View Poll Results: Who is the biggest liar?

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  • KewlJ

    8 53.33%
  • Mdawg

    7 46.67%
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Thread: Biggest liar

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    A lot of people who voted that UNKewlJ is a compulsive liar didn't bother to vote this time, for reasons I explained above, amounting to "repetitive poll burn out." AxelWolf the first time voted that UNKewlJ was a compulsive liar, this time because his feelings are hurt over my calling him out as an inept alcoholic, voted a different way.

    Dan the Dandruff Man revised his opinion of UNKewlJ and MDawg over the years, in terms of deciding that UNKewlJ was all washed up and MDawg was the COOLEST. Why do you think he sits by and allows UNKewlJ to be excoriated? He knows UNKewlJ brought all this on himself and deserves the scorn, not the least of which for his incoherent n word sputter when at a loss for words (which is often, quality, not quantity).

    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    a lot of the trolling aimed in your direction comes as a result of years of lying both here and on other forums. I think you should look inward regarding why you get trolled so much.

    Of course among the biggest lies of all is that UNKewlJ doesn't care about all this....

    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm not sure what is more deluded thinking - you believing anyone believes your stories or you telling everyone you don't really care.
    Hey look here ^^^….the two biggest brain dead liars/losers on the internet talking shop about some worthless poll lololololol…..any wonder both are from the negro species?

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Wait a minute. MORE people think that MDAWG is a bigger liar than KEWLJ? WHAT THE FUCK? Kewlj FAKED HIS OWN DEATH! Mdawg did NOTHING of the sort!
    Look at this floor-shitter, feigning outrage over a poll that means nothing. Tasha, I don't give a shit about this poll or what other may decide about it, but it is a poll about VCT and YOU keep bringing up something from 14 years ago from another forum. Something that I admitted and explained by the way. When has Mdawg admitted to anything except a couple times when daddy wizard spanked his butt and told him to admit that he lied.

    And Tash, if you want to look at shit from 14 years ago and from other forums, just imagine the shit we could dig up about you? WOW!

    I am reminded of the old proverb about living in glass houses and throwing stones.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  3. #63
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am reminded of the old proverb about living in glass houses and throwing stones.
    KJ, I doubt that Karen is widely read or educated enough to grasp the meaning of the proverb.

    Try rewording it; dumb it down to her level, e.g. "Don't shit the bed."
    What, Me Worry?

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I am reminded of the old proverb about living in glass houses and throwing stones.
    KJ, I doubt that Karen is widely read or educated enough to grasp the meaning of the proverb.

    Try rewording it; dumb it down to her level, e.g. "Don't shit the bed."
    Sees mammie, even Santa Claus do’s it in public. I’s didn’t do nuffin wong.

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  5. #65
    Originally Posted by mdawg
    FOUR versions of the lie:

    1) Never went to college, never got his degree

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I didn't have the opportunity to go to college
    "I have done fine making money without a college degree."

    "I have been pretty open about my education and not having the chance to go to college"

    "You haters like to call me uneducated because I didn't have the opportunity to go to college as I had planned. " (And, like the lying chameleon that he is, trying hard to put himself in the company of people who also never graduated college, but did well.)

    2) Went to college and graduated

    "I graduated college in 2014 and moved to Las Vegas and moved in with my brother. "

    3) Went to Villanova but attended only 1 year, no degree

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    But I did well enough to have been accepted at a private catholic university on Philadelphia's exclusive mainline. I only attended for one year.
    4) Went to Villanova attended 3 years, dropped out, got his degree online

    Bottom line is this pathological liar can't even keep his lies straight. Again.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  6. #66
    I can't believe the retard let it slip that he loses on average $20,000 a month gambling.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    I can't believe the retard let it slip that he loses on average $20,000 a month gambling.
    Given enough rope, these guys usually hang themselves.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Translation: "HELP PEOPLE!!--These guys have completely undressed me for the phony I really am, and if someone doesn't step in SOON to help my lies to be believed, I'm gonna hang myself!!"

