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Thread: Review: "PizzaCake" in Harrah's Las Vegas

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I agree that Pizza Rock is the best Vegas pizza I've had thus far. I felt Secret Pizza was decent but overrated.

    Keep in mind that Pizza Rock isn't nearly as good as the best NYC pizza joints, but as far as Vegas pizza goes, it's the best I've had. At least the counter pizza is, which is different than the restaurant pizza for some reason!

    When I went there in 2022, they refused to sell me the counter pizza while in the restaurant. The manager eventually compromised that I could have the counter pizza in the restaurant if I bought an entire pie... so I did!


    I have gained 20 pounds since this picture was taken. Draw your own conclusions.
    You look a LOT younger in that recent picture than the picture you showed of yourself a few years ago.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    I don't eat from local pizza joints I eat Little Caesars usually (EXTREMELY good value pizza about $57 including tax, tip, and fees for 4 pizzas, 2 sodas, and 10 garlic sauces I live with 9 other people, so everybody can eat 3 slices and there are two slices still left. . and Domino's when I want to splurge. I spent about $113 for Dominos a couple of months ago as a splurge treat.
    As far as pizza chains go, I am surprised at how good Mountain Mike's Pizza is. I like it a lot better than Round Table.
    Mountain Mike’s is very good. Years ago when I ate a lot of pizza I used to go back and forth on who made a better one, Round Table or Mountain Mikes.

    I don’t recall exactly because its been so long, but I think I finally decided that if I just wanted a small personal pizza Mountain MIkes was a little better, but if I wanted a large combo I preferred the Round Table King Arthur Supreme.

    Been a long time since I’ve had it, but if I wanted a quick by the slice I used to love to grab a slice from Costco,

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Been a long time since I’ve had it, but if I wanted a quick by the slice I used to love to grab a slice from Costco,
    It's still only $2.00 a slice Ben ($1.99). And a whole Costco pizza is still only $10.99. When I go to Costco to shop, I'll often have a slice in the food court before going home. Unfortunately, they eliminated the combo - so you either have to buy cheese or pepperoni slices. I get pepperoni.

  4. #24
    Most people know by now how shitty that kind of packaged cake really is unfortunately. I feel like gagging even thinking about trying that cake again. Nice Try Boz trying to triangulate Nathan.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Been a long time since I’ve had it, but if I wanted a quick by the slice I used to love to grab a slice from Costco,
    It's still only $2.00 a slice Ben ($1.99). And a whole Costco pizza is still only $10.99. When I go to Costco to shop, I'll often have a slice in the food court before going home. Unfortunately, they eliminated the combo - so you either have to buy cheese or pepperoni slices. I get pepperoni.
    Oh that’s a bummer they eliminated the combo! Used to be my favorite slice.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Oh that’s a bummer they eliminated the combo! Used to be my favorite slice.
    They used the covid scandemic as the excuse and then never brought it back after the scamdemic.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I agree that Pizza Rock is the best Vegas pizza I've had thus far. I felt Secret Pizza was decent but overrated.

    Keep in mind that Pizza Rock isn't nearly as good as the best NYC pizza joints, but as far as Vegas pizza goes, it's the best I've had. At least the counter pizza is, which is different than the restaurant pizza for some reason!

    When I went there in 2022, they refused to sell me the counter pizza while in the restaurant. The manager eventually compromised that I could have the counter pizza in the restaurant if I bought an entire pie... so I did!


    I have gained 20 pounds since this picture was taken. Draw your own conclusions.
    You look a LOT younger in that recent picture than the picture you showed of yourself a few years ago.
    Thank you?

    I was 50 in that picture above. It was taken in June 2022.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Agree the cake is horrible. It’s made in a factory somewhere filled with chemicals so it lasts for weeks. Also deceptive packaging that makes it look bigger. The machines are in airports all over the country now.

    But I’ll also disagree on the pizza, it mediocre at best. Maybe for the strip it’s “ok” but like Secret Pizza it’s nothing special. Shocked you liked it, not shocked you complained about the cake. Dude you should make a YouTube series of you HEBing these places for $10 a pop.

    So many good pizza places in Vegas like Pizza Rock, Evil Pie, Yukon, Naked City and more to say Buddy’s is “good” pizza.
    My friend, Al, who is a very successful financial manager -- and also helms a perv pop band -- is a pizza fanatic. He maintains his list of about 600 pizzas he has sampled with reviews and commentary.

    He took us to Pizza Rock, one of his top 20 I think, a couple of years ago. There is another pizza place in LV that is in his top 10, but I would have to check with him on that. He has a condo in Manhattan and one in AC, so he has sampled all the famous NY pizzas.

    That's my segue to mentioning there seems to have been some pizza conference in LV this past week. I saw people wearing pizza aficionado shirts, but I haven't followed up to see what was going on.

