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Thread: Coming Trump Policies

  1. #41
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    So I'm supposed t go to a party in two days...I was thinking of taking a kind of ventriloquism dummy, my Trump talking figure, which I bought months ago for just such occasions. Anybody asks me anything, I push the button.
    Try this one: it was made to commemorate his "private visit" with his "good buddy," Putin.

    Name:  714QK+mN24L._AC_SL1500_.jpg
Views: 137
Size:  89.5 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #42
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    So I'm supposed t go to a party in two days...I was thinking of taking a kind of ventriloquism dummy, my Trump talking figure, which I bought months ago for just such occasions. Anybody asks me anything, I push the button.
    Try this one: it was made to commemorate his "private visit" with his "good buddy," Putin.

    Name:  714QK+mN24L._AC_SL1500_.jpg
Views: 137
Size:  89.5 KB
    I admit I don't get out much. So I am at a loss as to whether vendors had an array of Kamala Harris dolls ready to roll in that pose. Although, from what I hear, she prefers to use that smile of hers as opposed to her derriere.

    I just think it's amazing what little non-material (e.g. respect) resources Trump garnered from the assassination attempt. For example, if somebody tried to shoot Ms. Harris, would folks be joking about dolls in these poses a few weeks later?

    For me, one of the fascinating aspects of all of this is Trump has a reputation for unadorned coarseness. So do his MAGA adherents. Yet, for the last few months, Dems have been more coarse, more (dare I say it) un-Christian, than I thought possible. The fact that this was no electoral-college-rules fluke seems to be something people cannot mentally deal with.

    For me, it's about the censorship vis-a-vis Covid-19 origins, the mRNA problems and dangers, and even little stories like Hunter's laptop. The Democrats have been selling snake oil the entire time regarding huge topics, and just expecting that their "natural moral superiority" would lead to people not caring that they lied and they bullied. The legal bullying of Trump was resonant with the legal bullying of the public regarding Covid-19 and mandatory shots for certain employers. As arrogant as flag-waving, pro-capitalist Republicans have been in my lifetime, the Dems have recently been worse. Unbelievable, really. The Repubs think God is on their side. Now the Dems think, what? That they are always correct, and if not, hell, the fact they think they are correct is reason enough to do whatever they want? We got to see Dems in positions of power during a worldwide crisis. What emerged was something more akin to fascism, more like the Soviet Union with a party line circa 1975, than anything the Repubs have managed.

    Fortunately, I think the Democratic Party has been shattered for the duration of my lifetime, so I don't have to deal with all of this "believe us, we're the Dems" bullshit for the next decade or however long I have left.

  3. #43
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    The covid epidemic was feared by the world when it broke out, and there was no agreed playbook.

    Yeah, the pols "made it up as they went along."

    So what?

    What else could they do except try to "fight" the outbreak with fast-tracked vaccines?

    That the government wanted all of us to take the jab makes sense, same as when they told us all to ration in WWII.

    Sorry Red, but sometimes the dignity of the individual has to be sacrificed for the good of us all, even if it is a bit risky.

    I get it that you didn't care for the intrusion into your life, but at the time covid was viewed as a potentially existential event requiring a unified response.

    As far as this election spelling the death knell for the democrats: that ain't gonna happen; the only question is will they go down the more moderate or progressive road?
    Last edited by MisterV; 11-11-2024 at 02:04 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Trump will institute full concealed carry reciprocity. If you are licensed in one state then all states must recognize your right to carry in their state.

    You're not going to hit 95% at this rate.

    You're right. I'm not going to hit 95%. I'm going to hit 98%.

    Newsweek article on Trump's full concealed carry policy.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by smurgerburger View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Trump will institute full concealed carry reciprocity. If you are licensed in one state then all states must recognize your right to carry in their state.

    You're not going to hit 95% at this rate.

    You're right. I'm not going to hit 95%. I'm going to hit 98%.

    Newsweek article on Trump's full concealed carry policy.

    I actually didn't think this was constitutionally possible, I guess the idea is that reciprocity falls under the commerce clause.

    It wouldn't be an executive order though, although I don't think you actually meant that.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    my wagering seemed astute.
    All of your wagering reported here is manipulated to seem astute.
    Not mine.
    I would stay away from all my picks for the time being.
    I'm TILTED and about to go on a horrible losing streak.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    The covid epidemic was feared by the world when it broke out, and there was no agreed playbook.

    Yeah, the pols "made it up as they went along."

    So what?

