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Thread: Am I the best ever?

  1. #1
    This isn't even a joke or a troll. Every single gambler or so called AP I've met has some type of leak and/or vice. They're either a vape addict, high as a kite, alcoholic or drinks more than they should, past degenerate, current degenerate, over spends and terrible with finances, pathological liars, terrible people that will fuck you over, etc. etc. I got ZERO vices and never lost an ounce of my integrity along the way. The best part? I've done it all ALONE. How many need a team to succeed? How many fucking wannabe APs came here in their 20s that went broke or needed help to get bailed out? Find another AP with zero vices and addictions that also has never been scammed by anyone that actual has some street IQ and isn't an autistic looking faggot waiting to be taken advantage of. This combination has never been seen before in this history of the AP game. In the 8 years I've been doing this I have yet to see someone with all of these qualities. There is always one quality missing.

    Is it any fucking surprise why I've dominated everything I've always touched in life? Is it any fucking surprise? Oh, and oh by the way I've done all of this with 10% effort, an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, and being trolled by the world time and time again and I still can't be stopped lmaoo. How in the hell can someone with an anxiety disorder who is constantly on edge and paranoid succeed at the one career activity its designed to fail against. Professional gambling with an anxiety disorder? Successfully? Hahahahha. Oh and let's not forget, let's add to the list, a young 27 year old kid who traveled halfway across the country to Vegas ALONE with a 'dream' like so many have tried before, who had ZERO support from anyone in their close circle of friends back home and every single family member disapproving of what you do, that not only didnt go broke but quadrupled his bankroll with 10% effort. Find me ONE fucking person with everything I just listed and show me them to my face. They don't exist. I'm the fucking unicorn. There's a fucking reason I had a judge issue a court order to stay from every casino on the strip and in the nearby area. Find me another AP where that has happened too. Go ahead. You think Ken Uston is special? Richard munchkin? James Grosjean? Colin Jones? Ask them if they ever had a 6 month court order to stay away from half the city? You know what they have? A seminar, a book to sell you, and a podcast for you to listen to. You think the blackjack ball is special? It's literally the biggest scam fraud cult in the history of AP. Ask them to show you any of their SOLO logs of their blackjack winnings, especially vanilla counting. It's all wannabes. Thorpe is the only one that deserves to be there who didn't actually play. Hell, even the alleged team play that Richard did is suspect and we all know he did fuck all solo playing blackjack just like the rest of them including the barona faggot Max Rubin. Ask them to show you proof of any of that. They won't do it. None of them will. And then they wonder who the goat is. In the time I've been doing this, it's become clear everyone has a fucking story. None of them show any proof of their claims or better yet, live in a shit box, which is very eye opening. Go ahead, next time someone makes these crazy claims about the money they make in the casino or on these forums, ask them to show just a years worth of logs detailing their claims. They won't do it. There's always an excuse. Even when you tell them to black out the sensitive parts. Let's not forget, the one industry that is ripe with degenerate pieces of trash with the integrity of a nigger, all they have left is a STORY. That's the only thing they can hold onto and they hold onto that for dear life. They will hold on to that story more than the children they disposed of while they were sinking off their life savings at midnight at the tables.

    To prove my point, I crossed over to the slot game after some illegal Mexican piece of trash (troll life) destroyed my car and I was left trying to find a supplemental income while not being able to drive. I also wanted to prove that I'm better than all of you wannabe slot APs that talked so much shit about the money you were allegedly making compared to my blackjack earnings. Neither of these guys would last a month playing blackjack for a living, especially in Vegas. What I then did in Vegas by MYSELF with no experience and with basically zero fucking help, I would love to see anyone do what I did in the first 12 months in the most competitive city in the world to hustle slots. Being able to make my own numbers and analyze games with no experience and thinking outside the box isn't for everyone, but when you one of the best in the world at video games your whole life traveling the world for free, it's basically second nature. I didn't even buy plays or hire crackheads to find plays for me and still made 135k, and 3 months of that was without a car riding the bus. It's now been about 17 months and 160k later, all with ONE card, not some identity theft multi carder walking the fine line, which is way exaggerated as well. Don't let these multi carders fool you. You will get 86d and there isn't that many plays to generate the amount of coin in you need for each card to make it worth it. You need to find high coin in actual slot plays, which are not video poker, and of which are scarce, AND if you do find the small amount of them, you will handpay and get 86d more often than not. Not to mention all the fees and trust you need for having some strangers making you a card. If you wanna take shit early and give up some on the front end, well that just basically negates the whole card building mission. The whole thing is a shit show.

