Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
Originally Posted by Keystone View Post

I see you`re posting at Pace Advantage now of all places,as some stupid shit called Special Butter, and they`re voting whether to kick your dumb ass outta there too....you do realize that is a horse racing site right?.....get some help, you are not right in the head
I was just fine at Pace Advantage until I started posting a lot all willy nilly like a crazy person within the last two weeks suddenly after being a Quiet Member for almost 3 years. There is a majority in the Poll that wants to see me banned despite never insulting anyone. Though at least one person did say I MIGHT have a chance to not be banned if I would stop talking so much about Casino Gambling(The Poster mentioned at Pace Advantage they really don't care all that much about Casino Gambling) and start talking nore about Horse Racing.
And... I just got banned from Pace Advantage Forum. I was there for three years and ONE three week posting Frenzy caused me to be banned. I shouldn't have opened up about being banned at other places in an attempt to prevent it from happening again. Even The Head Admin said he wouldn't have asked if I should be banned had I not mentioned being banned at other places. Once again, I mentioned trying to prevent being banned. So, I had 6 more votes saying I should be banned. 6 more. That's really not a lot of extra votes.
PACE only like guys from local orgy tiny butt.