Just imagine if Dean Martin was still alive today.
In honor of this incident he would probably change the song title & lyrics of Ain’t that a kick in the head? To Ain’t that a sting in the nuts?
Just imagine if Dean Martin was still alive today.
In honor of this incident he would probably change the song title & lyrics of Ain’t that a kick in the head? To Ain’t that a sting in the nuts?
The linked article has other pictures, I don’t think the picture is photoshopped but the whole story sounds suspicious.
Searching the web, it appears that scorpions are usually not capable of climbing up beds or furniture because their legs are too short. Maybe Pinching your balls can confirm this.
Also underwear almost always has elastic so it wouldn’t have been able to climb inside his underwear to get to his nuts, it would have had to sting his nuts through his underwear which scorpions are capable of stinging through clothes.
He is also suing for loss of consortium because the nut sting has made it difficult to service his wife.
I suspect the whole thing is bullshit, but you never know. Truth can be stranger than fiction.
I went to a Scorpions concert in a park when I lived in Munich. I was a fan before seeing them live, and I'm an even bigger fan today. Unlike most rock bands, their music has some heart. A co-worker who knew them took me to the Hofbrauhaus afterwards where I met them as we guzzled a few dunkles and had German food galore (which I don't like at all).
V you would have enjoyed the park. Lots of young women sun bathing with their tops off.
What impedes scorpions climbing is their weight. The big ones tend to fall before they can get very high but the little ones climb as well as spiders. That's why many people put their bed posts inside smooth cups and put some bug poison in the cups. Even if something managed to climb up the cup it would fall into the liquid and die before climbing up the bed post. The scorpion in the picture is very tiny when you compare it to the size of the black thread stitching on the underwear. It could easily have climbed into the bed on its own.
kewlJ: My mother has read some of this forum. Probably more that I know. The only thing she has ever said to me about it is to ask why I continue to post here, which happens to be the same exact thing almost all of the decent people I have any association with ask me. And I am out if answers.
also kewlJ: I remain on this forum, for one reason only now....my own entertainment.
Ah, that makes sense, thank you.
And you had mentioned earlier that it was one of your cousins & he was actually going for the butthole & not the nuts.
I noticed it’s eyes were also very small so maybe it couldn’t tell the difference?
Or maybe the guy was sleeping on his back & therefore the butthole was completely inaccessible so it went for I guess what it perceived as the next best thing, the nuts?
Seems like the butthole would be the much more preferable place to get stung, because even though it might swell up from the sting there are a variety of foods that could be eaten to open it back up.
The nuts though is pretty rough for a whole host of reasons.
Lol scorpions one of the 10 rock bands I ALWAYS change the station on.
Look at the heart they have .....
kewlJ: My mother has read some of this forum. Probably more that I know. The only thing she has ever said to me about it is to ask why I continue to post here, which happens to be the same exact thing almost all of the decent people I have any association with ask me. And I am out if answers.
also kewlJ: I remain on this forum, for one reason only now....my own entertainment.
And this is her adult son:
kewlJ: My mother has read some of this forum. Probably more that I know. The only thing she has ever said to me about it is to ask why I continue to post here, which happens to be the same exact thing almost all of the decent people I have any association with ask me. And I am out if answers.
also kewlJ: I remain on this forum, for one reason only now....my own entertainment.
kewlJ: My mother has read some of this forum. Probably more that I know. The only thing she has ever said to me about it is to ask why I continue to post here, which happens to be the same exact thing almost all of the decent people I have any association with ask me. And I am out if answers.
also kewlJ: I remain on this forum, for one reason only now....my own entertainment.
I JUST had this thought literally about THREE seconds ago. If the man had TRULY been stung in his testicles by a scorpion, he'd be too busy writhing around in pain to be taking a picture of the scorpion. I mean, I had a bunch of red ants sting me in my feet recently, and I was in so much pain that I was focused on getting them off of me, not even THINKING of taking pictures of them. Guy being stung in his testicles would be a pain about 100 times worse than being stung in feet by red ants.
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
kewlJ: My mother has read some of this forum. Probably more that I know. The only thing she has ever said to me about it is to ask why I continue to post here, which happens to be the same exact thing almost all of the decent people I have any association with ask me. And I am out if answers.
also kewlJ: I remain on this forum, for one reason only now....my own entertainment.
I don't know....I've been stung by a scorpion (twice) and of course by red fire ants. No way the scorpions' stings were worse than what those ants did.
But---a black foot getting attacked by a bunch of fire ants may not be that bad. With that leather-like coating along with the enhanced aroma of ammonia emanating from between those ugly toes, I can see why the experience wouldn't seem as severe as a scorpion sting.
I discussed this in March on my show.
Go to 3:10:05 mark.
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