Originally Posted by monet View Post
kewlJ only thinks of himself and his current situation.
He is perfectly fine with jailing and executing homosexuals in Muslim Countries because it doesn't affect him personally.
It wasn't long ago in America that being a homosexual was a crime.
Come on mate, I am not fine with prosecution of any group, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation ect. Don't be ridiculous.

It also wasn't that long that blacks like Rob were slaves in this country. But guess what, I live in 2022.

You say the science is flip flopping every 6 months. To some degree, yes. This is a new situation. They are learning new things all the time and re-evaluating. THAT is what science is. Science, math, new technology. I believe in this stuff. Without it, you chose to be Amish and plow your fields by horse. It is 2022, my friend. Embrace it and stop living in the past.