Ban UNKewlJ. Incapable of change will continue with the n word and antisemitism.
And V if he doesn’t cease his racist stories.
Ban UNKewlJ. Incapable of change will continue with the n word and antisemitism.
And V if he doesn’t cease his racist stories.
Last edited by MDawg; 01-06-2025 at 08:00 AM.
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at:
I might be inclined to agree but for a couple things.
Your rules do not prohibit racist / classist comments.
There is a rule against harassing, but the problem I see, and one reason I chose to pen my screeds, is the selective enforcement by Dan Druff: Dan, you say posters cannot harass each other yet you cast a blind eye to the years of harassment of KJ by MDawg, Singer, and a coterie of butt licking camp followers.
Perhaps you should reevaluate your priorities for enforcement of rules?
Why should I stop if you permit those guys to continue their harassment?
You see, when your rules specifically ALLOW insults yet prohibit harassment and you cast a blind eye to enforcement...well let's just say things get real murky.
Think of Tasha as a "test case:" I would be happy to cease posting if YOU would start enforcing the rules FAIRLY and not allow ongoing harassment of KJ as seems to be your wont.
What, Me Worry?
Insults aren’t the issue per se. Gratuitous racism is.
Like pointing out that UNKewlJ has been identified as a male prostitute or compulsive liar is fine. Calling him a f out of nowhere is not.
When UNKewlJ and Jung Woo or Keystone hurl invectives they serve no purpose - they are gratuitous and add nothing to what is being said are merely being offensive for the sake of being offensive.
Does the racism enhance your stories or serve no purpose other than to promote racism?
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at:
Hound, there is no rule prohibiting "gratuitous racism."
There is a rule prohibiting harassment, yet you've blithely ignored it, indeed you've rubbed Dan's nose in it.
Want me to stop?
Then you too must stop.
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander."
Dan, I'm not trying to bust your ass: I am trying to induce you to get off your ass and to muzzle the homophobes.
Last edited by MisterV; 01-06-2025 at 09:35 AM.
What, Me Worry?
Dan the DanDruff Man has made it clear what exactly he wishes stopped. If you and UNKewlJ don't want to follow, he will ban you eventually, I have no doubt.
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at:
This retard needs to get back to posting more fake baccarat sessions.
Maybe, maybe not...You put out a "challenge" about your bullshit gambling claims: I am putting out a "challenge" to Dan: be fair, or explain why you choose not to.
The issue is simple: selective enforcement.
So much bandwidth here is dedicated to YOUR bullshit, homophobic claims about KJ, the homophobic slurs by Singer et al ... bah, humbug.
What, are blacks a protected class here but it's open season on gays?
Is that the way it works?
Last edited by MisterV; 01-06-2025 at 09:50 AM.
What, Me Worry?
He calls him a male prostitute without a shred of proof.
You know damned well what he's posted, I'll not waste more time trying to bring you up to speed on the hound's/ Singer's et al anti-LGBTQ Hate Campaign which Dan has allowed to continue.
Memo to Dan: You wanna coddle blacks? Coddle gays too.
What, Me Worry?
Yes I could but I prefer not to discuss this issue with you, given your bad faith.
What, Me Worry?
kewlJ: My mother has read some of this forum. Probably more that I know. The only thing she has ever said to me about it is to ask why I continue to post here, which happens to be the same exact thing almost all of the decent people I have any association with ask me. And I am out if answers.
also kewlJ: I remain on this forum, for one reason only own entertainment.
Dan Druff is correct in that I for one have pushed the envelope with the use of the term Nig***, specifically hoping it would force him to enforce rules across the board. Just common decency type rules that are already on the books. But in my defense I have never referred to Tasha or anyone else that I know is black by that word.
MrV, while you and I and most normal people correlate the racist comments to homophobic comments, Dan Druff and others on this forum do not. They actually do believe homophobic comments and attacks are alright and fair game. In what little reading I do at PFA, it is clear to me that Dan Druff has some homophobic bigotry in him. So you and I are going to get nowhere telling homophobic people that their homophobic comments rooted in hate, are wrong. THAT is who they are.
accusations of male prostitute, is simply rooted in homophobic hate, not to mention accusations of illegal activity. It is just a really small person, really small man that would say and continue to repeat those kinds of things.
There is some homophobic things that can be said in fun, calling someone who is straight gay, and various other "lite" type comments, but THAT is not what has occurred here for several years now. The comments directed at me on a daily basis are rooted in hate. they are attacks.
And why? Because I, an AP that plays for a living didn't believe dawgs silly story and claims and singer before him.
One other thing: Have I attacked or commented on Singers wife or Mdawg's wife or girlfriend? No. Maybe one or two passing comments, but not repeated attacks like are done to me, my BF, or late spouse or other family members. Again it is a really small man that does that kind of thing repeatedly.
And that seems to be the re-occurring theme here. There are a bunch of really small, lowlife type people populating and dominating this forum.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
Fine...I shall enlighten you.
Accusations of prostitution, be they same-sex or opposite-sex, are not rooted in homosexual or heterosexual bias or hate.
Calling a homosexual man, who is paid by men for sex, a male prostitute, is not homophobic.
Calling a heterosexual man, who is paid by men for sex, a male prostitute, is not homophobic.
Calling a homosexual man, who is paid by women for sex, a male prostitute, is neither homophobic nor heterophobic.
Calling a heterosexual man, who is paid by women for sex, a male prostitute, is neither homophobic nor heterophobic.
Calling a homosexual woman, who is paid by women for sex, a prostitute, is not homophobic.
Calling a heterosexual woman, who is paid by women for sex, a prostitute, is not homophobic.
Calling a homosexual woman, who is paid by men for sex, a prostitute, is neither homophobic nor heterophobic.
Calling a heterosexual woman, who is paid by men for sex, a prostitute, is neither homophobic nor heterophobic.
I know that must seem like a lot for a small-minded person, such as yourself, to take in, but it's really just common sense.
Last edited by coach belly; 01-06-2025 at 11:35 AM.
Yeah what about calling a gay man who is not paid by men to have sex, or engaged in that thing at all a male prostitute? (over and over) Is that homophobic coach belly?
whatever you want to call it, It is slander and character assignation and for the simple reason that I don't believe dawgs bullshit story.
belly, you threw a hissy fit when I repeated what another member had stated about you and teenage boys. Now you defend the very same actions.
Bottom line is Mdawg has engaged in an agenda of discrediting everyone and anyone that has ever publicly doubted his stupid story and claims. Started entire threads here and at that other forum he owns and posts on for 20 some members here an at WoV. Separate threads for each member. I have born the brunt of it, the worst of it, but it is an agenda to discredit anyone that has ever doubted his story.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
If it’s good enough for Dave Chappell it’s good enough for here.
This one’s for you Tasha!
You have admitted and posted here about having consensual sex with adult men.
It's not that much of a stretch to assume that you were somehow compensated, or that you compensated others for those actions, considering the environment that you inhabit.
It's certainly not hateful to assume that, and not sure why it would be so discrediting that it would concern you.
Do you care about what people here think, or not? You're sending mixed signals.
It isn't much of a stretch? Do you assume that all straight men that have sex with women compensate the women?
So I can just assume, every time you have had sex with a woman you have paid for it?
I mean maybe you have, but that IS A STRETCH to assume that. But that is what you people do all the time. And YES it is homophobic! But like I told MrV a few posts back, we aren't going to convince homophobic, racist or bigoted people that you are homophobic, racist or bigoted. You think that is acceptable.
Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".
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