Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
Originally Posted by redietz View Post
Originally Posted by Seedvalue View Post
One more thing Mickey already exposed you as a fraud. The gambling with and edge guys could not even verify you lol. I could get Richard to verify my claims with back up from the top AP and poker players in the world with a few phone calls Those who know me understand I don’t need or care about such things. I literally just want to beat casinos for everything I can. I don’t like Their predatory business practices and I like the cat and mouse game. I really don’t give two Fucks who believes me. The only opinion that matters to me are the ones in my circle. However I think guys like you the rat fucks of the world who snitch to casino surveillance or whoever are low life scum bags. I didn’t think that’s what you were but here we are

Let me get this straight. It's my fault that you reported online that you use other people to routinely move money via wire services. You writing that is my responsibility.

Well, maybe you're right. LOL. Or maybe you need to think a little harder before wandering into topics that undermine you. Nobody has a gun to your head when you post about potentially illegal wire transfers, or you not knowing prostitution is illegal in LV, or you not knowing MoneyGram moves very little money, or you not knowing that anybody sending any amounts to certain countries was on the MoneyGram banned list. I'm sorry if I, unfortunately, knew enough to point these things out.

I suggest sticking to other topics. Maybe poker or Piggy Banking or something.
I remember reading about 40 years ago that prostitution was legal in Nevada. So I thought it was legal everywhere in the state. Years later I learned that Clark and Washoe counties were exempt. Not knowing what the exact law said doesn't mean I was an idiot.

Evenbob Dietz, when you first learned prostitution was legal in Nevada did you learn at the exact same time that Clark and Washoe were excluded from the law? Because if you did you are most likely a rarity. But it's irrelevant anyway. You are scratching for any dig you can get.
He pays for young dick that’s why he knows all
About it.
Myself I always assumed it was legal because of how aggressive the escorts are in the city. I’ve never had to pay for sex so I didn’t know . After Sandusky went to prison red needed to fill the void his cock left so it’s no wonder he’s up on all the prostitution laws