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Thread: Attention Dan Druff

  1. #1
    Todd, it is fucked up that you have not responded to Mdawg's accusations that DaveDantry, Positivevariance and I are all sockpuppets of the same person. Your own rule #6 states no duplicate accounts (sock puppets) and you have previously verified or shot down other accusations, with Tasha and Singer, so why are you silent now? Why do you allow this fucktard Mdawg to say shit that violates your own posted rules.

    For that matter your rule #4 states you may not threaten or harass other members and you allow that every single day against me.

    What the fuck is wrong with you? A troll enabler is just as much a troll as the troll. And you are the worst I have seen. Worse than Shackleford.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Todd, it is fucked up that you have not responded to Mdawg's accusations that DaveDantry, Positivevariance and I are all sockpuppets of the same person. Your own rule #6 states no duplicate accounts (sock puppets) and you have previously verified or shot down other accusations, with Tasha and Singer, so why are you silent now? Why do you allow this fucktard Mdawg to say shit that violates your own posted rules.

    For that matter your rule #4 states you may not threaten or harass other members and you allow that every single day against me.

    What the fuck is wrong with you? A troll enabler is just as much a troll as the troll. And you are the worst I have seen. Worse than Shackleford.
    I’m assuming it’s because he has a life.

    He has a son, a radio show, & poker career, & the poker fraud alert forum that he is much more active on.

    Baby sitting a bunch of adults that hurl insults at each other is likely low on his priority list lol.

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Todd, it is fucked up that you have not responded to Mdawg's accusations that DaveDantry, Positivevariance and I are all sockpuppets of the same person. Your own rule #6 states no duplicate accounts (sock puppets) and you have previously verified or shot down other accusations, with Tasha and Singer, so why are you silent now? Why do you allow this fucktard Mdawg to say shit that violates your own posted rules.

    For that matter your rule #4 states you may not threaten or harass other members and you allow that every single day against me.

    What the fuck is wrong with you? A troll enabler is just as much a troll as the troll. And you are the worst I have seen. Worse than Shackleford.
    Get help.

    I'm being serious this time.

  4. #4
    This harassment of Druff is just as suspicious as your denial of being Asian.

    Why would you bother denying it, unless it was true?

    You obviously have obfuscating measures in place that you hope to trick and manipulate Dan with.

  5. #5
    I am not trying to trick or manipulate Dan Druff. Simply requesting that enforce his own written rules.

    I took him at his word when he posted those rules. Had I know at that time that he allowed all the doxing, lying making shit up and general harassment, I would have quit long ago, before I became addicted to posting with you clowns.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am not trying to trick or manipulate Dan Druff. Simply requesting that enforce his own written rules.

    I took him at his word when he posted those rules. Had I know at that time that he allowed all the doxing, lying making shit up and general harassment, I would have quit long ago, before I became addicted to posting with you clowns.
    You did quit a long time ago.

    And then a medium time ago.

    And then a short time ago.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I became addicted to posting
    Even if you are addicted to posting, you can still quit doxing, lying, making up shit and general harassment, if it bothers you so much.

    You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

  8. #8
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  9. #9
    Druff said he bought this forum when Alan was going to close it because Druff wanted to preserve all the content he had posted.

    And then he allows all this trolling and harassment, driving members away and running the forum into the ground.

    It doesn't make sense.

    If he is so proud of the content he posted, why allow the forum to be run to the point that it is known as a sewer and even called "the urinal" on other gambling sites?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Druff said he bought this forum when Alan was going to close it because Druff wanted to preserve all the content he had posted.

    And then he allows all this trolling and harassment, driving members away and running the forum into the ground.

    It doesn't make sense.

    If he is so proud of the content he posted, why allow the forum to be run to the point that it is known as a sewer and even called "the urinal" on other gambling sites?
    Well, he is a big free speech guy.

    Maybe he thinks that adults can say what that want to each other & be big enough not to get offended by what they read on the internet.

    And maybe he also thinks that if someone doesn’t like the content they read, they can choose not to read it or participate without him needing to monitor & police it like a kindergarten teacher would.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post

    Well, he is a big free speech guy.

    Maybe he thinks that adults can say what that want to each other & be big enough not to get offended by what they read on the internet.

    And maybe he also thinks that if someone doesn’t like the content they read, they can choose not to read it or participate without him needing to monitor & police it like a kindergarten teacher would.
    It isn't me that changed.

