Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
I don't know if it's poor speak to text (which is what you told me happens to you sometimes), or ? ... but I can't follow much of what you just posted.

But if you can't comprehend that a thread within the same forum that has over a hundred thousand views is more popular any way you slice it than a thread with a few hundred views, then you needn't bother to translate whatever it was that you just posted. And if you can't follow that both WOV and VCT's Alexa ranks are much higher when I am active and posting, than when I am suspended and not posting, then once again, there's no point in your translating for me whatever it is you were trying to say.
MDawg got martingaled at WoV much harder than others. Like I said at one point broke Billryan did eight 3-day suspensions in a row. If MDawg was doing so much for their viewership he probably would have been treated better.
If anything, he was probably hurting the business over there and distracting from their main goal. They need people to click an affiliate links, sign up and make deposits into the online casinos they advertise. I have a feeling WOV makes money on the surface. Obviously, there are people clicking ads and signing up at casinos. However, how many people does it deter from doing so? The general consensus on that forum is that people shouldn't touch online casinos with a ten-foot pole. I don't think there's any way to know how many people would have signed up for an online casino at one of their other sites had they not been put off from what they read there.
I have no idea how it works, but maybe it's all linked up to their other sites and what really matters is all the keywords getting up in the ranking. I'm pretty sure it's the wizard of odds that makes all the money and being linked up with the latest casino bonus website.