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Thread: I filed my first W2G form! :)

  1. #21
    For the doubters heres me holding the money edited for privacy plus some other wins I got that day when I cashed out.

    Note: the money is green.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Heres a W2G I got for $125,000 on a $7.50 bet which definitely proves I won it.

    Cut off all the other info for privacy.
    Wow, you got $125,000 on a $7.50 bet? That's about 16,000 times your win! What a beyond phenomenal and beyond amazing win!
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Heres a W2G I got for $125,000 on a $7.50 bet which definitely proves I won it.

    Cut off all the other info for privacy.
    See Tasha? That's more believable. You can cover up personal info and show the date and amount.. we don't want to think you are like a certain bj player.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    For the doubters heres me holding the money edited for privacy plus some other wins I got that day when I cashed out.

    Note: the money is green.

    Singer, please take note.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Heres a W2G I got for $125,000 on a $7.50 bet which definitely proves I won it.

    Cut off all the other info for privacy.
    Wow, you got $125,000 on a $7.50 bet? That's about 16,000 times your win! What a beyond phenomenal and beyond amazing win!
    Pretty amazing huh?

    That’s why you save the W2G & take a picture of the green money so you can 100% verify beyond the shadow of a doubt that you actually guaranteed won that money your own self!

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Heres a W2G I got for $125,000 on a $7.50 bet which definitely proves I won it.

    Cut off all the other info for privacy.
    Wow, you got $125,000 on a $7.50 bet? That's about 16,000 times your win! What a beyond phenomenal and beyond amazing win!
    Pretty amazing huh?

    That’s why you save the W2G & take a picture of the green money so you can 100% verify beyond the shadow of a doubt that you actually guaranteed won that money your own self!
    Did you get Casino Staff to walk with you? A Woman asked for Casino Staff Members to walk with her after winning $80,000 on a Wheel Of Fortune game because a HUGE crowd of people rushed to her machine when she won the $80,000, even knocking someone out of his seat by accident who was just minding his own business. The Woman felt uncomfortable and asked for Casino Staff Members to walk with her to the office and pay her with a check in private.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post

    Wow, you got $125,000 on a $7.50 bet? That's about 16,000 times your win! What a beyond phenomenal and beyond amazing win!
    Pretty amazing huh?

    That’s why you save the W2G & take a picture of the green money so you can 100% verify beyond the shadow of a doubt that you actually guaranteed won that money your own self!
    Did you get Casino Staff to walk with you? A Woman asked for Casino Staff Members to walk with her after winning $80,000 on a Wheel Of Fortune game because a HUGE crowd of people rushed to her machine when she won the $80,000, even knocking someone out of his seat by accident who was just minding his own business. The Woman felt uncomfortable and asked for Casino Staff Members to walk with her to the office and pay her with a check in private.
    No I’m a really big guy.

    They did ask “Do you want someone to walk out with you?”

    And I smiled and said Do I look like I need someone to walk out with me?

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    For the doubters heres me holding the money edited for privacy plus some other wins I got that day when I cashed out.

    Note: the money is green.

    Singer, please take note.
    Again, you have no experience with being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in new & unused bills in a casino.

    What you do have experience in is envy of things that happen that you can't cope with. My big win is one; Trump exposing your misguided and wussified "greenie" nonsense is another.

    And oh....don't forget that you're a lonely old man who just didn't quite make the kind of music you were dreaming about making as a little momma's boy all those years ago.

    Keep posting....and keep watching your dreams turn into nightmares.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    For the doubters heres me holding the money edited for privacy plus some other wins I got that day when I cashed out.

    Note: the money is green.

    Singer, please take note.
    Again, you have no experience with being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in new & unused bills in a casino.

    What you do have experience in is envy of things that happen that you can't cope with. My big win is one; Trump exposing your misguided and wussified "greenie" nonsense is another.

    And oh....don't forget that you're a lonely old man who just didn't quite make the kind of music you were dreaming about making as a little momma's boy all those years ago.

    Keep posting....and keep watching your dreams turn into nightmares.
    Greenie nonsense? The records are there from past 2 years what is going on. Reality is reality regardless of Trump. Maybe not to you but shrug thats on you. You're the one who always talks about Trump. How many times since he won the election?

    I never dreamed about making music. Is this dementia speaking? wtf are you going on about? At least make sense dear man.

    You're the guy who claimed you needed your son to carry away all this cash until I did the basic math and we pointed out how lol you are.

    Please post your safe full of money again?

    ty in advance.

    At the end of the day you're the guy who has a history of countless lies and a lifelong attempt to gain credibility. Yet here you are .......