    All in all, if you were to create the perfect AP, with the discipline of a fucking lion and the critical thinking ability to analyze and destroy advantage play, there you have it. The one and fucking only. Yours truly ZenGoatFuckingKing.

    Last edited by ZenKinG; 08-31-2024 at 04:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Maybe you haven't met many successful gamblers. That would explain your perspective. LOL. It's not like they'd be hanging out with the Wizard. Or Mission.

    Or maybe successful gamblers simply avoid you. Like the plague. That would also explain your perspective.

    People who are color blind tend to not know they are color blind. Not uncommon. They also have people selling them, at discounts of course, chartreuse wardrobes. And, like My Cousin Vinny, then think they are blending.
    Last edited by redietz; 08-31-2024 at 04:50 AM.

  3. #3
    Well I almost forgot. There was a 20k handout in the midst of that, that my dad gave my brother and I randomly as a one time thing because his parents did the same for him and his brothers when he was growing up. Keep in mind, I NEVER asked for it or needed it. So just for full disclosure. Not exactly a complete quadruple

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Maybe you haven't met many successful gamblers. That would explain your perspective. LOL. It's not like they'd be hanging out with the Wizard. Or Mission.

    Or maybe successful gamblers simply avoid you. Like the plague. That would also explain your perspective.

    People who are color blind tend to not know they are color blind. Not uncommon. They also have people selling them, at discounts of course, chartreuse wardrobes. And, like My Cousin Vinny, then think they are blending.
    Yeah I'm the color blind one, who has absolutely zero vices and I gambling for a living. I've literally not met one AP or gambler that is not smoking, drinking, high, or anything else I mentioned. I'm the unicorn. Shocker. /Sarcasm. Don't forget tattoos to that list that I forgot to add which is a massive red flag. I'd love to see how many self made rich guys with tattoos there are on this planet that are not involved in the entertainment industry. Nature's way of telling you who's a retard. Where's my tattoos?

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Here goes the KJ fraud talking in such a simple tone about how AP works and blackjack. Just how you write about AP makes me cringe, it's almost like you never played a hand in your life. You say all the right things and explain blackjack in such a simple sense when describing the game, it's like you're speaking to a 5 year old about how counting works.
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Just the way he writes stuff like "Thats not how blackjack card counting works". Like who the fuck talks like that other than someone that never played or has played almost nothing and first getting into it. Its cringy as hell. Put two and two together. No ones ever met this guy, probably some retard in india posting on the forums looking for attention creating this persona online. What else is new in a community and industry full of degens, scammers, and pathological liars.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #6
    I have a two-drink limit per day in Las Vegas, which I have never broken in 45 years. I think six drinks in a week is my record. No tattoos, because as Hunter Thompson says, you never know who is trying to identify you. No hookers in 45 years of LV. Not once, even though I have stayed in places that were about 50% working girls. No drugs. No weed. No gambling at anything at which I'm not expert unless it's some low-cost promo for a specific reason.

    And no previous mentioning of what I just said because why mention it?

    More importantly, I know other gamblers who follow the same rules.

    The problem with thinking you're a unicorn is that everyone wants to think they're a unicorn. Oxymoronic.

  7. #7
    There you go... GOAT meet GOAT.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    There you go... GOAT meet GOAT.

    Spoken like a true anonymous nobody. An online sarcasm swashbuckler.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    3 months of that was without a car riding the bus.
    Why didn't you have a car for 3 months?