    What else could they do except try to "fight" the outbreak with fast-tracked vaccines?

    That the government wanted all of us to take the jab makes sense, same as when they told us all to ration in WWII.

    Sorry Red, but sometimes the dignity of the individual has to be sacrificed for the good of us all, even if it is a bit risky.

    I get it that you didn't care for the intrusion into your life, but at the time covid was viewed as a potentially existential event requiring a unified response.

    As far as this election spelling the death knell for the democrats: that ain't gonna happen; the only question is will they go down the more moderate or progressive road?
    Trump Sees You.
    Trump gonna put you in Ze Camp!
    No more vroom vroom machines for you.

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    The covid epidemic was feared by the world when it broke out, and there was no agreed playbook.

    Yeah, the pols "made it up as they went along."

    So what?

    What else could they do except try to "fight" the outbreak with fast-tracked vaccines?

    That the government wanted all of us to take the jab makes sense, same as when they told us all to ration in WWII.

    Sorry Red, but sometimes the dignity of the individual has to be sacrificed for the good of us all, even if it is a bit risky.

    I get it that you didn't care for the intrusion into your life, but at the time covid was viewed as a potentially existential event requiring a unified response.

    As far as this election spelling the death knell for the democrats: that ain't gonna happen; the only question is will they go down the more moderate or progressive road?
    Trump Sees You.
    Trump gonna put you in Ze Camp!
    No more vroom vroom machines for you.
    I'll be gentle to MrV. You have history wrong, and you are almost completely wrong about what I'm saying.

    I'm not talking about the first 90 days of Covid. I'm talking about the fact that when you get to the mRNA shots, you are three to four major variations into the Covid virus. And those shots did little to no good overall. Initially, a benefit to older or immune compromised people. But a detriment to any males under 30. Once you get to the fourth and fifth major incarnations of the virus, negligible benefits, if any. According to some recent monstrous peer-reviewed papers, we're looking at 35 million worldwide deaths over about an 18-month period. About 10-12 million assigned to Covid as cause of death; another 14-15 million assigned to issues with the mRNA shots. The rest due to sundry and various. All speculative, but damning.

    Oh, I guess this paper, all 500 pages or thereabouts, didn't get a review on CNN. Surprise, surprise.

    And then you censor social media and run public campaigns that turn out to be mainly wrong. You also demonize people who, in the long run, were more right than you. You think censoring people like Brett Weinstein was a good thing. He's an evolutionary biologist who was more right than the NIH. Plenty of people in that category. To censor them was flat-out authoritarian, Soviet Union circa 1975.

    You think the federal government gets to lie about a virus' origins, lie about what their shots can do and for how long, and that's better than allowing people to make their own calls using their own judgement?

    Sorry, V, this is why Trump is back in the White House. People can make their own decisions about what to put in their bodies.

  9. #49
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    You think the federal government gets to lie about a virus' origins, lie about what their shots can do and for how long, and that's better than allowing people to make their own calls using their own judgement?
    Is this a serious question?

  10. #50
    Trump will quickly come with a series of executive orders on the border and oil. Probably his first week.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  11. #51
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    According to some recent monstrous peer-reviewed papers, we're looking at 35 million worldwide deaths over about an 18-month period. About 10-12 million assigned to Covid as cause of death; another 14-15 million assigned to issues with the mRNA shots.
    Fourteen to fifteen million issues caused by Moderna's vaccines?

    Given the proliferation of lititgious lawyers in America and the vast profits Moderna has reaped I'd have to think that if there were in fact any credible evidence, the kind strong enough to hold up in court, then there would be class action lawsuits aplenty filed by now.

    These 14 to 15 million victioms better hurry or the statute of liimitations will expire.

    Keep me posted as to the jury verdicts and settlements, OK?

    I'll wait...
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    They bludgeoned free speech and didn't seem at all apologetic about it. What happened on social media during the pandemic was straight out of the Soviet Union circa 1975.
    Yeah that was probably the scariest thing to happen during Covid.

    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    covid was viewed as a potentially existential event requiring a unified response.
    Ah see... there's the problem. I would say "sold as" instead of "viewed as". The facts from the get go were not pointing to any existential concerns. The very elderly were vulnerable, but the experts always knew it would likely mutate into something less lethal relatively quickly.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Given the proliferation of lititgious lawyers in America and the vast profits Moderna has reaped I'd have to think that if there were in fact any credible evidence, the kind strong enough to hold up in court, then there would be class action lawsuits aplenty filed by now.
    Well that's gonna be tricky, since at least in the US, mfgs of vaccines are not liable for vaccine injuries. Oh did you not know that??

