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Thread: Am I the best ever?

  1. #41
    As long as the "vices" are weed and alcohol, some may argue you cannot handle a little intoxication to feel like you're in control. Essentially if you cannot AP all fucked up, then you kind of suck.

  2. #42
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    I'm not "jealous" of zenkkng: why should I be?

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    What, Me Worry?

  3. #43

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Well I almost forgot. There was a 20k handout in the midst of that, that my dad gave my brother and I randomly as a one time thing because his parents did the same for him and his brothers when he was growing up. Keep in mind, I NEVER asked for it or needed it. So just for full disclosure. Not exactly a complete quadruple
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    I rode the bus for 3 months while my car was wrecked and I had over 100k at the time. It's called discipline which none of you idiots have. You don't know what it takes to grind up a bankroll and cut costs even when I don't directly have to. Anyone else would've bought a car but not the fucking king.
    This has got to be the All-Time Jewish Play I ever heard of, lol.
    Daddy gives you 20k for your bar mitzvah.
    You crush Vegas for thousands of dollars on a regular basis.
    But you refuse to buy a new or beater car for 3 months while you wait??
    Instead, you save money by buying a monthly bus pass, wait in the heat and fight with the poors (inside joke), while waiting to ring the bell for your stop.
    Why the Fuck couldn't you use the Free 20k to buy a car??
    You said you didn't even want the 20k gift but you damn sure took it, didn't you!?
    Cars don't even cost 20k... I'm about to sell my beat-up Mustang for 2 grand.
    I told you, years ago, to find a wife or at the very least you should have multiple girlfriends to help you out in daily whatever.
    It's very suspect that you do not have some girl after being in Vegas for how long now?
    6 to 8 years or something?
    King of what?
    Riding the bus to 20 Casinos to play BJ and fight with Management lol lol lol.
    That's some funny shit man.
    And you didn't even follow through on all your lawsuits.
    That's very disappointing as you said you're gonna crush them in court.
    You said it multiple times, for years.

    Marriage is an important part of getting ahead:
    let's people know you're not a homo;
    married guy seems more stable;
    people see the ring,
    they think at least somebody can stand the son of a bitch;
    ladies see the ring,
    they know immediately you must have some cash and your cock must work.

    Last edited by monet; 09-02-2024 at 10:36 PM.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    Well I almost forgot. There was a 20k handout in the midst of that, that my dad gave my brother and I randomly as a one time thing because his parents did the same for him and his brothers when he was growing up. Keep in mind, I NEVER asked for it or needed it. So just for full disclosure. Not exactly a complete quadruple
    Originally Posted by ZenKinG View Post
    I rode the bus for 3 months while my car was wrecked and I had over 100k at the time. It's called discipline which none of you idiots have. You don't know what it takes to grind up a bankroll and cut costs even when I don't directly have to. Anyone else would've bought a car but not the fucking king.
    This has got to be the All-Time Jewish Play I ever heard of, lol.
    Daddy gives you 20k for your bar mitzvah.
    You crush Vegas for thousands of dollars on a regular basis.
    But you refuse to buy a new or beater car for 3 months while you wait??
    Instead, you save money by buying a monthly bus pass, wait in the heat and fight with the poors (inside joke), while waiting to ring the bell for your stop.
    Why the Fuck couldn't you use the Free 20k to buy a car??
    You said you didn't even want the 20k gift but you damn sure took it, didn't you!?
    Cars don't even cost 20k... I'm about to sell my beat-up Mustang for 2 grand.
    I told you, years ago, to find a wife or at the very least you should have multiple girlfriends to help you out in daily whatever.
    It's very suspect that you do not have some girl after being in Vegas for how long now?
    6 to 8 years or something?
    King of what?
    Riding the bus to 20 Casinos to play BJ and fight with Management lol lol lol.
    That's some funny shit man.
    And you didn't even follow through on all your lawsuits.
    That's very disappointing as you said you're gonna crush them in court.
    You said it multiple times, for years.

    Marriage is an important part of getting ahead:
    let's people know you're not a homo;
    married guy seems more stable;
    people see the ring,
    they think at least somebody can stand the son of a bitch;
    ladies see the ring,
    they know immediately you must have some cash and your cock must work.

