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Thread: Rough night on the strip.

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Also today’s game is pure bullshit, starting at 11:30 here on the East Coast on Roku. I just found an app for it on my Samsung TV so I guess it’s free but still more nonsense. I buy the MLB package so I don’t have to deal with this 2 out of 3 days this weekend.
    The game on Roku didn't bother me. I have Roku downloaded and occasionally watch something on it. What bothered me was 8:30 am start (here in the west). That is crazy. I have a routine in the morning, (exercising, walking before it gets to hot, making my sports bet pick) and it doesn't include watching baseball before 10am (which would be the normal 1pm east coast games).
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #62
    Your Roku must be on that phone of yours. Because, otherwise, it wouldn't work while on the go from your tunnel abode!

    No stable place to live, is why you rarely comment on movies or television, because you don't have a television! with which to watch anything like that.

    It's hard to keep up when you have to keep moving to avoid disgruntled Johns that are waiting to blacken your eye.
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-23-2024 at 09:49 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #63

    Originally Posted by MDawg
    How about this one UNKewlJ? What well known AP said this:

    I thought that was common knowledge about Kewlj being a male prostitute.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The thirty-five most major UNKewl lies I can think of concern (1) his lie about Moses showing up at a condo he claimed he lived at, (2) a condo it turned out that he has no ownership in and does not even live in, where he can’t even get his story straight about what is and what is not allowed by the condo CCRs, and lies about “renting it out” AirBnB style, (3) his faking his own death, (4) lying about ever having been robbed, (5) the nonsense about MGM execs showing up at his apartment on Halloween to give him player records on someone who isn't even MDawg, (6) the backrooming lawsuit, (7) the lies about news stories being broadcast about the backrooming incident, lies about the fictional settlement related to the fabricated incident, (8) the lie about being doxxed, or ever having his name placed in any casino database, (9) the rigged shuffler, (10) $50. free play for $100K win on a slot progressive, (11) $50K multi hand VP hit, (12) lied about hitting a $4000. Royal at Hooters (now OP) with $15. free play. (13) winning a car, (14) the lie about never asking anyone else to prove anything, (15) the lie about knowing attorney Nersesian well or at all, and having him on "speed dial," (16) lies that made it clear that he has never filed taxes as a professional gambler, (17) fabricated sports bets, (18) lies about that he has calculated his exact "expected win" over a decade and a half period, (19) lies about ever playing blackjack other than red green chip action as cover for a sugar daddy hustle, (20) lying about how “many” APs know him, (21) lies about how “many” APs have offered to “hire him” for their blackjack teams, (22) lying and claiming that he has never told others how they should post and about what, (23) lying about never posting again about this or that or on this or that forum, (24) lying about why he was nuked from WOV, trying to imply that he left on his own accord, (25) lying about that he “always discloses his socks up front” (q.v. Magister), (26) lying about having gone to college after claiming for years that he never did, (27) lies about the "oily" surfboard, (28) lied about whether or not he was gay, (29) the lie about even having a dead "soul mate" which he recanted, (30) continuing to lie about what the “about even” statement of MDawg means even after realizing that it means absolutely nothing, (31) a concocted electronic blackjack game he hadn't "studied up" on enough before presenting to the crowd, (32) Lied about and misquoted the Wizard, (33) caught up in conflicting lies about a blackjack play where he couldn’t even keep track of whether or not the game was electronic, (34) the repeated lie about that MDawg's "about even" admission meant anything other than just an accommodation to get his Adventures thread unhidden, (35) Concocted an obviously false tale of getting pick pocketed and trying to grab and rough up the pick pocketer.

    That rigged shuffler story, besides not making any sense, reaffirmed in my mind that this guy really doesn't play much table games, because I'd expect such nonsense from a recreational player, not a card counter.
    Time to fact check this often repeated lie, just as I did with Singers statement yesterday that was 60% false.

    Mdawg lists 35 things that he SAYS are lies. 1/2 of one of them actually is. #6 Lied about the backrooming lawsuit. NOT the backrooming, but the lawsuit when multiple people were digging around and I needed to deflect away from the story.

    1/2 out of 35 statements are true with this guy, which by the math is about 1.5% of his statements are true. 1.5%!! Far worse than even Singers 40%.

    Mdawg wishing, thinking or saying something is a lie, does not make it a lie. And apparently this guy who claims to be a lawyer, doesn't understand what proving somerthing is. Here let me help you with that.

    1) when somone claims to win millions of dollars over 7 months and then, when you see the gambling records and they are in the red for that period.....THAT is proof.

    2.) when someone claims they won 60 blackjack hands in a row, and then wizard even comes out saying how impossible that was, and then the person retracts that stupid statement....THAT is proof.

    3) when someone claims they spread $100-$5000 and then retracts THAT after wizard calls him on it....THAT is proof.

    4) when someone claims he bought a "mid 7 figure mansion" and public real estate records show no such transaction....THAT is proof.

    I am sure there are many more, but these things are an example of proof and being proven to have made up lie. You thinking, or believing something, is not proof of anything, except maybe your bad judgement.

    Seriou question: Did the online law school you got a law degree from, not cover what constitutes "proof"?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #65
    All 35 UNKewl lies are documented as lies.

