I was playing the strip up and down for about 8 hours yesterday afternoon/Evening. There is no one here! Well, no more than any other Thursday in November heading into a non holiday weekend. Possibly the Formula one fans will be arriving today as the race isn't until Saturday. But, my guess is the novelty of F1 in Vegas has already worn off in only the second year. We will see. Id even be interested in the dickhead Dawgs take on it.
I think they signed a multi-year deal.There are other annual events that don't bring in huge crowds, but they bring something to a usually slower period. The difference between that and F1 is the major disruptions it causes. I have to wonder if Vegas is a good fit.
One good thing though, Vegas is treating it like a major event that brings in a lot of people and that means there are more tables open with dealers just looking for someone to play.