    Singer was banned for 6 months for blatant racism. Now blatant racism, homophobia and other hate occurs regularly.

    Moses was banned for physical threats and threat of doxing. Now both those occur regularly.

    Blackhole was banned for doing "nothing but trolling". Now that occurs regularly.

    It is a forum with an inconsistent, absentee owner, that doesn't enforce his own rules and policies and we wonder why most of the good members all bled out.
    Last edited by kewlJ; 07-27-2024 at 03:00 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post

    Well, he is a big free speech guy.

    Maybe he thinks that adults can say what that want to each other & be big enough not to get offended by what they read on the internet.

    And maybe he also thinks that if someone doesn’t like the content they read, they can choose not to read it or participate without him needing to monitor & police it like a kindergarten teacher would.
    It isn't me that changed.

    Singer was banned for 6 months for blatant racism. Now blatant racism, homophobia and other hat occurs regularly.

    Moses was banned for physical threats and threat of doxing. Now both those occur regularly.

    Blackhole was banned for doing "nothing but trolling". Now that occurs regularly.

    It is a forum with an inconsistent, absentee owner, that doesn't enforce his own rules and policies and we wonder why most of the good members all bled out.
    Do you want this to be like WOV where no one can say anything?

    There’s blatant racism & homophobia which I’m not a fan of, but then there is blue humor which I’m a big fan of which is one of the reasons I like this site.

    There are plenty of PC forums for that audience.

    It’s kind of like if you don’t like guns & rednecks then don’t move to Texas.

    If you don’t like snow don’t move to Alaska.

    If you like freaks, humidity, bugs, trailer parks & hurricanes then move to Florida

  14. #14
    Dude I’ve tried to defend you but you are becoming indefensible. No one gives a fuck what the dozen people on here say, do or think. Not sure why you can’t get it through your head.

    Luckily I found you some help. They offer online and in person meetings and I truly believe this may be of help to you since you can’t walk away. Beats the hell out of getting so upset about a bunch of trolls fucking with you.

    Name:  IMG_2450.png
Views: 382
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  15. #15
    Kew, why do you think just about everybody here looks at you as some kind of posting freak? Who else concocts so many stories about himself, only to see them debunked 100% right before your eyes?

    In addition to being an extremely weakass dipstick, you're socially incompatible. That should tell you something. It's beyond obvious you're gonna be endlessly mocked because of your habitual lying. Since you don't know how to listen, you'll keep on being tormented by your own limitations.

    Whining to Dan only makes you look like a bigger fool than you already are. And what kind of an asshat fairy even wastes time in doing such stupidity anyway? This isn't a place of employment you idiot. Nobody cares.

    But....I TINGLE!

  16. #16
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    KJ, did you attempt to contact Todd via PM to express your gripe?

    I get your point: the board has rules and Todd does not regularly monitor or enforce them.

    It may be that he really doesn't give two shits about this cesspool, favoring his other poker-related board.

    I know what: use a small portion of the money you got from the broken arm incident to buy the site from Todd: I am certain he'd sell; hell, EVERYTHING is for sale if the price is right.

    Send him a PM offering to buy him out: offer a trifling couple grand, he'll probably snap it up.

    You too can have the powers of a modern day god; make your brother and mother co-moderators with you so that nothing against the rules stays up for long.

    Then you can watch all the haters flee, all of them searching for a new hot tub to shit in.

    Better yet, act preemptively: think how satisfying it will be to BAN Robert, the hound and any of the others who have annoyed, insulted and vexed you.

    Think now you'll enjoy the peace and quiet of edifying, reasonably toned discussions of blackjack with even-tempered, respectful fellow posters.

    It COULD happen...make it so!
    Last edited by MisterV; 07-27-2024 at 04:13 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Druff said he bought this forum when Alan was going to close it because Druff wanted to preserve all the content he had posted.

    And then he allows all this trolling and harassment, driving members away and running the forum into the ground.

    It doesn't make sense.

    If he is so proud of the content he posted, why allow the forum to be run to the point that it is known as a sewer and even called "the urinal" on other gambling sites?
    Well, he is a big free speech guy.

    Maybe he thinks that adults can say what that want to each other & be big enough not to get offended by what they read on the internet.

    And maybe he also thinks that if someone doesn’t like the content they read, they can choose not to read it or participate without him needing to monitor & police it like a kindergarten teacher would.

