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Thread: What's going on?

  1. #1
    Biden called back to Whitehouse from holiday in Delaware.

    Harris whisked from airport to Whitehouse in motorcade with sirens blaring.

    Fences reported to being erected around perimeter of Whitehouse.

    Final election certification from states due Thursday.

    Pennsylvania reported not to have submitted their results to national archives.

    F-16 Fighters scrambled into air off the coast of Atlantic City to investigate orb.

    But do not panic...tewlj continues to lie.

  2. #2
    Do any of you childless cat-men care about anything but yourselves?

    Low T roll call... AIQueer, AnalWolf, Bozo, dung jaewoo, Kuntstone, cum breath tewlj ....

    Who am I missing...Mr V? least half a fag, marrying into fatherhood, when he could not father his own child?

    You're all douchebags, so own it like V does.

    Anybody not named is cool by me.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Not sure what this is, but in a world gone mad, it's good to know kew's pathological lying is the one solid thing we can all rely on.

    Lift an experience from here, copy an AP argument from there, restate some quotes and reconfigure previous forums' professional bj player explanations in 10,000 words or less rambling essays in order to sound convincing in his own twisted and sad mind....concoction in it's most pathetic state.

    Insecurity....incompetence....self-loathing.....incomparable weakness.

    The Undeniable Truth about the real life of kew. Suffering and torment beyond words.


  5. #5
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Do any of you childless cat-men care about anything but yourselves?

    Low T roll call... AIQueer, AnalWolf, Bozo, dung jaewoo, Kuntstone, cum breath tewlj ....

    Who am I missing...Mr V? least half a fag, marrying into fatherhood, when he could not father his own child?

    You're all douchebags, so own it like V does.

    Anybody not named is cool by me.
    Asst Coach is in a good mood. His Taiwanese teenage boy blow up doll must have arrived from Amazon last night…should be a very Merry Xmas for him!!!!!

  6. #6
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Who am I missing...Mr V? least half a fag, marrying into fatherhood, when he could not father his own child?

    Oh, you're confused...You see, when I married my first wife it was a package deal as she had a daughter from a prior marriage.

    What's this slur about me being unable to father my own child?

    My wife conceived and gave birth to our son and I've zero reason to believe she was unfaithful: as an atheist I don't believe in The Immaculate Conception: I save that superstitious bullshit for Friday fish eaters and bible thumping snake wranglers.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Biden called back to Whitehouse from holiday in Delaware.

    Harris whisked from airport to Whitehouse in motorcade with sirens blaring.

    Fences reported to being erected around perimeter of Whitehouse.

    Final election certification from states due Thursday.

    Pennsylvania reported not to have submitted their results to national archives.

    F-16 Fighters scrambled into air off the coast of Atlantic City to investigate orb.

    But do not panic...tewlj continues to lie.
    The Deep State might be angling for a direct war with Russia. That way, marshal law can be declared and Deep State tool Joe Biden and his ilk can stay in power. I received a letter four days go from my bank stating that my Russian stocks will be reported as blocked property to the US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) due to blocking sanctions put into place (i.e. these stocks are now frozen) by OFAC. Fortunately, I own only very small positions in a couple Russian gas/oil stocks, so it doesn't matter to me. Any U.S. brokerage customer with a large percentage of their net worth in Russian stocks has effectively been wrecked. This is of no concern to Deep State shit stains obviously - they will create enemies (such as other Super Powers like Russia) as needed.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    You are
    dung jaewoo

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    zero reason to believe she was unfaithful
    Married young to a woman with a child?

    Gee, I wonder why it didn't work out.

    I'm ordering a DNA test to determine junior's paternity.

    I'll have Maury contact you with the results.

  10. #10
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Married young to a woman with a child? Gee, I wonder why it didn't work out.I
    I'll tell you the main reason...drugs.

    I was a young, struggling lawyer and while I drank and smoked weed I eschewed hard drugs; alas my wife learned to like them and I jumped off that crazy train.

    She stopped using long ago and she regrets losing me: as an example of her regret note that though she married and divorced after we divorced she never took her new husband's last name, she always kept using mine, and she still does.

    The gal loves me and kicks herself in the ass for losing well she should.

    Oh well, we make our choices.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #11

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