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Thread: The old Western Casino on Fremont

  1. #21
    Standing up after your team of guys say the coast is clear isn't particularly brave. Not to the extent the label bravery is put upon him. The guy has lived on the edge all his life. Seemingly teetering around insolvency at times. He was also impressive when he went up those stairs after covid. (Didn't get the vax?) He tried hard to stand tall and not show he was winded. I think he's fairly tough in many ways and bravery could be part of that.

    However his standing up after being told the coast us clear doesn't really mean that much to me. His fans though who was looking for any positive personality trait to bestow him will see it quite quite differently.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How did he get around required military doctor’s examinations to get reclassified?
    A private doctor falsely submitted the "bone spurs" diagnosis to the draft board as a favor to Fred Trump, the oaf's father and the doctor's landlord.

    also see
    The rich didn't serve in the Vietnam War. They had ways around it. It was a poor man's war.
    Which I'm fairly certain is the case with most wars. GWB got to fly fighter jets IIRC.

  3. #23
    And we should ALL be very thankful for what Trump's doctor supposedly did--which may have saved his life. Some people end up serving their country in ways that transcend military service, and Trump certainly has done that, in spades. It's almost like I can't wait to see what he's been doing as each day begins. The same with 77 million others--and very likely tens of millions more by now.

    The rest can eat cake....and watch MSNBC.

  4. #24
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Ah, the power of wealth and privilege.

    Sure, give him a bye for dodging the draft and then whining about McCain having been taken prisoner in service of this once great land.

    Hey Rob, doesn't it strike you as "funny" that your hero, the orange oaf, went to a MILITARY SCHOOL where by report he supposedly enjoyed his time there, but when he graduated he said "Uh, no thanks, fuck the country; yeah I could serve but I'd rather not. Hey dad, bribe the doc and save my punk ass."

    It shows his character, or the lack thereof, which has been on full display now for many years.

    How people can actually believe this lying pant load mystifies me.

    I've little problem with his politics: I simply think he's a piece of shit on America's shoe.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Sure, give him a bye for dodging the draft
    I simply think he's a piece of shit on America's shoe.
    You're a piece of shit if you think anyone should be conscripted.
    Finish what you

  6. #26
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Don Perignom View Post
    You're a piece of shit if you think anyone should be conscripted.
    I didn't make up the rules, boyo.

    What you or I think about whether people should or should not have been conscripted to fight in 'Nam is irrelevant: please focus on the issue.

    The law at that time required that a man of his age had to report for duty unless he had a valid reason for deferment, and the evidence shows that Trump falsified his medical records to get his deferment.

    Why give him a bye for that?

    He displayed craven cowardice, and all of his tough guy talk these days is just word salad.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-22-2025 at 05:03 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    What you or I think about whether people should or should not have been conscripted to fight in 'Nam is irrelevant: please focus on the issue.
    I think they shouldn't, and you think they should.
    Finish what you

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And we should ALL be very thankful for what Trump's doctor supposedly did--which may have saved his life. Some people end up serving their country in ways that transcend military service, and Trump certainly has done that, in spades. It's almost like I can't wait to see what he's been doing as each day begins. The same with 77 million others--and very likely tens of millions more by now.

    The rest can eat cake....and watch MSNBC.
    I get the feeling you actually think to yourself that you're getting under someone's skin.

    You seem like a dude who has lived a life full of delusions.

  9. #29
    Once again, just like all those liberal judges who came out whining & lying over Trump issuing pardons to J6 hostages (a great slapdown!) and that whacky dike "bishop" who tried to lecture Trump with her post-DEI nonsense at services, it's enjoyable watching all the belly-aching that you guys and they know they can do nothing about. May I suggest--as has Time magazine--community crying sessions!??

    It's a GREAT time to be alive!!!!

  10. #30
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Don Perignom View Post
    I think they shouldn't, and you think they should.
    Kind of.

    At the time the war got going I had mixed feelings as to where I stood: as an example, I went to DC on May Day to observe the protests against the war (antiestablishment) and that night floated down the Potomac on a river boat with my date from Sarah Lawrence, living La Dolce Vita on a dance cruise put on by her college (establishment).

    I'd grown up reading Sgt. Rock comics and studying military history, especially WWII and the concept of war intrigued me.

    But in the late sixties I started doing drugs and hanging with "undesirables;" I grew my hair long and voted for McGovern.

    But then I grew up.

