Glad you got your Account back!

But it's scary that someone hacked your Account in the first place. The closer I have ever come to a Hacked Account is someone creating an Account called Kentry-1802 and making VERY disgusting posts about wanting to have sex with children. Posters were disgusted and were making posts like,"Admins, give us Kentry 's IP Address do we can call the police on Kentry and have him arrested and jailed."
My ENEMY on the board said something like,"Kentry is being impostered. The REAL Kentry is Kentry1802. The imposter is Kentry-1802. It's a VERY close impersonation, in fact, it's only one symbol of, but this isn't Kentry writing these disgusting things about children.
The REAL Kentry doesn't say disgusting things like that. I don't know what's worse, Posters falling for Kentry 's imposter's trick and actually trying to get the real Kentry arrested and jailed(This proves that some random Poster could have
impostered me the same way and you guys would have fallen for it and tried to have me arrested and jailed) or me standing up for my Enemy."
The Posters saw the light after my Enemy's insightful post and reported the Imposter and his Account was deleted as if it never existed.