  10. #30
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    What kind of fool would opt to receive cash as opposed to a check for a $1.5M casino win?
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    What kind of fool would opt to receive cash as opposed to a check for a $1.5M casino win?
    I took it in both cash AND a check, dummy, and it was the first time I ever took a check, even for my $200k and multiple $100k jackpots. I brought $400k in cash as you should recall. I left with over $800k in cash, and a check.

    What other kind of fool like you comes out of the backend of a gay jackalope anyway?

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Did you get Casino Staff to walk with you? A Woman asked for Casino Staff Members to walk with her after winning $80,000 on a Wheel Of Fortune game because a HUGE crowd of people rushed to her machine when she won the $80,000, even knocking someone out of his seat by accident who was just minding his own business. The Woman felt uncomfortable and asked for Casino Staff Members to walk with her to the office and pay her with a check in private.
    That be some Uganda tier shit.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    For the doubters heres me holding the money edited for privacy plus some other wins I got that day when I cashed out.

    Note: the money is green.

    Singer, please take note.
    Again, you have no experience with being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in new & unused bills in a casino.

    What you do have experience in is envy of things that happen that you can't cope with. My big win is one; Trump exposing your misguided and wussified "greenie" nonsense is another.

    And oh....don't forget that you're a lonely old man who just didn't quite make the kind of music you were dreaming about making as a little momma's boy all those years ago.

    Keep posting....and keep watching your dreams turn into nightmares.
    Come on everybody. You need to listen to Rob. The money just looked white & unrealistic because it was all new and unused bills.

    Everyone whose ever been paid a large jackpot in cash from a casino before knows that when they pay those, they always do it with new & unused bills.

    It’s not as if money is constantly circulating through the casino or anything like that.

    Casinos always keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in brand new sequentially serial numbered bills sitting around so that when large jackpot winners take cash instead of checks, which is totally the norm for 7 figure wins by the way, they can pay it out easier.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Singer, please take note.
    Again, you have no experience with being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in new & unused bills in a casino.

    What you do have experience in is envy of things that happen that you can't cope with. My big win is one; Trump exposing your misguided and wussified "greenie" nonsense is another.

    And oh....don't forget that you're a lonely old man who just didn't quite make the kind of music you were dreaming about making as a little momma's boy all those years ago.

    Keep posting....and keep watching your dreams turn into nightmares.
    Come on everybody. You need to listen to Rob. The money just looked white & unrealistic because it was all new and unused bills.

    Everyone whose ever been paid a large jackpot in cash from a casino before knows that when they pay those, they always do it with new & unused bills.

    It’s not as if money is constantly circulating through the casino or anything like that.

    Casinos always keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in brand new sequentially serial numbered bills sitting around so that when large jackpot winners take cash instead of checks, which is totally the norm for 7 figure wins by the way, they can pay it out easier.
    Winners DO take cash when they win large prizes. Steve Cyrus said his Client won a HUGE amount like $500,000 and wanted the Casino to give it to him all in cash. Steve Cyrus thought,"This guy's going to blow the entire $500,000 if he gets it in cash!" Steve Cyrus told the Casino Staff Members to give the Client $10,000 in cash and SEND out the $490,000 to him in a check. The Casino Staff Members did exactly that. His Client was pissed that Steve didn't let him get the entire $500,000 in cash but Steve said something like,"You would have blown the entire $500,000 if it had been in cash." The Client played with his $10,000 and Steve and his Client parted ways and each went home. Steve about three days later got a call from his Client saying that his $490,000 check had arrived at his house and he thanked Steve for not letting him get $500,000 in cash. Steve said something like,"If you think me doing a one act of kindness by preventing my Client from getting $500,000 in cash and blowing it away in a Casino means I'm going soft, fuck you!

    So yes, big winners do ask for the money in cash and not a check..
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    Again, you have no experience with being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in new & unused bills in a casino.

    What you do have experience in is envy of things that happen that you can't cope with. My big win is one; Trump exposing your misguided and wussified "greenie" nonsense is another.

    And oh....don't forget that you're a lonely old man who just didn't quite make the kind of music you were dreaming about making as a little momma's boy all those years ago.

    Keep posting....and keep watching your dreams turn into nightmares.
    Come on everybody. You need to listen to Rob. The money just looked white & unrealistic because it was all new and unused bills.

    Everyone whose ever been paid a large jackpot in cash from a casino before knows that when they pay those, they always do it with new & unused bills.

    It’s not as if money is constantly circulating through the casino or anything like that.

