Not a single other member of this forum has EVER claimed Red solicited them with sports picks or service. ONLY Rob.

    Surely in all these years someone else would gave come forward. And if he was soliciting people behind the scenes, someone would have mentioned it to Dan Druff, who would have looked into it.

    I mean...what? Red has been on these forums for 15-20 years, going through all this he could solicite Rob and ONLY Rob?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #291
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Look, it is this simple
    Originally Posted by soxfan View Post
    Yer not only an inveterate, compulsive, pathological liar, yer an imbecile as well, hey hey.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #292
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Chill, Dawg.

    His post was apt and did not warrant your knee-jerk attack.

    A smart general knows when to uleash his war dogs.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #293
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    That's an interesting defense - zeroing in on the ambiguity of "associates" rather than simply stating that the story is entirely made up.

    LOL. I can't define who my "associates" are. I never solicit anybody. If Robert has his wife text me, or texts me anonymously himself, then by definition he is now one of my "associates." So is his wife. Anything either does has now been done by one of my "associates." Then if he and his wife rape the neighbor's beagle, I am now an associate of an animal cruelty felon.

    If you had any brains, you'd realize Robert chose that particular word for specific reasons. And you, likely having zero experience in writing or editing anything, fell for it.

    Learn to read between the lines. Some of you guys are real doofuses when it comes to simple analyses. Hell, you are now an "associate" of mine for appearing on this forum. Rub a couple neurons together. It's good exercise.

    And smurgerburger, learn to read. The first words I typed were "Never happened." Do you require clarification of that, or can you look up the words yourself?

  14. #294
    That's not actually what the noun "associate" means, and I doubt any editor would agree that a person who anonymously texts someone is now their associate.

    So apparently your caveat about Rob "getting away with it" on this ground was mistaken, and in fact there is no sense in which Rob's claim is true?

  15. #295
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Look, it is this simple. Not a single other member of this forum has EVER claimed Red solicited them with sports picks or service. ONLY Rob.

    Surely in all these years someone else would gave come forward. And if he was soliciting people behind the scenes, someone would have mentioned it to Dan Druff, who would have looked into it.

    I mean...what? Red has been on these forums for 15-20 years, going through all this he could solicite Rob and ONLY Rob?
    And why would that be, genius and serial liar? Because he knew where the money was. Look at it like he'd NEVER solicit you--other than for a hillbilly rim job.

  16. #296
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Never happened.

    Rob gets away with this because the word "associates" has no definition. Somebody I said hello to at the Golden Nugget coffee counter could be defined as an "associate."

    Singer is tricky like this. He does all kinds of writing shenanigans for effect, when it's all bullshit. You're a lawyer, V, you're used to this stuff. You tell me how wide a net the word "associate" casts, and why someone would repeatedly use THAT word while consistently avoiding details of the interaction.

    No language from the actual alleged conversation. Now that would be helpful, eh? No names? Even more -- LOL -- helpful. Yeah, lack of actual names is a bitch.

    Originally Rob claimed there were text messages, which he of course lost. That requires Rob to have had me dead to rights on "selling picks" through my "associates," but he lost the texts. Just moron claims like that.

    It's really not even a good effort by Singer. What he should have done is have a friend or family member text me and try to get some return text that has me trying to sell something. Oh wait -- LOL -- he did try that. Pretty funny. No, he didn't get a sales pitch. And it was Rob, anonymously, asking me shit via text. I'd like to say he had me fooled, but it took me about 10 seconds to figure out who it was.

    V, do me a favor. Use some lawyering perspectives to ask Rob all the appropriate questions regarding this subject. You'll do a better job than me debunking every aspect of this crap.

    By the way, I have an "associate" who worked for Joe Biden. And an "associate" who Trump tried to borrow money from. True dat.
    Weird. Just plain weird.

  17. #297
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    I doubt any editor would agree that a person who anonymously texts someone is now their associate.
    Nobody else would, be they an editor or not.

    Ditz is likely relying on the Martian concept for the word, that's where the disconnect is.

    A spaceman contacts relatively few other beings in his travels, so few that any connection is considered an associate.

  18. #298
    I have, or used to have, an “associate” that interviewed the Queen of England and several US Presidents.

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