Listened to Bob Dancer's podcast tonight, with guest Darryl McEwen of Seven Stars Insider:

Dancer made the following untrue/exaggerated statements about CET in 2015:

- Your host should be able to get you $10,000 to $20,000 worth of extra benefits over what you can normally get yourself. If he can't, you need a different host.

- If you want better comps from your host, make sure to approach him/her after you have a losing session. If you only approach your host when you lose, you will get great comps, and then you just don't bother to ask for anything when you win, yet your overall losses will be small (because of the winning sessions), and your comps will be great compared to your losses.

FALSE, on both counts.

That's not how modern CET works.

CET hosts are given discretion mostly based upon your AMT (average marketing theoretical), and NOT your actual losses. While a host has some additional leeway and may be slightly more generous after you've taken a bad loss, it won't be a significant difference.

Furthermore, you will NEVER get $10k-$20k worth of RFB and other benefits out of your host, unless your theoretical loss is several times that. And if your yearly theoretical loss is something like $100k..... well.... let's just say you need to reevaluate your gambling habit, unless you're super rich.

There's no way Dancer is getting $10k-$20k of benefits out of his CET host in 2015.

The only way he could be doing that is if he has found a machine that is generating a grossly incorrect theo -- such as one that is 99% return but generating a theo of 10% coin in loss. But I don't think any of those exist at CET right now, and haven't in awhile.

While I am not exactly a fan of Rob Singer, I think he's somewhat right about Bob Dancer. The guy loves to shoot off his mouth, but a lot of what he says simply isn't true, and a lot of the advice he gives is either antiquated or simply bad.