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Thread: Right now on Mars...

  1. #1
    Right now on Mars, Martian TV is broadcasting special news reports about the latest alien spacecraft that landed. Local police and military forces have set up no travel and no fly zones so that the alien spacecraft is kept "in the dark" about their populations and technology.

    Earlier, Martian military intelligence identified the incoming alien spacecraft, tracked it, and when it was determined it would land in a Martian desert, far from urban and living areas, they decided to let it proceed. But they were standing by to shoot it down if it came close to any populated area.

    Meanwhile there is intense debate between government and University officials about whether or not they should finally allow communication with the alien craft. For years they've been intercepting TV broadcasts from Earth and they are worried that all Earthlings are either criminals, fighting wars, have psychological problems, or make horrible noises in front of large crowds (what we call singing).

  2. #2
    What if an alien probe landed on our planet? Would we rush out to hold signs up that said "welcome"? Or would our military isolate the probe, observe it from a distance, and hide any sign of life from it? Would we want the alien probe to see us, measure us, report back about us? Or would we try to gather our own intelligence about the probe and who or what sent it here? And of course that would be fine for a probe landing in some desert or jungle or maybe in the sea. But if we thought the probe was heading for New York's Central Park or Times Square or the White House lawn would we allow it or would we shoot it down?

  3. #3
    Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) was a GREAT movie for this LOL!

    I can't possibly answer such staggering questions, but just the other day a retired USAF official said there were 2 UFO crashes at Roswell.

    I would have to guess if it appeared to be a harmless visit the government might want to cover it up, but if dangerous it would hit the evening news.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by Count Room View Post
    if dangerous it would hit the evening news.
    That is an interesting question. Would the government cover up the danger of an invasion? Remember the movie Deep Impact? The government had knowledge of two asteroids/meteors headed to earth and covered it up till the last minute just as it was about to launch the shuttle missions to destroy the meteors?

    And what happened? Rioting, panic, hoarding.

    Would our government really trust us with the news about alien life forms attacking? Would we still pay our taxes? Still go to work? Still respect authority? Would all society collapse? If we knew that alien life even visited us here, would we still have the same respect for government and authority that we have today?

    Last edited by Alan Mendelson; 08-08-2012 at 08:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Yes, I actually saw that movie and it was pretty depressing to watch because it was just an unintelligent asteroid. Morgan Freeman was great as the President in it. I wish I could answer these deep questions you're asking.

    I do think the critical line drawn would be somewhere around the perception as to whether the alien force presented a danger (or not) to society. Asking me what the reactions of all of Earth's 7 billion inhabitants would be in this situation leaves me befuddled! (except that it would be a tremendously diverse range of reactions, most likely)

  6. #6
    Do you remember the James Whitmore movie "The Next Voice You Hear"?? It's about God speaking to the world through radio and TV and once the world became convinced it really was God... well, I don't want to ruin it. Great movie.

  7. #7
    That one I haven't seen, Alan, no....but I'll look into it.

  8. #8
    I haven't either, but I sure would like to watch it and see the facial reactions of a few atheists who think they have it all figured out, from behind their ACLU desks and gay marriage platforms.

    The only way to treat visiting aliens here is with respect unless they come in with guns blazing. Anyone who can get here from places obviously too far away for our technology to detect them, really wouldn't want to waste their time getting here just to have a war. Plus the odds would be that they could wipe us out in a blink--just as any alien inhabitants would think we could do if it were we who traveled to their planet. Forget about the entertaining nonsense on TV.

  9. #9
    So what's new on Mars? Bright stuff. Since it looks to be Martian what if the "bright stuff" turns out to be a mineral that's highly valued on Earth such as gold or platinum? What if the bright stuff is raw diamonds? That would certainly start a new space race.

    Imagine the headlines: Diamonds on Mars. On your mark, get set, go-ooooooo!!!!

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