    With experience I realize that a strong military is what got us to where we are today and it is still needed in order to compete on the world stage, and if there aren't enough volunteers to fill the ranks then a draft is the best solution.

    Why shouldn't a young man be required to go into harm's way to defend his nation?

    Hello, social contract.
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Why shouldn't a young man be required to go into harm's way to defend his nation?

    Hello, social contract.
    Imagine my shock.
    Finish what you

  12. #32
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    What, were you a draft dodger too, like Trump?

    Run off to Canada for a couple years, did you?

    Did you also falsify a claim of bone spurs?
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    What, were you a draft dodger too, like Trump?

    Run off to Canada for a couple years, did you?

    Did you also falsify a claim of bone spurs?
    I love that you opposed the draft when you were draft-age.

    And now that you're in the clear, you favor it.

    Very convenient.
    Finish what you

  14. #34
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Don Perignom View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    What, were you a draft dodger too, like Trump?

    Run off to Canada for a couple years, did you?

    Did you also falsify a claim of bone spurs?
    I love that you opposed the draft when you were draft-age.

    And now that you're in the clear, you favor it.

    Very convenient.
    I view it as a sign of maturity; by the time I finished college I was a libertarian, at least I've always voted that way since then, and I've accepted and understood the need for a draft.

    BTW I never actively opposed the draft: I never ran away, lied, or refused to report as my number was never called.

    To differentiate my situation from Trump's: I was never drafted; I had a 2-S college deferment (as did he...til he graduated), and my parents never paid a sawbones to falsify my medical records to FRAUDULENTLY earn a deferment.

    Had I been drafted I would have reported: fact is, I'd probably have enlisted in the Air Force, but that's a story for another time.
    Last edited by MisterV; 01-22-2025 at 06:20 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    And, to differentiate my situation from Trump's: I was never drafted; I had a 2-S college deferment (as did he...til he graduated), and my parents never paid a sawbones to falsify my medical records to FRAUDULENTLY earn a deferment.
    I'm too young to have been at risk then, and too old to be eligible now (unless I move to Ukraine). But I would certainly attempt to dodge any draft, given the opportunity.

    I don't even participate in conga lines.
    Finish what you

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by Don Perignom View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    What, were you a draft dodger too, like Trump?

    Run off to Canada for a couple years, did you?

    Did you also falsify a claim of bone spurs?
    I love that you opposed the draft when you were draft-age.

    And now that you're in the clear, you favor it.

    Very convenient.
    I view it as a sign of maturity; by the time I finished college I was a libertarian, at least I've always voted that way since then, and I've accepted and understood the need for a draft.

    BTW I never actively opposed the draft: I never ran away, lied, or refused to report as my number was never called.

    To differentiate my situation from Trump's: I was never drafted; I had a 2-S college deferment (as did he...til he graduated), and my parents never paid a sawbones to falsify my medical records to FRAUDULENTLY earn a deferment.

    Had I been drafted I would have reported: fact is, I'd probably have enlisted in the Air Force, but that's a story for another time.
    Biden on the other hand,
    Oh wait....
    Laces Out!__DAN!

  17. #37
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Don't wait...I'm no fan of Biden, let 'er rip...
    What, Me Worry?

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Don't wait...I'm no fan of Biden, let 'er rip...
    Just thought you were cool with his 5 deferments.
    Carry on....
    Laces Out!__DAN!

  19. #39
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Trump and Biden both avoided service as each had a 1-Y deferment: Biden for asthma, Trump for bone spurs.

    Frankly I've no problem with the notion of deferments, so long as they are based on fact and not fraud: I myself had a 2-S.

    Trump has caught flak for allegedly falsifying a claim of bone spurs, but thus far I've not heard anyone claim that Biden's deferment was also based on fraud.

    But to be fair, both men were active, healthy and engaged in sports back then: both could and arguably should have served.

    But hey, what's the point of having money if it can't buy you influence and help you avoid life's unpleasantries?

    Is this a great country, or what?

    What, Me Worry?

  20. #40
    How the Fuck did you all go from the Western to the TDS thread??
    I miss the Western Casino.
    Good Times.
    Great Full Pay and Better Games.
    This might be controversial but Good Food!
    They had the best Cinder Block rooms in town.

    Quick Story.
    I was playing drunken 21 with a friend over there.
    Some Jig didn't have enough to double his 11.
    So, I doubled it for him.
    Not only did he not give me the winning double, but he kept my 2-dollar bet too lol!!
    Lesson Learned.
    Last edited by monet; 01-22-2025 at 08:25 PM.

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