    Pure fucking gold.....
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  9. #69
    You can literally see Dawg go into desperation, panic, manic mode when he has been exposed like he has been a number of times recently and was again today.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  10. #70
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    "HELP PEOPLE!!--These guys have completely undressed me for the phony I really am, and if someone doesn't step in SOON to help my lies to be believed, I'm gonna hang myself!!"[
    Well now, it's about time the two of you engaged in meaningful self reflection; good start, but I fear that if followed to its logical conclusion the result will bea couple of appropriate suicides.

    My suggestion: join a cult instead; embrace and espouse their bullshit instead of your own; remake and reinvent yourselves yet again.
    Last edited by MisterV; 12-17-2024 at 12:01 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer
    What an idiot. As your entire life again gets shaken like a tumbling house of cards by none other than Shack and the dawg, you take your pussified self, in the heat of the moment, out of the picture supposedly on some fairy bicycle ride that could be better stated as a suicide run at this point.

    You should have stayed in school. I just exposed another of your lies and you do what losers always do: deflect and hope no one notices.

    I then mocked you for not doing what you said you were gonna do regarding your nemesis MDawg, and all you could do is look like the big fool he's been making out of you for a long, long time.

    Smart money says you cry yourself to sleep every night. That's called Music To Everyone's Ears!
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #72
    KewlJ (7) 50.00%
    MDawg, MHF, pinchingyourballs, Rob.Singer, smurgerburger, soxfan, Tasha

    Mdawg(7) 50.00%
    AxelWolf, jdaewoo, kewlJ, Keystone, mickeycrimm, Midwest Player, theywontpayontuesday

    Fun little fact, this is not a tie. Although it has appeared to be a 50/50 tie with 7 votes each, 3 of the votes for KewlJ being the biggest liar are from Robsinger, Tasha and Mdawg and they're all known liars, so at least one could be lying about the biggest liar and the only person who voted for Mdawg which is questionable is kewlJ. Mdawg wins the vote and is's Biggest Liar Is Mdawg

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    KewlJ (7) 50.00%
    MDawg, MHF, pinchingyourballs, Rob.Singer, smurgerburger, soxfan, Tasha

    Mdawg(7) 50.00%
    AxelWolf, jdaewoo, kewlJ, Keystone, mickeycrimm, Midwest Player, theywontpayontuesday

    Fun little fact, this is not a tie. Although it has appeared to be a 50/50 tie with 7 votes each, 3 of the votes for KewlJ being the biggest liar are from Robsinger, Tasha and Mdawg and they're all known liars, so at least one could be lying about the biggest liar and the only person who voted for Mdawg which is questionable is kewlJ. Mdawg wins the vote and is's Biggest Liar Is Mdawg
    MDawg, how many times will you quote me?

  14. #74
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post's Biggest Liar Is Mdawg
    Dawg has posted winnings of $400,000 over the last 3 days, as part of $1.2 million dollars over the first 33 days of the year. All while casino personnel love him, congratulate him, comp him out the ass and pat him on the back. What is not to believe?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post's Biggest Liar Is Mdawg
    Dawg has posted winnings of $400,000 over the last 3 days, as part of $1.2 million dollars over the first 33 days of the year. All while casino personnel love him, congratulate him, comp him out the ass and pat him on the back. What is not to believe?
    View Poll Results: Who is the biggest liar?Voters 15.
    This poll will close on 02-13-2025 at 02:02 AM

    KewlJ (8) 53.33%
    DGenBen, MDawg, MHF, pinchingyourballs, Rob.Singer, smurgerburger, soxfan, Tasha
    Mdawg (7) 46.67%
    AxelWolf, jdaewoo, kewlJ, Keystone, mickeycrimm, Midwest Player, theywontpayontuesday

    Even more against MDwg 8-7.