    Your comment would make some sense except for the fact that most of "the adults" -- guffaw -- are anonymous and wouldn't have the balls or the will to say in person a third of what they type. That's one thing Argentino and I agree on -- spineless anonymous comments are pseudo-bravado from a generation that's spent most of their lives stationed behind a keyboard for what they think is social interaction.

    Anonymous "free speech" on the internet is like sex with a blow-up doll. It's the opposite of brave and all in your head. It's certainly not "adult."

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Druff said he bought this forum when Alan was going to close it because Druff wanted to preserve all the content he had posted.

    And then he allows all this trolling and harassment, driving members away and running the forum into the ground.

    It doesn't make sense.

    If he is so proud of the content he posted, why allow the forum to be run to the point that it is known as a sewer and even called "the urinal" on other gambling sites?
    Well, he is a big free speech guy.

    Maybe he thinks that adults can say what that want to each other & be big enough not to get offended by what they read on the internet.

    And maybe he also thinks that if someone doesn’t like the content they read, they can choose not to read it or participate without him needing to monitor & police it like a kindergarten teacher would.

    Your comment would make some sense except for the fact that most of "the adults" -- guffaw -- are anonymous and wouldn't have the balls or the will to say in person a third of what they type. That's one thing Argentino and I agree on -- spineless anonymous comments are pseudo-bravado from a generation that's spent most of their lives stationed behind a keyboard for what they think is social interaction.

    Anonymous "free speech" on the internet is like sex with a blow-up doll. It's the opposite of brave and all in your head. It's certainly not "adult."
    Do you think that the anonymous nature of the internet is a feature or a bug?

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, did you attempt to contact Todd via PM to express your gripe?

    I get your point: the board has rules and Todd does not regularly monitor or enforce them.

    It may be that he really doesn't give two shits about this cesspool, favoring his other poker-related board.

    I know what: use a small portion of the money you got from the broken arm incident to buy the site from Todd: I am certain he'd sell; hell, EVERYTHING is for sale if the price is right.

    Send him a PM offering to buy him out: offer a trifling couple grand, he'll probably snap it up.

    You too can have the powers of a modern day god; make your brother and mother co-moderators with you so that nothing against the rules stays up for long.

    Then you can watch all the haters flee, all of them searching for a new hot tub to shit in.

    Better yet, act preemptively: think how satisfying it will be to BAN Robert, the hound and any of the others who have annoyed, insulted and vexed you.

    Think now you'll enjoy the peace and quiet of edifying, reasonably toned discussions of blackjack with even-tempered, respectful fellow posters.

    It COULD happen...make it so!

    Hey, MrV, I had the same thought awhile back, but Todd made it clear he wasn't selling. The thing is, if and when I were to buy it, I wouldn't announce it and the terms of the purchase would preclude Todd mentioning that I bought it. I have enough folks in my six degrees of separation (brother-in-law is a PI doing 90% online work; nephew is an online-forensics major) that I'm relatively confident I could ID half the people on here pretty quickly. That's what I was told -- 50/50 I could ID each poster without killing myself. That's motive enough for me to check in with Todd each year to see if he wants to sell.

    But Todd has this anti-doxing attitude, so he likely will never sell to me. I'd dox everyone. LOL. Hell, I'd treat it like the Pentagon Papers. You'd show up in the Washington Post. Like I always say, it's not blackmail. It's information brokerage.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post

    Well, he is a big free speech guy.

    Maybe he thinks that adults can say what that want to each other & be big enough not to get offended by what they read on the internet.

    And maybe he also thinks that if someone doesn’t like the content they read, they can choose not to read it or participate without him needing to monitor & police it like a kindergarten teacher would.

    Your comment would make some sense except for the fact that most of "the adults" -- guffaw -- are anonymous and wouldn't have the balls or the will to say in person a third of what they type. That's one thing Argentino and I agree on -- spineless anonymous comments are pseudo-bravado from a generation that's spent most of their lives stationed behind a keyboard for what they think is social interaction.

    Anonymous "free speech" on the internet is like sex with a blow-up doll. It's the opposite of brave and all in your head. It's certainly not "adult."
    Do you think that the anonymous nature of the internet is a feature or a bug?
    I grew up with a holiday where you got to be anonymous.. They used to call it Halloween.

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