Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.
Of course you can know them without experience...readers know about those things because they read stories in books and on forums.
The difference is people like you regurgitate stories they have read to further their contrived appearance as an expert with experience.
For instance...Dung jaewoo repetitively fantasizes about who is retarded...does that mean he is retarded himself?
Then take Keystone (please)...he appears to know all about gay sex and who is having gay sex, but does that mean he has had homosexual experiences?
OK...maybe those are bad examples.
[QUOTE=DGenBen;189534Maxpen turned you on so hard? Even with the asexuality?[/QUOTE]
Even old, brittle dry would can catch fire.
What, Me Worry?
Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.
Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.
Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.
I am glad to get my full posting rights back!Thank you Dan!
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at:
Why isn't this retard posting more fake baccarat sessions?
Originally Posted by MDawg
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
MDawg Adventures carry on at:
All the nonsense aside....kew obviously will get back here, as he always does, as soon as it hits him again that his real life has very little value, he has zero productive qualities, his crossed-wires social life has led him into an inescapable/going nowhere dark hole, and that because he has no friends, he has no one to tell his pathetic lies to.
In short, his life is absolutely nothing without this forum, and he knows it. He needs to be constantly telling lies about himself & those who've been able to peg his phoniness--and be spewing hate about everyone else--in order to cope with his totally sad and meaningless life.
Rob, you missed your calling. You would have made a fortune as a life coach. Especially if you took some kickbacks from morticians (my sister-in-law was a mortician).
And I swear, that is my final post here. I think it sums up VCT nicely.
Boz, I have a few good stories to share vis-a-vis The Western. But Todd has to decide who he wants posting here. People who have actually done things in the world of gambling that are verifiable, or whether he wants anonymous pretend gamblers with handles like accountinquestion.
At some point, I'll tell some "The Western" stories on my blog. The "Oh My God, Look at all the blood!" story was a bit of an eye-opener for me.
Have a good one.
I guess I hit back too hard. I was interacting with half smoke about AI and lines. You went out of your way to be an ass. Now we get this.
Outside of your combo pompous+wrong posts I don't think I fuck with you but you want to go there and so I return fire.
Todd has nothing to do with this .. what crazy pills have you accidentally swallowed? Own up to your actions.
I may be a pretend gambler but I can pay $500 tax bills. I also posted a fanny pack with 100k in it in top of a VCT note. No one suggested it was fake. But sure, I pretend and you go on and on about pickem tournaments where your loss is capped at a few hundred.
The best part is redietz congratulates singer for doing what i did to redietz EXCEPT I am not stalking redietz or being a prick to every sincere post he makes. Redietz - ignore me and I'll go back ignoring you. But when you go out of your way to be a prick I'm hitting back. It is weird how oblivious you are. Just because I'd never trust you with my name. You have nothing to lose but many of us do otherwise. If you'd just stick to your stories and experience and I'd never fuck with you. But nah you look for a chance to be an ass, take it, then get clobbered my a world class troll and so now you want to cry victim. Grow the fuck up.
Why is redietz such an important personality to you? Why would you let ANYONE upend your life like this?
Not trying to argue and the issue is really irrelevant, but there is a point to be made as it relates to your post above: no one commented that your pic of cash was real OR fake because no one cared one way or the other. OTOH, as you've seen, I could post a pic of a dollar or $400k--all real--and multiple characters here would waste little time whining about how both are "fake", not because they are, but because they want and need them to be.
Popularity & successes do affect the senses.
Thanks Druff, for getting rid of redietz.
Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.
People commented on yours because of the idea you spent time buying fake money actually thinking it would fly with this crowd.
I really don't want to rag n drag redietz here but you both share this trait of trying to gain legitimacy. Good stuff.
But please tell me how my life was upended? Please?
Pretty fucking sure kewl is more important to you, btw.
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