Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
The Mdawg results tabulated by Mission for this 5 year period are now in. Congratulations to Mission for undertaking this humungous task. I know you had your reasons for doing so, but still just a humungous undertaking sifting through 5 years of thousands of posts. I know because I did this for part of one of the reported a trips.

So the 5 year total is +$3,052,705 for baccarat. An additional $1,560, 605 for blackjack for a grand total of $4,613,310 claimed won.

4.6 million dollars won over 5 years playing rated, under the watchful eyes of pit and surveillance monitoring the high limits rooms, and not a single incident of heat, counter-measures taken. To the contrary, Mdawg claims casino personnel pats him on the back and shook his hand telling him "well done". And comped 1000 nights in high end suites to boot. What rubbish!

Not much more need be said. Except, I would like to remind of the many people suspended and left WoV for simply saying they didn't believe this person and his claims. I was suspended for using the word "fiction".


The only other things I would like to mention is that 7 month 2021 trip that I tabulated some results from. Missions results show a total of $2.5 million dollars claimed won during that trip (which is higher than I estimated). I just want to remind people that at the end of that trip after months of posts claiming wins totaling $2.5 million dollars, Mdawg, wrote: "additionally, wizard and I went over my records and I am about even for this trip".

Again, nothing more need be said here. I hope this puts an end to the Mdawg charade of a guy writing a Fictional "tale" and nothing more.

The only remaining interest for me is what Michael Shackleford might comment having seen these results, since all signs say he requested this project.
Nothing more needs to be said then STFU about it.