  10. #10
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    ZK, you could have been a contender instead of a bum, which is what you are.

    What a waste of a life.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    3 months of that was without a car riding the bus.
    Why didn't you have a car for 3 months?
    Because the greatest AP of all time rides the bus!

    Don’t you know that riding the bus is a strong AP move? No car payments, no insurance payments, no depreciation, no gas.

    Another strong AP move is letting all the teeth rot out of your head.

    No more toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, or dental expenses to pay.

    And it limits you to a much less expensive diet of liquids, soups, and soft foods.

  12. #12
    Is ZK actually missing all his teeth or are you making it up?

    Imo not having tats is cooler but the same thing can't be said for teeth !

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    ZK, you could have been a contender instead of a bum, which is what you are.

    What a waste of a life.
    Running out of things to say huh? Sure sucks when you have to eat your words about someone. Imagine doubting me of all people hahahaha. Talk about low IQ. Join the back of the bus with all my friends and family who thought the same thing. Don't forget Boz and his bridge either.

  14. #14
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Running out of things to say huh? Sure sucks when you have to eat your words about someone. Imagine doubting me of all people hahahaha. Talk about low IQ. Join the back of the bus with all my friends and family who thought the same thing. Don't forget Boz and his bridge either.
    My point is valid.

    You bray like a jackass but so do all the losers in sin city: where's the beef?

    It's one thing to claim to be the GOAT, and quite another to prove you aren't bullshitting.

    Candidly, you come off as a typical douchebag: You know, like the kind of guy who tells a girl in a bar that he's a lawyer when in fact he's just a two bit slot hustler.

    You should have gotten a REAL job making REAL money instead of playing stupid casino games for scraps; how ashamed your parents must be, that is if they haven't disowned you yet.

    To conclude: fuck off, "zenking:" you obviously know NOTHING of zen or how to really succeed at life.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #15
    I did hear you were the GOAT of all DoorDash Drivers in Vegas until the issue with the car. Had to suck seeing that taken away from you.

    Did you throw a fit and publicly cry that you were cheated like you reportedly did when you lost that Video Game tournament? But hey, it got your name on Wiki, that’s something to be proud of.

    Right up there with $80,000 nest egg that is all you are worth. Along with nothing tangible of value like Real Estate or Stock Investments. Hell, Tasha has more in a retirement account than you.�� No friends, no girlfriends, yep, you’re killing it brother.

    But yea, we know, those things are for saps and suckers.

  16. #16
    And there is only one true GOAT of gambling….Christopher Mitchell. Sure he had to do gay porn first but he makes more money each and every month that you do in a year.

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  17. #17
    This thread. WTF. What is the Yogi Berra comment. DeJa'Vu all over again.

    Zenking you are not the GOAT of AP's or even card counter AP's. The GOAT of card counters and AP's is not someone on these forums, nor someone that is a member of the BJHF. It is someone few know and have heard of that just goes about his (or her) business.

    Y'all worry WAY too much about being the GOAT, or "the Pope of Las Vegas", or that people are jealous of you when no one really is (Rob Singer).

    The key to life is to find something to do to support yourself, that makes you happy, be that working for someone else (company or Government), or starting and running your own business (self employ) of which advantage player falls under that self-employment label. Just find what makes you happy and stop trying to compete with everyone else.

    Zenking, I too had friends that doubted me and told me I couldn't do what I wanted to do, when I first got into card counting. Just about all my friends, and acquaintances at the bar that I frequented regularly, as well as my late partner. Each and every one of them told me I wouldn't be able to do what I was planning. You do what you want to do, hopefully succeed and prove them wrong and move on.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    FraudJ had a highly refined blackjack story that he worked for almost 2 decades before he outed himself as the tunnel dwelling male prostitute fraud that he is.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  19. #19
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    This ZK clown ... he's a legend in his own mind.

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    What, Me Worry?

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Spoken like a true anonymous nobody. An online sarcasm swashbuckler.
    Well I don't have to prove ANYTHING... and I NEVER will!!

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