Let's see how you feel about this. I'd like to start a thread about UP TO DATE TRIP REPORTS.

Since this a forum about gambling I'll start.
This past weekend I went to Laughlin and Vegas. Lost $1400 in Vegas and $2600 in Laughlin (2K of that due to Todd).

How bout any of you guys? how have you done recently? Alan you went to Bellagio this past weekend? how'd ya do? care to share? or do you only Mayweather it? (you're probably out of the loop on that one but maybe one day you'll understand?)

Please I'd love to hear any comments about all the big time gamblers on this forum. Now please exclude the Nash's, Chimp and Fab. Those people really do gamble and have all the respect in the world. but for all the others you can all just live vicariously through your hero Alan and continue to suck his dick and marvel at his wizadry on the forums.

Alan, for the 5th time? Where is Gwen? Do tell?