I just wanted to chime in that there is probably a reason vp machines that return less than 100% are called "negative expectation" machines. It seems to me -- stop losses, win goals, and pixie dust aside -- they would be called something else if there were a way around the fact they will return less than 100%.

It also seems to me that casinos would have the math figured out sufficiently that if everyone adopted Rob's strategy or Alan's ideas, the casinos would not lose money on vp. Call me cynical, but that's the way it looks to me.

So I guess my questions have to do with -- if everyone adopted what either Rob recommends or Alan recommends, what would happen? Because if Rob or Alan is correct, the vp world would then collapse in a heap, as far as casinos are concerned, and they would have to close shop and toss out the vp games.

Am I interpreting this stuff correctly? If everyone were to adopt your strategies, what are you saying would happen?