Knew THAT was coming.
I flew Spirit both coming and going on my recent east coast trip. I like Spirit. Low prices (discount airline) and you can pick your own seat. they also offer a bigger front row seat (front 2 rows) as well as several rows of the middle seat blacked off for just a little extra money, so you are not crammed in. This was the first trip I did the middle seat blocked off. I think that is relatively new. I usually do the bigger front seat.
I also like that spirit has a red eye from Vegas to Phila, which I usually take and did this trip as well. That means you don't lose an entire day like you do when flying from Vegas to Phila with the time change. Take a little nap on the red eye, wake up and your ready to go...start of a new day.
So there were some hints that things weren't going well at spirit. My return flight this trip, a direct flight was cancelled as were a number of stop over options about 3 weeks prior to my trip. So I picked a 1 hour stopover in Denver which was pretty much on the way. Added very little to my flight time home. then less than a week before my trip, that was also cancelled. And again, several other options were cancelled at that time. It left me with one option of flying from Phila to Orlando, layover and then on to Vegas. pretty much doubled my flight home time.
With so many flights cancelled at the last minute I figured they were in trouble, so today's news doesn't surprise me. But I do like Spirit. Much better than other discounts carriers like Frontier. So I hope they get their act together and survive.