Tracey Nix has been found guilty of negligence in the death of her 7 months Granddaughter, Uriel. Tracey already had a Grandchild die in her care, her Grandson Ezra. Ezra drowned in a pond while Tracey was babysitting and accidentally fell asleep. Ezra walked into a pond and drowned.
She was not charged with Ezra's drowning death as it was ruled a tragic accident. Kaila Nix, Tracey's Daughter and Kaila's husband who is also the father of both Ezra and Uriel forgave Tracey for Ezra's death. They didn't allow her to be alone with their other Son, an older brother to Ezra and Uriel understandably.
They ALWAYS did supervised visits with Uriel and Tracey understandably, but one day, Kaila had a hair appointment and allowed Tracey to take Uriel to lunch with about 5 other Adults that Kaila knew and trusted. The assumption was that Tracey wouldn't be ALONE with Uriel, Uriel would have 6 Adults watching her. After lunch, Tracey kidnapped Uriel without the other 5 Adults permission or acknowledgement.
Tracey went home and forgot Uriel in a hot seat for HOURS while she played with her dog and played piano. Tracey's Husband came home with the surviving Grandson and that's when Tracey remembered she left Uriel in a hot car and rushed out and saw that poor Uriel was dead too, the second Grandchild to die in her care.
Kaila and her Husband got told the devastating news that their child was dead. Kaila and her Husband were understandably confused and replied something like,"We know Ezra is dead, he died last year."
The bearer of bad news replied something like,"Uriel died too a few hours ago. Kaila and her Husband were understandably devastated at this horrible and horrific news and saw their poor baby's dead body. Kaila pressed charges against Tracey for Uriel's death and Tracey was arrested. Tracey's mugshot has her inexplicably SMILING when she should have had either a zoned out zombie look, looked sad, or scared. Tracey was found guilty in negligence this month, a lesser charge than what she was facing, Negligent Manslaughter. She has been sentenced to 5 years behind bars and there are talks about Kaila wanting to reinvestigate Ezra's death as well.