  14. #54
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Given the proliferation of lititgious lawyers in America and the vast profits Moderna has reaped I'd have to think that if there were in fact any credible evidence, the kind strong enough to hold up in court, then there would be class action lawsuits aplenty filed by now.
    Well that's gonna be tricky, since at least in the US, mfgs of vaccines are not liable for vaccine injuries. Oh did you not know that??

    Lawyers being lawyers...if they can prove the Trump allegations of conspiracy between the feds and the drug companies then the feds would be potentially liable, so it ain't over yet.

    All the claims made by Trump about crooked deals: time for the MAGA folk to put up or shut up.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    The covid epidemic was feared by the world when it broke out, and there was no agreed playbook.

    Yeah, the pols "made it up as they went along."

    So what?

    What else could they do except try to "fight" the outbreak with fast-tracked vaccines?

    That the government wanted all of us to take the jab makes sense, same as when they told us all to ration in WWII.

    Sorry Red, but sometimes the dignity of the individual has to be sacrificed for the good of us all, even if it is a bit risky.

    I get it that you didn't care for the intrusion into your life, but at the time covid was viewed as a potentially existential event requiring a unified response.

    As far as this election spelling the death knell for the democrats: that ain't gonna happen; the only question is will they go down the more moderate or progressive road?
    Trump Sees You.
    Trump gonna put you in Ze Camp!
    No more vroom vroom machines for you.
    I'll be gentle to MrV. You have history wrong, and you are almost completely wrong about what I'm saying.

    I'm not talking about the first 90 days of Covid. I'm talking about the fact that when you get to the mRNA shots, you are three to four major variations into the Covid virus. And those shots did little to no good overall. Initially, a benefit to older or immune compromised people. But a detriment to any males under 30. Once you get to the fourth and fifth major incarnations of the virus, negligible benefits, if any. According to some recent monstrous peer-reviewed papers, we're looking at 35 million worldwide deaths over about an 18-month period. About 10-12 million assigned to Covid as cause of death; another 14-15 million assigned to issues with the mRNA shots. The rest due to sundry and various. All speculative, but damning.

    Oh, I guess this paper, all 500 pages or thereabouts, didn't get a review on CNN. Surprise, surprise.

    And then you censor social media and run public campaigns that turn out to be mainly wrong. You also demonize people who, in the long run, were more right than you. You think censoring people like Brett Weinstein was a good thing. He's an evolutionary biologist who was more right than the NIH. Plenty of people in that category. To censor them was flat-out authoritarian, Soviet Union circa 1975.

    You think the federal government gets to lie about a virus' origins, lie about what their shots can do and for how long, and that's better than allowing people to make their own calls using their own judgement?

    Sorry, V, this is why Trump is back in the White House. People can make their own decisions about what to put in their bodies.
    The bad stuff happened after shots 4 or 5? I've had 19 so far but who is counting? My dick is still bigger than anyone on this board now that Seedvalue has left us. Bah. Scared of the jab. PUSSIES

    I want to read this paper. We did a deep dive on here about papers in regards to this specifically.
    Please, please show us the reference.
    Lets see if Redietz can EVER cash a check.
    One Time For the Win!

  16. #56
    At this point there is more to fear from regular flu than Covid.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  17. #57
    Will Redietz come up with this paper?

    Will he be able to cash a check?

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    At this point there is more to fear from regular flu than Covid.
    You took the jab.
    You promoted the jab.
    You defended your doctors advice.
    Fuck Off.

  19. #59
    This is the Mister-V themed song, hey hey.

  20. #60
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    I favor this one as my anthem...Shriekback's "The Underwater Boys."

    We all know fata morgana
    She keeps herself to herself
    She likes the sound of explosions
    You know - some people need nothing else
    She has a volatile nature -
    Moves in a dangerous way
    All the creatures around her:
    They keep quiet, or she blows them away
    They sing:
    there's always fast talking Jonny
    He used to get so ill
    He spent a while in the country
    Now he's clean and serene but he can't stand still
    Little Nick wasn't happy -
    He felt sick inside
    One day he jumped from the window
    Into the arms of a Wagnerian bride
    And then there's old Uncle Charlie -
    He don't speak any more
    He lives one side of a mirror,
    A refugee from the chemical wars
    A critical disposition -
    He likes to eat his own hands
    His principle motivation
    Is a special secretion from a secret gland
    He sings:
    What, Me Worry?

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