    Casinos always keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in brand new sequentially serial numbered bills sitting around so that when large jackpot winners take cash instead of checks, which is totally the norm for 7 figure wins by the way, they can pay it out easier.
    Winners DO take cash when they win large prizes. Steve Cyrus said his Client won a HUGE amount like $500,000 and wanted the Casino to give it to him all in cash. Steve Cyrus thought,"This guy's going to blow the entire $500,000 if he gets it in cash!" Steve Cyrus told the Casino Staff Members to give the Client $10,000 in cash and SEND out the $490,000 to him in a check. The Casino Staff Members did exactly that. His Client was pissed that Steve didn't let him get the entire $500,000 in cash but Steve said something like,"You would have blown the entire $500,000 if it had been in cash." The Client played with his $10,000 and Steve and his Client parted ways and each went home. Steve about three days later got a call from his Client saying that his $490,000 check had arrived at his house and he thanked Steve for not letting him get $500,000 in cash. Steve said something like,"If you think me doing a one act of kindness by preventing my Client from getting $500,000 in cash and blowing it away in a Casino means I'm going soft, fuck you!

    So yes, big winners do ask for the money in cash and not a check..
    Forgive my ignorance but who is Steve Cyrus?

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Originally Posted by DGenBen View Post

    Come on everybody. You need to listen to Rob. The money just looked white & unrealistic because it was all new and unused bills.

    Everyone whose ever been paid a large jackpot in cash from a casino before knows that when they pay those, they always do it with new & unused bills.

    It’s not as if money is constantly circulating through the casino or anything like that.

    Casinos always keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in brand new sequentially serial numbered bills sitting around so that when large jackpot winners take cash instead of checks, which is totally the norm for 7 figure wins by the way, they can pay it out easier.
    Winners DO take cash when they win large prizes. Steve Cyrus said his Client won a HUGE amount like $500,000 and wanted the Casino to give it to him all in cash. Steve Cyrus thought,"This guy's going to blow the entire $500,000 if he gets it in cash!" Steve Cyrus told the Casino Staff Members to give the Client $10,000 in cash and SEND out the $490,000 to him in a check. The Casino Staff Members did exactly that. His Client was pissed that Steve didn't let him get the entire $500,000 in cash but Steve said something like,"You would have blown the entire $500,000 if it had been in cash." The Client played with his $10,000 and Steve and his Client parted ways and each went home. Steve about three days later got a call from his Client saying that his $490,000 check had arrived at his house and he thanked Steve for not letting him get $500,000 in cash. Steve said something like,"If you think me doing a one act of kindness by preventing my Client from getting $500,000 in cash and blowing it away in a Casino means I'm going soft, fuck you!

    So yes, big winners do ask for the money in cash and not a check..
    Forgive my ignorance but who is Steve Cyrus?
    Auto correct changed Cyr to Cyrus. Not surprisingly. By the time I realized that auto correct changed Cyr to Cyrus, it was too late to edit it to Cyr.
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Auto correct changed Cyr to Cyrus.
    I wish I had a name that no one could possibly misspell.

    For example, Ungar.
    Finish what you

  18. #38
    As a frequent recipient of many $10k stacks of hundreds throughout my gaming career, it has not been unusual to receive multiple stacks of new bills at times. It depends when the cash is delivered. Of course, most of you think all the casino does is take their winnings and put bands on those stacks, because that's all you low rollers have seen. They deposit a lot of that stuff, and when they order cash the banks release the new bills they've received first.

    And for the geniuses here--the cash in the pic in my safe was the small overflow from the approx. $650k on the top shelves.

    Believe it....or not! What we know here is some of it bought our new Blackwing which we're told will be delivered in March now. In April were taking it up to Banff, Alberta, then to Goose Bay, Labrador in June after a stopover for a while at home in S. Dakota.

    while most of you continue to rot away in your special little places.......

  19. #39
    About Steve Cyr worrying that his Client would blow the $500,000 if he got it in cash, another guy did just that, blowing away $500,000 in just a couple of hours, YIKES!
    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanently banned.

    Do NOT send Kewlj any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES. Kewlj is prone to bringing up PRIVATE MESSAGES on the PUBLIC part of Websites. Do NOT trust Kewlj with any SERIOUS PRIVATE MESSAGES.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  20. #40
    Diamond MisterV's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Gotta think Cyr is spinning a tall tale.

    After I read the book about him, "Whale Hunt in the Desert" I came away believing he'd do all he could to have those he's hosting lose every penny.

    The more they lose, the more he gets paid by the casino.
    Last edited by MisterV; 02-04-2025 at 03:10 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

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