When someone challenges me, I just state what I state and additionally offer the MDawg Challenge.
When backed into a corner, caught in a lie, and desperate to be heard, UNKewlJ suddenly comes up with something unverifiable with no back up. For example, the nonsense about the MGM execs visiting this bum in his mother's ratty apartment on Halloween (with docs that he cannot post), stating that he has a police report about Tater's showing up at this apartment, but never posting it, stating that AP's know who he is, and yet never naming them, stating that he has filed a lawsuit, but never pointing to it, I have PMs to prove what I am saying but I cannot post them and another regular go-to lie of his, is that so and so said something in private, but I can't say what it is.
This is why MickeyCrimm said:
He'd rather climb to the top of a tree just to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.
Originally Posted by Blackhole
after 20 years of posting has never produced one iota of proof about anything he ever claimed or ever said. Not even a picture
UNKewlJ follows a regular pattern of spouting nonsense and then when challenged trying to back it up with unverifiable hearsay. Individually they don't mean as much as collectively. Collectively this draws into question his entire projected persona and existence.