Originally Posted by monet View Post
Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

I didn't say "all," I said "almost all:" there's a difference.

As for source: I've read various articles online and in the paper, all are consistent in pointing out how the unvaccinated are reaping the whirlwind; see e.g.:

If the minority are vaxxed then it makes sense that the majority are unvaxxed in any situation. Especially when you consider that the vaxxed have no more protection than the unvaxxed.

Notice how nowhere in that article are actual statistics provided. Just broad brushed claims in support of the narrative.

If this country ever gets close to the numbers of vaxxed like Israel or the Seychelles then we will have the same severity of epidemic that they do.
Explain to me why every other Vaccination is a one shot and done ordeal??
This experimental medicine is not a Vaccine.
It is a 6 to 12 month treatment and I refuse said treatment for the time being.
I've never taken any type of Flu Shot either.
I'll stick with Vitamin D and some Zinc.
My wife took the shot so when they make it law, she can go pick up the groceries.
Shingles vaccine is two doses. What do you say now?