Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
Why are you mocking this term? What are you a fucking idiot? Don't answer. The answer is obvious.
I received information as the day went on yesterday from not one but several people (one very credible) that shed some light on the situation and how and why it came to be that HH and I crossed paths 16 years ago. What is so fucking hard to understand about that? Except that you don't want to understand. You want to troll.
God you have turned into a fucking troll no different than a coach belly.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
I know Ed fairly well, and I have done a few buissness deals and AP stuff with him. He was always on time, reliable, more than fair, competent, and very easygoing/ easy to deal with, he did a great job with good results and the numbers were always correct. I never worried one bit if I was going to get pied, and he maintained good communication. He is the kind of guy I would trust with the keys to my house and to hold bankroll money.
Im 100% confident he wouldn't purposely dodge a bet and he had no ill intentions. All the same goes for Boz(Perhphs not the easygoing part.)
I hope to do stuff with both of them in the future if the opportunities should arise.
So of the several people that privately contacted you to explain how it was that HH had met you, which they remembered but you did not, one was "very credible".
Well that's reassuring. But I wonder about these less credible people that contacted you to explain to you how you had met HH 16 years ago. Can they really be trusted? Maybe they were gaslighting you into believing you had met HH when in fact you had not!
The mind boggles at the possibilities.
Hopefully over the coming days as it comes further into focus for you you will be able to sort it all out.
My challenge still stand, and I'll pony up 5ks risk free cake if the kewl-J will arrange the demonstration to show us his prowess-ability to count multiple table, at the same times, hey hey.
I'll leave it to you guys to debate the details of what kind of limits, time spent, and overall profits, but I don't think it's a stretch to believe that KJ has/does make money at Blackjack. I would have to say it's much more likely than not.
How accurate does the count have to be? Someone might not have an exact count and miss a few cards, however, you can disregard unknown cards and still know you should change your focus to that table. I don't think he ever claimed that he's sitting there keeping a perfect count on two tables at once consistently. It's just something someone uses when the opportunity arises to help increase their EV.
I also challenge the even-bob/spike to prove his roulettes style but he wouldn't pony up, either, hey hey.
He wrote that he forgot about the bet.
Yeah right, then it came into focus after he got called a piece of shit welcher on this forum.
Is that a legit reason not to pay a lost bet..."I forgot"?
I asked how long after the bet lost did he forget?
What reason could there be to not settle up before you forget, or can even claim that you forgot?
Last edited by coach belly; 11-20-2024 at 01:08 PM.
How hard is it to count cards.
I'm a total ploppie
Yet even I counted cards
It's really not that hard. Even a caveman could count cards lol
I made the minimum bet at the El Cortez
When I had a good count, I just doubled my minimum bet. It was kind of fun and just did it for the experience.
I remember one guy that sat at my table and went big when the count went positive
The pit boss went through the discard deck
1st time I saw that
I got up to leave. I felt uncomfortable that the pit boss was looking at a game I myself was playing
Maybe that was kewlj
It is not ideal but missing a card, or even several cards, because your view is blocked or because you had to act on your hand and couldn't get a look at the second table at just the right time, really has little effect. It is equivalent to if that card or couple cards missed were behind the cut card, increasing the penetration just slightly.
Take you "spotters" on a card counting team. they often are tracking multiple tables, 3,4 sometimes more, looking for the best count. They may miss a card here or there or even mis-read a card because it often at some distance. It really has little effect. Stanford wong did extensive work in this area.
And that is all tracking a second table is. Almost the exact same as the spotter situation except you are playing one table and "spotting" or tracking the second.
Unfortunately this technique is almost non existent now, because of few tables (more carnival games). There are a few good places where tables are set in a manner it can be done. South Point for one. ya know, if you are a player that can play there.
But really it is almost gone now. Finding a casino set up just right, with other conditions just right is like finding a FP VP machine. rarer and rarer.
BUT if you can, it really adds to your EV. Not quite double but close.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
terapined, it is good to see you sticking around, weathering the round of BULLSHIT that these asshats are hurling at you.
This is how these insufferable dolts work: no worries, just stay the course and laugh at 'em like I do.
In the end, as we all should know, "It don't mean nothin', just words on a screen."
Verbal jousting with these trolls does help assuage one's "itch" for combat and confrontation, there is that.
What, Me Worry?
You keep forgetting that you denied SP was where your alleged backrooming took place.
Of course at first you suggested it was, then when MaxPen searched the online court records and no suit or settlement involving SP turned up, you claimed it had all been misdirection.
Then subsequently several times you forgot your story had changed and made reference to being barred from SP.
Let me anticipate your response - Oh you were trespassed there for some other incident. Which of course will not be consistent with what you have said about your limited experiences with heat previously.
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