I've been on a crazy downswing and am paper cash broke. I want to take very low 5 figures to LV.. Well I don't want to TAKE it, I would like to just acquire it at the casino.

So I can either wire it.
Or I can get a marker.

Anyone familiar with what the typical process is for the marker? How closely is it monitored what I do with the chips. (I buy in at a poker table.. ) Do they become annoyed? I have 0 intention of not paying it off and would never take more than I can easily pay back.

How about wiring? Say a nice upscale resort in LV. Do I just go to the main cage where you do the chip/tito transactions? Is it typically handled elsewhere? I guess they give me receiving info then when they receive it they give me either chips or a TITO?

My other alternative is to carry around a lot of cash but TBH I don't particularly want to do that although it wouldn't be a biig deal. Or visit my bank in LV but I'd rather figure out this marker deal as it seems like it'd be mightly convienent.

If I pay it back will it be flagged against future usage because I never put the chips in play with my card at a table game?