    In case you are wondering what a "perv pop" band is, I will link to one of Al's bands videos, "Crack in Her Hand." LOL. Hey Boz, they also did a song, "Christmas in Hazleton."

  9. #29
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I will link to one of Al's bands videos, "Crack in Her Hand." LOL.
    "I like it, Mr. Clark: good beat, you can dance to it...I give it an 85."

    "Crack in her hand and he doesn't understand:" how true that is, but I thought the drug of choice in appalachia was fentanyl these days?

    Isn't crack passe?

    Tell your fanatical pizza-loving, finance managing, perv-pop playing pal that the hill billies have moved on from uppers to downers; time for some downbeat music, like shoegaze.

    What, Me Worry?

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I will link to one of Al's bands videos, "Crack in Her Hand." LOL.
    "I like it, Mr. Clark: good beat, you can dance to it...I give it an 85."

    "Crack in her hand and he doesn't understand:" how true that is, but I thought the drug of choice in appalachia was fentanyl these days?

    Isn't crack passe?

    Tell your fanatical pizza-loving, finance managing, perv-pop playing pal that the hill billies have moved on from uppers to downers; time for some downbeat music, like shoegaze.

    Al truly loves his pizza. His pizza ratings are a decades-long serious obsession, of which Al has quite a few, and I love him for it.

    Since the holidays are coming up, here's some Christian iconography put to good use in "Touch Me Now."

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    His pizza ratings are a decades-long serious obsession
    I'm very interested in this. Can you post his top 20?

    A old friend of mine grew up in Hazelton, he went to HS with Joe Maddon.

    Buddy Valastro is a neighbor of Alan's brother.

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    His pizza ratings are a decades-long serious obsession
    I'm very interested in this. Can you post his top 20?

    A old friend of mine grew up in Hazelton, he went to HS with Joe Maddon.

    Buddy Valastro is a neighbor of Alan's brother.

    I'll email him over the weekend and request a top 20 listing.

    In the meantime, let me find his "Christmas in Hazleton" song or video -- it's pretty old. Found it -- it was shot during the pandemic, so it was made under quarantine. They shot a couple of videos working under those restrictions. The song is about spending Christmas in Hazleton with his girlfriend, who happens to be a prostitute.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I agree that Pizza Rock is the best Vegas pizza I've had thus far. I felt Secret Pizza was decent but overrated.

    Keep in mind that Pizza Rock isn't nearly as good as the best NYC pizza joints, but as far as Vegas pizza goes, it's the best I've had. At least the counter pizza is, which is different than the restaurant pizza for some reason!

    When I went there in 2022, they refused to sell me the counter pizza while in the restaurant. The manager eventually compromised that I could have the counter pizza in the restaurant if I bought an entire pie... so I did!


    I have gained 20 pounds since this picture was taken. Draw your own conclusions.
    You look a LOT younger in that recent picture than the picture you showed of yourself a few years ago.
    Thank you?

    I was 50 in that picture above. It was taken in June 2022.
    You were FIFTY in that picture? You looked EXTREMELY young for 50! You looked around THIRTY in that picture!
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  14. #34
    Maybe Druff is the one to finally split that Brillo pad of hers. Hey Tasha, you interested in that Hebrew Hammer?

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Maybe Druff is the one to finally split that Brillo pad of hers. Hey Tasha, you interested in that Hebrew Hammer?
    Boz, I already accused Todd of this.

    Hebrew Hammer is a good one but that makes it sound big and powerful. I would have liked you to have said Dinky Dreidel instead.

  16. #36
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Hey Karen, have I got a money making play for ya: have a raffle and raffle off your virginity.

    Some gal did it years ago and made more than twice what Rob made on one VP pull.

    "“Every woman has to decide on her own if it is worth to give her virginity for free to a boyfriend who maybe later on will break up with her, rather than selling it,”
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Hey Karen, have I got a money making play for ya: have a raffle and raffle off your virginity.

    Some gal did it years ago and made more than twice what Rob made on one VP pull.

    "“Every woman has to decide on her own if it is worth to give her virginity for free to a boyfriend who maybe later on will break up with her, rather than selling it,”
    Thinking the Wizard will get in that. He is rumored to have sold his soul (integrity) for much less sexually.

    Hey a guy has to do what a pervert has to do. Even the smartest guy in the world thinks with his cock sometimes.

  18. #38
    Did I just read that Tasha lives with 9 fucking people?

  19. #39
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Did I just read that Tasha lives with 9 fucking people?
    But of course.

    Still living "at home," such as it is, in what has to be a very crowded duplex...EPIC FAIL, but no surprise.

    Such is the fate of unskilled Jamaicans who migrate to the USA: hello, poverty...greetings, hopelessness.
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Did I just read that Tasha lives with 9 fucking people?
    Technically, I only live with FOUR other People. It's a DUPLEX. Each side of the Duplex has 5 people.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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