Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
A solo interview with them will be as meaningless as Mike's last interview with Rob. Mike was too quick to just get the interview going with no real investigation or preparation. I asked him to wait, but he didn't want to. I was quite peeved off since I facilitated it, but whatever. I would've surprised Rob with a double-up bugged machine and had him do it, or guide someone through it. I had a lead on someone who possibly owned some. Theres other things I would've done as well. I wouldn't have played softball. Mike was never going to play hard ball he just wanted content.
I don't want to hijack mickey's thread about sports betting and redietz on GWAE, which I look forward to, so I will make this one post about the topic above. I think you are not giving your friend Shackleford enough credit concerning the Rob Singer interview. Had Mike done what you suggest, it would have scared Rob off and the interview wouldn't have gone far. Mike lobbed softball questions, as you put it, to make Rob feel at ease and not like he was being attacked or challenged. Then Mike asked the question that everyone asks and should ask: Did Rob have any proof to this double up bug claim.

Singer gave his standard answer about having throw away tax information and when Mike pressed him further, Rob said he had purchased a Newell RV with the money, which isn't and never was the least bit believable. Realizing the interview didn't go well, it was like 2 days later that Singer posted pictures of an RV from the dealership that he didn't own, completely exposing himself.

I was on speaking terms with Mike at that time, and I congratulated him via PM on exposing Rob. Mike said something like he knew Rob would take the bait and do something along the lines that he did. Honestly, I don't know whether Mike really planned that out in advance, or it just fell into place and worked out, but either way, Rob ended up exposing himself. And I give Shackleford credit for that. Nothing Rob said or excuses he came up with mattered after that.
Scared him off? I said, surprise him with it. He wouldn't have known until after some questions. It was a terrible interview if the goal was finding the truth either way. and Mikes goal for the interview wasn't about that.