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Thread: Jumping the Shark

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  1. #11
    We got as far as Virginia City after we left--a whole 30 miles so far--and we decided to stay nearby for another week before actually hitting the highways because it's so absolutely beautiful up here in these mountains. Oh, how wonderful life can be when you aren't paying the price for getting your priorities messed up! I took a picture of the town made famous by Bonanza and also from inside the Bucket of Blood Saloon for arci, knowing he'll never be traveling anywhere again BTW, if you look into the mirror to the left of a coffee machine, you'll see me snapping the pic with one of our FOUR PHONES + ONE CAMERA that drives "Spock" crazy because he can barely afford ONE!

    I got a little more reading in this time, and what a surprise--my name's mentioned once or twice. I'll start with the part about Frank. He had some very serious personal problems, as anyone should now be able to tell who wants to be able to tell, from his virtual absence from the gaming scene. I sat at a bar in the Silverton and listened to just about his entire life's history, and it isn't pretty but was getting worse. In reality, I BELIEVE this is why he never wanted to know my strategy first hand at the machines, but I am not 100% certain. Arci has his own biased theory which I believe everyone else is laughing at. That's tested genius for you.

    I too would like to see arci's simulations step-by-step, and exactly how he programmed it if he actually did one. I would guess if he did, he plugged in two pay tables, say 99.14% for 100 BP credits at each level if they needed to be played at each level, then maybe 99.7% for the 300 Advanced BP credits for whatever denominations they were to be played at. Then since he has no idea when the special plays are used or what they all are, all he can do is say how they lower EV, so they must create bigger "losses". There are also several other variables outside of special plays that he has no idea are included. And this is exactly why the Wizard did not want to do a simulation of my strategy when I talked to him. It was too complicated and required too much time to do correctly. But not for arci--he's such an exact scientist that when he doesn't want to believe in something, he claims he's done it and is smarter than all others combined! Or at least that's how one would dance away the time in a self-decorated nursing home.

    Either way, if he did it I guarantee he took the easy way out, which is to say that whatever game EV was at the start, the more sessions played the closer to it he came. And that's precisely how it SHOULD look--to a dufus with a hair-on-his-butt agenda. Why even bother when no one argues with the math? What he likely did was, after compiling all known parameters, he gave it a 10,000 sessions command that already was inaccurate because it was lacking in important data as depicted above, and the entire file was corrupt from the start because each session runs into the next and into the next etc., as it systematically works it's way to overall game EV. What I did and what my data shows and you'll someday hopefully see, is run just 300 sims ONE SESSION AT A TIME, restarting the sim after each session's results so that there will be no cumulative corruption that will automatically, mathematically, get you to expectation after time. The results show an 87% win rate with an average win, including the losing sessions, somewhere around $3600-$3800 if I remember correctly. My friend will say there's no difference because his simulation takes it one at a time and there is no influence, but if he knew how simulations work instead of just partially reading up on them on the Internet, he'd know better.

    Then I see arci still can't find that I lived on the Carefree Highway and not in Carefree. More tested genius for you. Keep trying, you'll find it. And I don't know a thing about facebook except that Cindy got some help from Marissa for it. Arci wants to believe because she didn't put up where she went to college other than when she studied Culinary Arts as her hobby (compared to his wife's fateful hobby of sitting for hours at the machines) while I was overseas, or what she did at Honeywell for 33 years, she didn't do any of it. Why not--I mean, compared to his wife, who's been thru and has to look forward to more untold suffering when Cindy's just having a great time in retirement, how else can he build his jealous fantasy in order to bear the truth? Come to think of it, I don't believe Cindy put up that she has two children and some grandchildren, their ages, or where they are these days either. WHY....THAT MUST MEAN THEY DON'T EXIST!! How's that go arci---bwahahahahahahaha? Nah--I prefer It's to the point, and it drives you nuts.

    Arci, please stop insulting the forum host. His life is too much for you too?
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    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 05-20-2013 at 08:02 PM.

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