Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
I started to watch it just after you recommended it but I guess I wasn't in the right mood and stopped watching it after about 5 minutes. I think what threw me was the over the top comedy aspect of it. I am hoping to get into the right frame of mind for it so that I can give another go.

Best, TP.
No worries.
I struggled with it too but I pressed on because of how many positive reviews it has.
Truth be told, I watched about 30 minutes that first night and finished it a few days later when I was ready for it.
It deals with the big question of: Does God or the Afterlife Exist?
It is certainly a difficult movie to watch from start to finish.

How about your thoughts on the recent Elon Musk podcast with Joe Rogan?
I'm just impressed that someone like Elon Musk would sit down with Joe Rogan for over 3 hours just shooting the breeze drinking whiskey.
It makes me think of Howard Hughes but I don't recall him giving up his time for such entertainment.
Joe Rogan gets some heavy hitters sometimes.
Kind of Impressive.