With all the stupid shit on this forum, the demonizing of the covid vaccine and vaccines in general (anti-vaxers) is one of the most fucked up things on this forum. Why such a thing is political is beyond me.
Maybe covid in hindsight wasn't as dangerous to many healthy people as originally thought. So what. It was dangerous to certain portions of the population. Many people died for God Sakes.
And maybe the vaccine was rushed. Check that. Obviously it was rushed. Given an ideal situation, I would have preferred more testing. But it wasn't an ideal situation. It was a once in 100-year emergency.
Look, people live to be 85, 90 even 100 years old these days. That is all because of advancements in medicine and medical science. I will opt for that every time, doing my own research of course. And that is what people did. Made the best choice for themselves and family based on their own situations, condition, medical situations and everything. Why the fuck are you demonizing people for that?
You people that are so anti vax, anti medicine, when you get to the point that the doctor tells you have a major issue that will take your life soon, but some major medical breakthrough like a pacemaker can extend your life decades, go ahead....do the Amish thing and refuse. We have undertakers that need work and cemeteries that need filling up.
refuse the different heart procedure that can extend the incredible life we have been given.
When you are limping around barely able to move, refuse that knee replacement that would give you 20 years of quality life to enjoy and hobble around in pain unable to enjoy most activities.
Your choice. Just like the vaccines.