    All 35 are true. As PeeWee Herman might have said, Every second of it.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #66
    Pretty sure kewl us about to drop a truth bomb on mdawg about the list'a'lies.

  7. #67
    That could prove to be a 10X Multiplier to end all 10X Multipliers.

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    Last edited by MDawg; 06-23-2024 at 04:34 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    The thirty-five most major UNKewl lies I can think of concern (1) his lie about Moses showing up at a condo he claimed he lived at, (2) a condo it turned out that he has no ownership in and does not even live in, where he can’t even get his story straight about what is and what is not allowed by the condo CCRs, and lies about “renting it out” AirBnB style, (3) his faking his own death, (4) lying about ever having been robbed, (5) the nonsense about MGM execs showing up at his apartment on Halloween to give him player records on someone who isn't even MDawg, (6) the backrooming lawsuit, (7) the lies about news stories being broadcast about the backrooming incident, lies about the fictional settlement related to the fabricated incident, (8) the lie about being doxxed, or ever having his name placed in any casino database, (9) the rigged shuffler, (10) $50. free play for $100K win on a slot progressive, (11) $50K multi hand VP hit, (12) lied about hitting a $4000. Royal at Hooters (now OP) with $15. free play. (13) winning a car, (14) the lie about never asking anyone else to prove anything, (15) the lie about knowing attorney Nersesian well or at all, and having him on "speed dial," (16) lies that made it clear that he has never filed taxes as a professional gambler, (17) fabricated sports bets, (18) lies about that he has calculated his exact "expected win" over a decade and a half period, (19) lies about ever playing blackjack other than red green chip action as cover for a sugar daddy hustle, (20) lying about how “many” APs know him, (21) lies about how “many” APs have offered to “hire him” for their blackjack teams, (22) lying and claiming that he has never told others how they should post and about what, (23) lying about never posting again about this or that or on this or that forum, (24) lying about why he was nuked from WOV, trying to imply that he left on his own accord, (25) lying about that he “always discloses his socks up front” (q.v. Magister), (26) lying about having gone to college after claiming for years that he never did, (27) lies about the "oily" surfboard, (28) lied about whether or not he was gay, (29) the lie about even having a dead "soul mate" which he recanted, (30) continuing to lie about what the “about even” statement of MDawg means even after realizing that it means absolutely nothing, (31) a concocted electronic blackjack game he hadn't "studied up" on enough before presenting to the crowd, (32) Lied about and misquoted the Wizard, (33) caught up in conflicting lies about a blackjack play where he couldn’t even keep track of whether or not the game was electronic, (34) the repeated lie about that MDawg's "about even" admission meant anything other than just an accommodation to get his Adventures thread unhidden, (35) Concocted an obviously false tale of getting pick pocketed and trying to grab and rough up the pick pocketer.

    That rigged shuffler story, besides not making any sense, reaffirmed in my mind that this guy really doesn't play much table games, because I'd expect such nonsense from a recreational player, not a card counter.
    Time to fact check this often repeated lie, just as I did with Singers statement yesterday that was 60% false.

    Mdawg lists 35 things that he SAYS are lies. 1/2 of one of them actually is. #6 Lied about the backrooming lawsuit. NOT the backrooming, but the lawsuit when multiple people were digging around and I needed to deflect away from the story.

    1/2 out of 35 statements are true with this guy, which by the math is about 1.5% of his statements are true. 1.5%!! Far worse than even Singers 40%.

    Mdawg wishing, thinking or saying something is a lie, does not make it a lie. And apparently this guy who claims to be a lawyer, doesn't understand what proving somerthing is. Here let me help you with that.

    1) when somone claims to win millions of dollars over 7 months and then, when you see the gambling records and they are in the red for that period.....THAT is proof.

    2.) when someone claims they won 60 blackjack hands in a row, and then wizard even comes out saying how impossible that was, and then the person retracts that stupid statement....THAT is proof.

    3) when someone claims they spread $100-$5000 and then retracts THAT after wizard calls him on it....THAT is proof.

    4) when someone claims he bought a "mid 7 figure mansion" and public real estate records show no such transaction....THAT is proof.

    I am sure there are many more, but these things are an example of proof and being proven to have made up lie. You thinking, or believing something, is not proof of anything, except maybe your bad judgement.

    Seriou question: Did the online law school you got a law degree from, not cover what constitutes "proof"?

    Kew actually believes that whatever he says has GOT to be believed by everyone else. Even after being PROVEN wrong dozens of times and after being caught in lie after lie after lie.

    And that's where the enjoyment of reading this forum comes into play. No matter the amount of effort that goes into trying to convince others that he's right and everybody else is wrong, kew continues to make mistakes and get taken down due to poor planning.

    Watch him whine, get angry, and go up in flames. A fitting prequel to his upcoming residence in hell.

  9. #69
    It goes beyond that he's been proven to have lied's that nothing he has said has been other than proven to be lies.

    In other words, he's batting a thousand when it comes to every one of his stories...not one has been corroborated in any way, but many have been disproved.

    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #70
    And that's the important point that always gets made: kew claims to have been playing bj for over 20 years, he's made numerous claims and has presented a slew of tales....yet while most of his claims and stories have been proven to be false, he has never once verified or supported a thing--on stories as simple as showing harmless pictures, documents, or names of supposed "corroborating AP's".

    His fate was sealed long ago.

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