    I think the problem is that a potential wife or girlfriend (at least a quality one) tends to look somewhat unfavorably on pairing off with a man who’s only transportation is the public bus system & who lives in a rent by the week motel.

    Even if he lets them know that he doesn’t have a job & all his money comes from gambling at casinos.

    Fair? Probably not. But women can be so superficial.

    Imagine all the women who could have met their soul mates & life partners if they had spent more time looking on city busses & rent by the week motels.

    Sad, but true. At least ZenKing can rest assured in the knowledge that it was their loss.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    I think the problem is that a potential wife or girlfriend (at least a quality one) tends to look somewhat unfavorably on pairing off with a man who’s only transportation is the public bus system & who lives in a rent by the week motel.

    Even if he lets them know that he doesn’t have a job & all his money comes from gambling at casinos.

    Fair? Probably not. But women can be so superficial.

    Imagine all the women who could have met their soul mates & life partners if they had spent more time looking on city busses & rent by the week motels.

    Sad, but true. At least ZenKing can rest assured in the knowledge that it was their loss.
    Still does not explain the reason why he has not been able to secure a steady girlfriend.
    And he should have multiple girlfriends if he isn't going to get married.
    Maybe he requires a Jewish Girlfriend?
    Not so easy in Vegas but that contradicts his lifestyle choices.
    Whatever, his inability to take the Casinos to Court and Win Slam Dunk Cases discredits his other claims, in my opinion.
    At least he has the balls to post about Redskin Nigger Faggots.
    That's something.

  7. #47

  8. #48
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    He's moved On Beyond Women.

    Now he only gets fucked by casinos.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #49
    I wonder what the definition of a girlfriend is to monet. I can only imagine ...

  10. #50
    My ability to womanize, con, lie, cheat and or steal is irrelevant.
    The issue is that ZenKinG has claimed how great he is for over 6 years and cannot find a steady girlfriend in the easiest place in America to get into a relationship.
    He is a Fucking Nerd though, so there is that.
    Fucking guy bragging how easy it is to beat Vegas for thousands of dollars but is so cheap that he decides to ride the bus for 3 months instead of just buying another car.
    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The issue is that ZenKinG has claimed how great he is for over 6 years and cannot find a steady girlfriend in the easiest place in America to get into a relationship.
    Is Zenking even looking for a girlfriend or relationship? Don't know him like you do, but my guess is no.

    My brother is just a couple years younger than Zenking. He is straight, like to screw chicks, sometimes bring girls home for a hookup, but has no interest in relationship or girlfriend stuff. Most night he would rather sit in the living room gaming with other people online than go out on a date or to bars or clubs.

    I suspect Zenking may be similar. That younger generation.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I thought I just read you saying something about not actually being with a partner 20 years older than you? Did I misunderstand? If you were lying about that or claim to have lied able that. WOW... MIND BLOWN!
    It is pretty sick one would deny their spouse. Especially since that is truth. There's no doubt I've seen them both. But this FraudJ is a special kind of character. He lacks any kind of moral compass.

    I guess that's why he prostitutes himself.

    One sick puppy....RIP
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The issue is that ZenKinG has claimed how great he is for over 6 years and cannot find a steady girlfriend in the easiest place in America to get into a relationship.
    You sure know a lot about his day to day life. Are you a scorpion living under loose tiles in his kitchen? It's always nice to meet another bug who learned to use the internet.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by pinchingyourballs View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The issue is that ZenKinG has claimed how great he is for over 6 years and cannot find a steady girlfriend in the easiest place in America to get into a relationship.
    You sure know a lot about his day to day life. Are you a scorpion living under loose tiles in his kitchen? It's always nice to meet another bug who learned to use the internet.
    Your complete and utter ignorance on the matter disqualifies any further response to you directly.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    I think the problem is that a potential wife or girlfriend (at least a quality one) tends to look somewhat unfavorably on pairing off with a man who’s only transportation is the public bus system & who lives in a rent by the week motel.

    Even if he lets them know that he doesn’t have a job & all his money comes from gambling at casinos.

    Fair? Probably not. But women can be so superficial.

    Imagine all the women who could have met their soul mates & life partners if they had spent more time looking on city busses & rent by the week motels.

