I was also surprised the giftee turned in the guy who was giving him lavish gifts. Surely he'd know that the lavish gifts would STOP if giftee was turned in and then arrested and jailed. I'll bet gifter feels betrayed that his giftee turned him in. When I first read the first post, I thought,"The giftee turned in the gifter? WOW! In MOST cases, it would be a jealous third party who turned in the gifter if say the giftee bragged to a Coworker who had nothing to do with the situation saying something like,"Steve, Rashad gave me a front row ticket to the Lakers VS Warriors game! The Lakers are my favorite basketball team! Rashad also bought me a wardrobe full of Armani Suits! I love Armani Suits! Rashad is so nice to me!" Steve could be thinking,"I wanted a free front row ticket to the Lakers VS Warriors game and a free wardrobe full of Armani So myself! I'm jealous, so I'm going to turn in Rashad's lavish gifts to Management!" It's rarely NEVER the giftee who turns in the gifter. A Poster pointed out that the gifter probably thought he would be in trouble with Rashad for these gifts if he didn't turn Rashad in, which does make sense.