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by theywontpayontuesday View Post
    KewlJ (7) 50.00%
    MDawg, MHF, pinchingyourballs, Rob.Singer, smurgerburger, soxfan, Tasha

    Mdawg(7) 50.00%
    AxelWolf, jdaewoo, kewlJ, Keystone, mickeycrimm, Midwest Player, theywontpayontuesday

    Fun little fact, this is not a tie. Although it has appeared to be a 50/50 tie with 7 votes each, 3 of the votes for KewlJ being the biggest liar are from Robsinger, Tasha and Mdawg and they're all known liars, so at least one could be lying about the biggest liar and the only person who voted for Mdawg which is questionable is kewlJ. Mdawg wins the vote and is's Biggest Liar Is Mdawg
    My overall impression is that Mdawg tells tall tales about basically one thing, his casino wins, while Kewlj tells little white lies and misdirections about a million little things in his life for no particular reason.

  17. #77
    I don't get how MDAWG was voted biggest liar when Kewlj FAKED HIS OWN DEATH. That automatically makes KEWLJ the biggest VCT liar. Mdawg has NEVER lied. Mdawg is always 100 percent honest.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  18. #78
    Why is this retard posting things her master tells her to.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I don't get how MDAWG was voted biggest liar when Kewlj FAKED HIS OWN DEATH. That automatically makes KEWLJ the biggest VCT liar. Mdawg has NEVER lied. Mdawg is always 100 percent honest.
    I find it funny you don't like KJ because KJ is too close to home making up some stories about who is like you did with your socks and Rob.Singer is too close to home with MDawg to call MDawg a liar. I don't have anything against you because you do it for lulz. MDawg did something for you getting you reinstated right so you're also a little grateful in your opinion accusing KJ and not comparing MDawg with his lies being stated by you. You act like MDawg bought you, no slave jokes intended.

    Changed by AI

    I understand why you might find it amusing that KJ's stories seem to hit close to home. However, it's important to recognize that everyone has their own perspective. While I don't have anything personal against you and acknowledge that some posts are made for entertainment, it's crucial to maintain respect in our interactions. Comparing different individuals' honesty and actions should be done thoughtfully and without implying any harmful stereotypes

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I don't get how MDAWG was voted biggest liar when Kewlj FAKED HIS OWN DEATH. That automatically makes KEWLJ the biggest VCT liar. Mdawg has NEVER lied. Mdawg is always 100 percent honest.
    It's extremely unlikely that anyone in history has told the truth 100% of the time. Even the most honest people occasionally tell white lies, omit details, or misremember things. Here’s why:

    1. Human Memory is Imperfect
    Even if someone intends to be truthful, misremembering events or recalling details incorrectly means they’ve technically said something untrue.
    Studies show that memory is reconstructive, meaning people unintentionally distort facts over time.
    2. Social Etiquette Requires Small Lies
    Everyday life involves harmless deceptions:
    "I love the gift!" (even if they don’t).
    "I’m fine." (when they’re not).
    "It was great seeing you!" (when it wasn’t).
    Avoiding these would make social interactions difficult.
    3. Survival & Practicality
    Throughout history, people have sometimes needed to lie to protect themselves or others (e.g., hiding people during war, bluffing in negotiations).
    Even religious or philosophical figures known for truthfulness have likely withheld information or softened reality for the sake of kindness.
    4. Children & Early Development
    Studies show that children begin lying as early as age 2 or 3, usually to avoid trouble or get attention.
    If someone were truly 100% honest, they’d have to never have lied as a child, which seems almost impossible.
    Has Anyone Ever Come Close?
    Figures like Abraham Lincoln ("Honest Abe"), Immanuel Kant, or religious figures (e.g., Jesus, Buddha, Confucius) were known for their commitment to truth.
    However, even they may have used parables, diplomacy, or omissions, which technically aren’t full truths.
    So while some people have lived remarkably honest lives, absolute 100% truthfulness in every situation, at all times, across an entire lifetime? Highly unlikely.

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