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Thread: Kenny Chesney to have mid-2025 residency at the Sphere

  1. #1
    Kenny Chesney will have 12 performances at the Sphere, starting in late May. He's the first country artist to perform there.

    Chesney, 56, had a brief marriage in 2005 to Renee Zelwegger, which was annulled. The annulment reason was listed as "fraud". Many suggested that the fraud was Chesney actually being gay, and Zelwegger wanting out, but Chesney insisted that it was just a legal term which allowed them to get the annulment quickly.

    Chesney has supposedly been in a relationship for 13 years with a woman named Mary Nolan. However, very little is known about Nolan, and some believe she might be a beard. Chesney has gone out of his way to keep his relationship details private, and they haven't been seen anywhere together except at a few major events.

    Coming out as gay would ruin Chesney's career, as that wouldn't go over well in the country music world. It would make sense that he would have tried to enter a sham marriage in order to quell gay rumors, and then enter a sham relationship after the marriage failed.

    If I had Chesney's career and were gay, I would also probably keep it quiet.
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  2. #2
    Lots of stories and rumors down in the “Saints” where he spends most of his time he’s gay. They say he’s into the black boys and a keeps a few around at all times.

    True or not, who knows? These things spring to life and grow once started as his rumors did with the divorce you mentioned. Guy is still an incredible talent and I’ve seen him in multiple venues big and small across the country. He puts on a helluva show and is high energy the entire time.

    Saw him a decade ago at old Hard Rock in Vegas at the Joint and it was my favorite show of his. Played for hours and did covers with Grace Potter including the only time he ever did “Hot Legs”. He’s well worth seeing live if you like his music, the Sphere will only add to the experience but prices are going to be high. VIP is already available around $900 a ticket.

  3. #3
    I saw him once, when he was opening for Tim McGraw in 2001, at Glen Helen Pavilion in Devore, CA.

    The way this came about was kinda strange. I was sitting in a chat room, and a girl appeared there and asked if there were any country music fans present. I said that I was, and she opened a private chat with me, and told me that she had two tickets to the McGraw/Chesney concert, but her friend was sick. At first I was sure this was some kind of scam, but she insisted that not only wasn't it a scam, she didn't want any money. She was going to treat me to the concert, and just wanted company!

    The only thing she asked of me was that I would drive, as she didn't enjoy driving long distances. We both lived in Redondo Beach at the time.

    I agreed to this, and didn't even care what she looked like. It was a free concert, and she seemed nice enough, so why not?

    Anyway, I picked her up, and she was a few years younger than me, Guatemalan or something. Totally didn't expect someone like her to be into country music, but she was. She didn't have an accent, though, and was born in the US. Fairly pretty, but not really my physical type.

    She was very sweet, softspoken, and fun to be around. The tickets were in a shitty location way back, but I didn't care.

    Kenny Chesney did a good job with his opening songs, and then he turned it over to McGraw, who also performed well.

    I was a complete gentleman the entire time, but the girl was actually making moves on me, first leaning on me, then taking my hand, and then kissing me. I thought to myself, "It's too bad she's not my type, because otherwise I'd totally be into her. Seems like she'd make a great girlfriend." At some point she told me that her type was tall white guys near her age, so that was exactly me.

    At the end of the evening when I dropped her off, she told me she had a really good time, found me very attractive, and really wanted to see me again. I said I also had a good time and that I'd contact her, but I sent her like one or two messages through the chat interface, then ghosted. Very nice girl, but I just wasn't feeling it.

    To this day, it's the only country music concert I've been to in my life.
    Check out my poker forum, and weekly internet radio show at

  4. #4

  5. #5
    These are the Druff stories we get at Druff’s other forum or if you listen to his radio show. The guy is full of them, many are hilarious and he’s a master storyteller.

    Shameless uncompensated plug for PFA Radio.

  6. #6
    Why would him being gay ruin his country career?

    Isn’t there a lot of overlap with gay & country like assless chaps & such?

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Why would him being gay ruin his country career?

    Isn’t there a lot of overlap with gay & country like assless chaps & such?
    They took this guys #1 song off the Billboard Country Charts saying it didn’t qualify. I can think of 2 reasons why.

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  8. #8
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Fairly pretty, but not really my physical type.
    So you mean that she wasn't a guy?

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    The guy is full of them
    He's full of something...maybe it's himself?

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    if you listen to his radio show for the HSDD.

    No wonder you and V are simpatico with Tasha.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    To this day, it's the only country music concert I've been to in my life.
    I've never been to a "country music" concert but I did go to a blue grass festival once in the Deep South.

    Good times.

    Anecdotally, we wanted to score something good to smoke and my buddy found a guy selling hashish: that was kinda unusual, he bought some.

    Narcs must have been watching because they swooped in, grabbed my buddy and seized the dope; much to their dismay they had to let him go after further examination: turns out he was burned by the seller and only got what the narcs told him was cow shit.

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    What, Me Worry?

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Chesney, 56, had a brief marriage in 2005 to Renee Zelwegger, which was annulled. The annulment reason was listed as "fraud". Many suggested that the fraud was Chesney actually being gay, and Zelwegger wanting out, but Chesney insisted that it was just a legal term which allowed them to get the annulment quickly.
    The fraud is that he thought he was marrying a sane person but turns out she's bananas. You have to be a little nuts to be that successful and prolific. All the greats are a touch crazy.

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