Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
I had not noticed this thread before now.

So this running coin through machines seeking a fraction percent back is what Axel does (when he can, sounds like he hasn’t even been able to do much of that, lately)…no wonder then that Axel seethes with rage against anyone who’s actually living large, and pops a boner at the prospect of making a C-note off a garage sale broken laptop.

Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
I've been sitting in bed
I repaired a laptops plug-in Jack I picked up for $4o that's now worth about $180.
But still doing any of this requires getting out of bed…where does he find the time? You gotta push a lot of buttons under a lot of identities to make this sort of machine play worthwhile.
This is Monet’s thread, not Axel’s. But I can tell you people doing this at high levels are very intelligent, disciplined and have to have a large bankroll. It takes work and time like any other job. And some were not very happy with Monet for sharing the information.

You are trying to use anything at this point to discredit Axel and it’s getting old. Almost everyone calls bullshit on you saying and perhaps even believing you have a Baccarat system and it seems to really bother you. To the point of trying to belittle others that are good people in the world offline that matters.