America's Untold Stories put up #10 on Alec Baldwin a few days ago.
What was interesting was that other countries have been integrating into our country.
They bring their families and raise up new ones.
They have the intention of pushing their ideology to destroy ours.
And it appears after 60 some odd years it is coming to fruition.
It seems they have used our Melting Pot against us.
You can now see this in the form of our enemies in powerful positions.
Somehow they are in Congress and have become Mayors of large cities.
And they own all forms of our media along with all forms of education.
Not to mention all the corporations and lobbyists.
We won the war but it seems clear we are losing the peace.

Anyways, I enjoy that channel.
Mark is full of information.
So I watched the 3 part series on RFK and Sirhan.
Which led me into the mind control aspect.
I wish they would of talked more about it.
It took 3 episodes of a bunch of redundancy to get to the hypnosis theory.
A Movie Recommendation came out of it that I never seen.
I plan to watch it soon.
Seems to be free on youtube...

Dementia 13 (1963)