    Sad, but true. At least ZenKing can rest assured in the knowledge that it was their loss.
    Still does not explain the reason why he has not been able to secure a steady girlfriend.
    And he should have multiple girlfriends if he isn't going to get married.
    Maybe he requires a Jewish Girlfriend?
    Not so easy in Vegas but that contradicts his lifestyle choices.
    Whatever, his inability to take the Casinos to Court and Win Slam Dunk Cases discredits his other claims, in my opinion.
    At least he has the balls to post about Redskin Nigger Faggots.
    That's something.

    You do have to give him credit for his entertaining posts & for his complete & utter lack of giving a fuck.

  16. #56
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Oh, he gives a fuck.

    He still remembers how I predicted he'd flame out...if he didn't care he'd have forgotten it.

    As for his love life: it is cheaper and less stressful I suppose for him to jerk off to free porn than to have to interact with and *SHUDDER* spend money on a woman.

    Then again, I suspect he's quite a difficult head case, so there is that...or is he one of "those" people?

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________

    Chone's i-phone rang.

    "Hello, Chone here."

    "Chone, my man! This is your third cousin twice removed: Zendouche. How are they hanging?"

    "Uh, I'm a bit busy now, douche...can it wait til I feed the gators?"

    "No, it really can't. Look, I'm confused and need your sage advice."

    Chone pulls over, lights up a spliff and says "I'm listening..."

    "So I'd always heard that a blow job is a great experience but you know me...too busy haunting casinos to deal with people...anyway I just had my first hummer and boy and I confused."

    Chone smiled, recalling his first forays in the Game of Love.

    "So douche, what did you think, did you like it?"

    "Oh yeah, all except for the taste."
    Last edited by MisterV; 09-03-2024 at 02:39 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #57
    Still talking about me? Damn. Still making up lies to have a chance to argue with me? Shocker. I live in weeklys? Lmao maybe 4 years ago. I'm living in luxury these days with all new furniture that I assembled and made the place look nice. Could probably airbnb this place for 1600 a month. Currently paying like 1475.

    Too funny monet talking about women and why I don't have one. He's the exact reason the Americanized woman is on a pedestal with 1000 suckers lining up in their inbox cause they'll fuck anything with a heartbeat. They're on a pedestal and have every guy at the tip of their finger. Vegas is also littered with tattooed single moms which I'm not going for. If I wanted to have a girl I would, but I'm not settling for that. Now that I'm 35, women with kids is becoming more common, which I haven't come to grips with because I'm not settling for that. Not to mention, these Americanized women don't even cook or clean anymore. They wear the pants these days in relationships with the dudes pushing the baby carriage and grocery carts while wearing skirts around the house cooking for them. I'm not saying to never cook for them once or twice, but it's hilarious how entitled these Americanized women are these days and provide absolutely zero to the relationship and it's all thanks to suckers like monet who fuck anything with a heartbeat. I don't give in to that bullshit. Women also judge me and don't understand what I do for a living cause they're droned the fuck out and see it as unstable. They rather date a dude living paycheck to paycheck or a small business owner both of which are infinitely more risky and less stable than me. I also don't put myself out there to find someone and not exactly dying to be in a relationship.

    I probably have suffered from depression my whole life with an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, which I know I have at least really bad OCD and compulsions take up a lot of my energy every single day. I don't like going to bars or clubs, all my friends are back home, who I don't even talk to anymore, and dating apps are a complete joke full of bots and entitled bitches who judge you for being a professional gambler. Add it all up together monet and that's why the fucking king is alone in the corner of his room every night.

    Last edited by ZenKinG; 09-04-2024 at 05:22 AM.

  18. #58
    Assemblable furniture ain't nothin' but swank.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Assemblable furniture ain't nothin' but swank.
    Dude doesn’t even realize how stupid he sounds, but when you are an idiot savant that happens.

    Hey “King” that $1600 a month is after fees I assume. Fucking bragging about $125 a month in profit.

    And the girls on the app judging you about being a “professional gambler”. Oops, that didn’t go over too well either. Let me guess, you never used one, you just “heard”.

    Your life is truly the comedy gift that keeps giving. Thank you, honestly, Thank you.

  20. #60

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